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Forest covers 37% of Norway’s combined area, almost half of which is made up by the tree species called Norway spruce. The rest consists of mostly pine and birch. It is therefore only natural that spruce forests should feature so heavily on black metal album covers and lyrics. The extreme music genre of black metal, as we think of it today, was birthed in Norway. Although it could be said that its place of origin was accidental, the subsequent use and appropriation of that place’s topographic features was not. Since its inception in the early nineties, the genre has spawned countless bands across the globe, many who take on its misanthropic ethos, but also a deep reverence and respect for nature. Within black metal’s aesthetic, photographs of ominous black tree lines and lyrics about disappearing into the depths of the forest abound – it is almost as if the spruce tree has become its own character in the mythology that black metal has become.

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To degrade lignocellulose efficiently, lower termites rely on their digestive tract’s specific features (i.e., hysiological properties and enzymes) and on the network of symbiotic fauna harboured in their hindgut. This complex ecosystem, has different levels of symbiosis, and is a result of diverse co-evolutionary events and the singular social behaviour of termites. The partnership between termites and flagellate protists, together with prokaryotes, has been very successful because of their co-adaptative ability and efficacy in resolving the needs of the involved organisms: this tripartite symbiosis may have reached a physiologically stable, though dynamic, evolutionary equilibrium. The diversity of flagellate protists fauna associated with lower termites could be explained by a division of labour to accomplish the intricate process of lignocellulose digestion, and the ability to disrupt this function has potential use for termite control. Multi-level symbiosis strategy processes, or the cellulolytic capacity of flagellate protists, may lead to innovative pathways for other research areas with potential spin-offs for industrial and commercial use.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the natural occurrence of Beauveria spp. in soil, from infections in the stink bug Piezodorus guildinii, an important pest of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and as endophytes in bean plant tissue. Twelve conventional and 12 organic common bean fields in the Villa Clara province, Cuba were sampled from September 2014 to April 2015. One hundred and fifty Beauveria isolates were obtained from soil samples, bean plant parts and stink bugs. The overall frequency of occurrence of Beauveria isolates in conventional fields (8.4%) was significantly lower than that in organic fields (23.6%). Beauveria were also obtained significantly more frequently from bean roots in organic fields (15.0%) compared to bean roots in conventional fields (3.3%). DNA sequencing of the intergenic Bloc region was performed for Beauveria species identification. All isolates where characterized as Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo-Crivelli) Vuillemin, and clustered with isolates of neotropical origin previously described as AFNEO_1. The Cuban B. bassiana isolates formed five clusters in the phylogeny. Isolates of two clusters originated from all four locations, organic and conventional fields, as well as soil, plants and stink bugs. Organic fields contained isolates of all five clusters while conventional fields only harbored isolates of the two most frequent ones. Mating type PCR assays revealed that mating type distribution was skewed, with MAT1/MAT2 proportion of 146/4, indicating limited potential for recombination. The present study is the first to report of B. bassiana as a naturally occurring endophyte in common bean. Further, it shows that B. bassiana occurs naturally in diverse environments of common bean fields, and constitutes a potential reservoir of natural enemies against pest insects particularly in organic fields.

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Phytophthora ramorum er et patogen som kan gjøre skade på en rekke vertsplanter og som i Norge har status som karanteneskadegjører. I 2016 mottok NIBIO totalt 383 prøver fra Mattilsynet for analyse for P. ramorum. Prøvene ble analysert med real-time PCR spesifikk for P. ramorum og/eller ved isolering på semiselektivt medium PARP og påføgende mikroskoperng. Prøveantallet inkluderte prøver fra 13 importsendinger, og P. ramorum ble påvist i 6 av dem. En av de positive prøvene var av pyramidelyng (Pieris japonica) og de andre var av rododendron. Sendingene kom fra Belgia og Nederland. Det ble gjennomført kontroller i 40 planteskoler og hagesentre. I 11 av dem ble det påvist P. ramorum. I alt ble det analysert 98 prøver, og det ble påvist P. ramorum i 40 av de. Alle de positive prøvene var av rododendron. Planteskolene med påvisning var lokalisert i Øst-, Vest- og Midt-Norge. I seks av planteskolene ble det gjennomført en ‘baiting’-test av rotklumper fra planter som ikke viste Phytophthora-symptomer på blader eller kvister. I 6 rododendronprøver fra en av planteskolene ble det påvist P. ramorum etter ‘baiting’. Det ble analysert 234 prøver fra grøntanlegg, og det ble påvist P. ramorum i 55 av disse. Alle påvisningene var fra kystområder på Sør-Vestlandet, med unntak av en prøve fra Midt-Norge (Stjørdal)