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I 2019 ble det analysert 1105 prøver av konvensjonelle ferske, fryste eller bearbeidede matvarer og 158 prøver av økologiske matvarer i overvåkingsprogrammet «Rester av plantevernmidler i næringsmidler» som NIBIO utfører på oppdrag av og i samarbeid med Mattilsynet. Prøveuttaket omfattet 120 ulike vareslag fra 65 forskjellige land. Av de 1263 prøvene var 70 % importerte og 30 % norskproduserte næringsmidler. Resultatene viser at innholdet av rester av plantevernmidler i næringsmidler på det norske markedet er lavt. I mer enn 97 % av prøvene som ble tatt ut i 2019, er innholdet innenfor de fastsatte grenseverdiene. Det var ingen funn over grenseverdi i norske produkter.

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BACKGROUND Pollen beetles are key pests in oilseed rape (OSR) production. These beetles use visual and olfactory cues to locate their host plants at specific phenological stages, hence trap cropping may represent an alternative pest control strategy. In this study, a trap crop strategy for spring OSR was developed. To elaborate such a trap cropping system, a pest control measure that eradicates the attracted beetles in the trap crop before they migrate further into the main crop was included in the final trap cropping strategy. RESULTS Testing yellow‐flowering turnip rape and one yellow‐ and two cream‐coloured flowering OSR cultivars as potential crops in different trap cropping strategies, we found that pollen beetles clearly preferred turnip rape over the cream‐coloured and yellow OSR cultivars, and preferred the yellow OSR cultivar over the two cream‐coloured cultivars. This behaviour was related to the plant growth stage and associated volatile and colour signals of the tested cultivars. Using turnip rape as a trap crop and testing kairomone‐ or insecticide‐assisted trap cropping as the pest control strategy was as effective as compared with whole fields treated with a standard pesticide. CONCLUSION Combining a turnip rape cultivar as trap crop with kairomone traps placed in the trap crop as a killing agent may enable renunciation of pesticides in spring OSR production. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry