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This chapter analyses the main challenges and opportunities to promote sustainable biogas technology adoption by smallholders through integrated food and energy systems (IFES), using a case study from Malonga village in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. Biogas has become attractive in recent years because of its multiple benefits and the contributions it can make to the UN SDGs. However, in Africa, its adoption remains low, due to several constraints, including: (1) water scarcity and lack of access to feedstocks; (2) high initial/upfront cost of installation and lack of investment; (3) lack of skilled labour for installation, operation and maintenance; (4) limited training facilities; (5) inadequate policy support and extension services; and (6) slow behavioural and social acceptance. Based on the information collected, integrated framework conditions that can encourage the adoption of smallholder biogas technology through IFES, were suggested. IFES will only succeed in delivering benefits, if the necessary framework conditions, such as adequate feedstock and water, training, policy support, stakeholder collaboration, credit and insurance and support services are provided. The implementation of the necessary framework conditions for biogas technology should be underpinned by conducting an integrated research study on using IFES type 2 in the context of smallholder farmers in Africa.

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Scenarios describe plausible and internally consistent views of the future. They can be used by scientists, policymakers and entrepreneurs to explore the challenges of global environmental change given an appropriate level of spatial and sectoral detail and systematic development. We followed a nine-step protocol to extend and enrich a set of global scenarios – the Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSPs) – providing regional and sectoral detail for European agriculture and food systems using a one-to-one nesting participatory approach. The resulting five Eur-Agri-SSPs are titled (1) Agriculture on sustainable paths, (2) Agriculture on established paths, (3) Agriculture on separated paths, (4) Agriculture on unequal paths, and (5) Agriculture on high-tech paths. They describe alternative plausible qualitative evolutions of multiple drivers of particular importance and high uncertainty for European agriculture and food systems. The added value of the protocol-based storyline development process lies in the conceptual and methodological transparency and rigor; the stakeholder driven selection of the storyline elements; and consistency checks within and between the storylines. Compared to the global SSPs, the five Eur-Agri-SSPs provide rich thematic and regional details and are thus a solid basis for integrated assessments of agriculture and food systems and their response to future socio-economic and environmental changes.

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Rapporten gir resultater fra overvåking av bekker, elver og innsjøer i Vannområde Morsa i perioden 1. november 2018 – 31. oktober 2019. Resultatene inkluderer oversikt over konsentrasjoner av næringsstoffer og suspendert sediment i alle stasjoner, samt tarmbakterier i elver og bekker, og klorofyll og algetellinger i innsjøer. Et faktaark oppsummerer resultatene (Vedlegg 7).


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Measures designed to control erosion serve two purposes: on site (reduce soil loss) and off site (reduce sediment delivery to streams and lakes). While these objectives often coincide or at least are complementary, they could result in different priority areas when spatial planning is concerned. Prioritising for soil loss reduction at the field level will single out areas with high erosion risk. When sediment flux at the catchment scale is concerned, sediment pathways need to be identified in ex ante analyses of soil conservation plans. In Norway, different subsidy schemes are in place to reduce the influx of solutes and sediments to the freshwater system. Financial support is given to agronomic measures, the most important of which is reduced autumn tillage where areas with higher erosion risk receive higher subsidies. The objectives of this study are (1) to assess the use of an index of connectivity to estimate specific sediment yields, and (2) to test whether conservation measures taken in critical source areas are more effective than those taken at where erosion risk levels are the highest. Different modelling approaches are combined to assess soil loss at catchment level from sheet and gully erosion and soil losses through the drainage system. A calibration on two parameters gave reasonable results for annual soil loss. This model calibration was then used to quantify the effectiveness of three strategies for spatial prioritisation: according to hydrological connectivity, sheet erosion risk level and estimated specific sediment yield. The latter two strategies resulted in a maximum reduction in total soil loss due to reduced autumn tillage of 10%. Both model performance and the effectiveness of the different prioritisation strategies varied between the study catchments.


Et stort datamateriale er samlet inn og det er gjennomført mange former for beregninger for store deler av vannregion Glomma med en standardisert metodikk, for å belyse vannkvalitet og tiltak mot fosforavrenning, med hovedfokus på jordbruksareal. Følgende vannområder er inkludert: Haldenvassdraget med Enningdalselva, Glomma sør for Øyeren, Vansjø-Hobølvassdraget (Morsa), Bunnefjorden med Årungen- og Gjersjøvassdraget (PURA), Indre Oslofjord vest, Leira-Nitelva, Øyeren, Hurdalsvassdraget/ Vorma (Huvo) og deler av vannområdene Mjøsa og Glomma...….


Noen av vassdragene på Smøla er påvirket av landbruksforurensing, i hovedsak fosfor og organiske partikler som fører til at vassdragene gror igjen, noe som gir dårligere forhold for ørret. Rapporten skisserer 5 konstruerte våtmarker/fangdammer som skal kunne holde tilbake næringsstoffer og fosfor. Våtmarkene er plassert i vassdrag med stor andel dyrka jord i nedbørfeltet. Våtmarkene består i hovedsak av et dypere sedimentasjonsbasseng, fulgt av et grunt vegetasjonsfilter med våtmarksvegetasjon.