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This report (D2.5) presents a qualitative and quantitative assessment for nutrients and energy regarding circular fertilizers and biogas production from waste resources. A transformation towards sustainable food production for the growing urban population requires improved circular urban nutrient management. Urban agriculture (UA), like any agricultural system, needs input of resources in terms of growth media, nutrients, and water. Resources that are often imported into cities, especially in the form of food, generate urban waste. Current environmental, social, and economic challenges of cities are seen as opportunities that can be derived locally, as this project demonstrates. The domestic organic waste and wastewater contains energy (thermal and chemical) and nutrients that could play a role in the urban circular economy if proper technology and management are applied. Urban organic waste contains relevant nutrients including nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), as well as organic matter, yet less than 5% of the global urban resources are presently recycled. One recycling approach is the composting of urban organic wastes, recovery of nutrients from source-separated urine and anaerobic digestate of blackwater, and biogas and biochar produced as sources of energy. At the NMBU showcase different technologies were assessed to demonstrate how to achieve sustainable and circular urban farming systems. Qualitative and quantitative information about organic fertilizers, making budgets for the nutrient contents of waste resources and organic fertilizer and comparing this with the nutrient needs of the plants in the relevant cultivation area, as shown in this report, can provide better fertilization and less loss to the environment. We need more information on the fertilizer value of waste resources and how these nutrients can be best utilised. Due to the increased interest, more information about health and environmental challenges by implementing circular UA should be obtained


Constructed wetlands (CWs) are a widely recognised measure for reducing pollution loads and improving the quality of surface waters. The removal efficiency of CWs varies considerably depending on system type and design as well as residence time, hydraulic load, particles and nutrient loading rates. Therefore, there is a need to closely monitor the efficiency of existing measures, look at their efficiency in practice and be able to foresee potential implications for their efficiency in light of climate change and land management intensification. This study presents 18 years of data from a typical Norwegian small CW established in the Skuterud catchment. The main objective of this study was to look at the impact of hydraulic load, particles and nutrient loads (depending on climatic factors such as temperature and precipitation) on CW effectiveness. The results showed an average of 39 % and 22 % annual removal efficiency for sediment and phosphorus, respectively. It appears that good CW effectiveness coincides with a combination of high sediment or phosphorus loads to the CW and a stable runoff of low to moderate intensity. At the seasonal level, the highest sediment and phosphorus removal efficiency is observed in the summer seasons (47% for sediment and 29% for phosphorus), when the sediment and phosphorus loads and runoff are at their lowest, and the lowest in autumn (23% for sediment) and in winter (4% for phosphorus). The relationship between removal efficiency and loads to the CW is not that straightforward, as other seasonal differences, such as erosion patterns, vegetation development, also become important. The conclusion based on the results presented is that establishing CWs can be a good supplement to best management practice in erosion-prone catchments with sensitive recipients.


Rapporten inneholder ei sammenstilling av kunnskap om status for miljømessig, økonomisk og sosial bærekraft i norsk jordbruksproduksjon og er svar på et oppdrag som NIBIO fikk fra Landbruks- og matdepartementet i november 2022. Bærekraft er operasjonalisert som jordbrukets evne til å vedvare. Det bestemmes igjen av om det drives på en måte som ikke kommer i konflikt med seg sjøl og sitt eget produksjonsgrunnlag og heller ikke med livsvilkår og ressurser for mennesker og hensyn til naturmiljøet utenfor sektoren. Det er også forutsatt at norsk jordbruk skal levere goder og tjenester i tråd med mål fastlagt i norsk landbrukspolitikk. Dette betyr ikke at konservering av status er et mål. Det kan tvert imot være slik at endringer nettopp er en avgjørende forutsetning for at jordbruket i Norge kan bestå og levere godt i all framtid. Dette skal analyseres i en etterfølgende del 2 av oppdraget. Hovedpunkt fra gjennomgangen av kunnskapskilder og ei sluttvurdering av status for bærekraft finnes i et sammendrag sist i rapporten.

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Vermicomposts and composts prepared from sewage sludge digestate and additives (spent mushroom compost, straw, biochar) after 43 days pre-composting followed by 90 days vermicomposting with Eisenia fetida or by compost maturing were investigated regarding the potentially toxic element (PTE) As, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb and Zn contents. The average increment in the total PTE concentration for the entire process was ten times higher (104 %) compared to the increment solely in the composting or vermicomposting (9.3 and 9.5 %, respectively) after pretreatment. Compared to the untreated digestate the As and Co concentrations in the final mixtures were 26 and 51 % higher, respectively while for the other PTEs 26 ± 9 % average decrease was observed. Total PTE content was the same in composts and vermicomposts. Average PTE bioavailability (water soluble/total concentration) was statistically the same in vermicomposts (2.5) and composts (2.7), but lower in mixtures with biochar (2.5) than without it (2.8).


Program for jord- og vannovervåking i landbruket (JOVA) ledes av NIBIO divisjon for miljø og naturressurser og gjennomføres i samarbeid med Divisjon for bioteknologi og plantehelse, flere av forskningsstasjonene i NIBIO og andre institusjoner. JOVA overvåker jordbruksdominerte nedbørfelt over hele landet, og feltene representerer ulike driftsformer og ulike jordbunns-, hydrologiske og klimatiske forhold. JOVA rapporterer årlig om jordbruksdrift, avrenning og tap av partikler, næringsstoffer. Tap av partikler og næringsstoffer rapporteres for agrohydrologisk år, 1. mai – 1. mai. Tap av plantevernmidler overvåkes i for fem av feltene og rapporteres for kalenderår.

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Agroforestry practices improve soil health which in turn improves crop nutrient concentrations and quality. This study examined how the agroforestry tree Gliricidia sepium intercropped with soybean, groundnuts, or maize affects crop nutrient compositions. The study was conducted in five Zambian chiefdoms for three crop-growing seasons (2019–2022) on 13 farmer-led demonstration trial sites. Seven treatments were tested that included maize, soybean, and groundnut plots with and without Gliricidia interventions. Grain samples were analyzed for crop nutrient contents using standard laboratory methods. Results showed that the treatments significantly (P < 0.05) improved maize nutritional properties except for crude fiber, total carbohydrate, and metabolizable energy. G. sepium intercropping with maize and soybean decreased the antinutritional contents and displayed better functional qualities. All elemental mineral components (except potassium, calcium, and sodium) were higher in the Gliricidia + maize intercrop than in the control treatment. The Gliricidia+soybean intercrop had lower mean mineral concentrations than the control (soybean only) except for Mg, Cu, and Zn. The Giliricidia+groundnut intercrop significantly increased groundnut mineral components except for Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and Iron. It can be concluded that G. sepium intercropped with maize, soybean, and groundnuts significantly improved the crops’ nutritional quality.


Formålet med denne rapporten er å gi en metodebeskrivelse med oppsummering av resultater for ti faktaark (vedlegg til denne rapporten), ett for hver av nedbørfeltene: (1) Borrevannet, (2) ‘Storelva, Dalselva og Undrumsdal’, (3) Merkedamselva, (4) Byfjorden, Vellebekken og Søndre Slagen, (5)Færder, (6)Akersvannet, (7) Vårnesbekken, Rovebekken, Unnebergsbekken og Haslebekken, (8) Istrevassdraget - Ula, (9) Vikfjord og (10) Brunlanes. Tilførsler av totalfosfor til elvene er dominert av arealavrenning fra jordbruksarealer og utslipp fra avløp. Tiltak som vil ha umiddelbar effekt på tilførslene omfatter blant annet oppgradering av private avløpsanlegg, overvintring i stubb på jordbruksarealer, grasdekte vannveier og kantsoner, og etablering av fangdammer. På lengre sikt er redusert gjødsling med fosfor også et viktig tiltak.


Rapporten gir en oversikt over resultater fra dataanalyse over store og ekstreme avrenningsepisoder fra fire felt i JOVA-programmet; Mørdre, Skuterud,Time og Vasshaglona overvåkingsfelt. De representerer ulike jordbruksproduksjoner i ulike regioner. Det er analysert for nedbør, avrenning, tap av partikler, total nitrogen og fosfor. Dokumentasjonen av slike store hendelser kan brukes som del av kunnskapsgrunnlag for vurdering av behov for tiltak. Behov for tiltak er diskutert på webinar med ulike brukergrupper. Se utvidet sammendrag.