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Eva Narten HøbergSammendrag
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Eva Narten HøbergSammendrag
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Intervju – Spill på lag med nytteinsektene i jordbruket
Marie Vestergaard Henriksen, Liv Jorunn Hind
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Pia Heltoft ThomsenSammendrag
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Climate change with fluctuations in weather patterns, environmental concerns, and increased costs of mineral fertilizers all demand adjustment of nitrogen (N) used for forage production. The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of splitting N application in spring on dry-matter (DM) yield, crude protein (CP) content and protein quality of timothy-meadow fescue leys. The trial was conducted during two years at three locations (Kvithamar and Særheim, Norway and Länghem, Sweden). Split N application with 60 kg N ha–1 at onset of grass growth in April and 50 kg N ha–1 in May resulted in the same DM yields and CP concentrations as a single application of 110 kg N ha–1 in April in Kvithamar the first year and Særheim both years. In Länghem both years and for Kvithamar in the second year, a late application two weeks before first cut gave less DM yield than the single full application in April. Split application did not affect the contents of nonprotein N or nitrate.
Nicole P. Anderson Mohammed M. Morad Thomas G. ChastainSammendrag
Orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) is an important forage seed crop, but unlike other cool-season grasses, seed yields have not increased over time. Seed yield increases in orchardgrass may be possible with plant growth regulators (PGRs) such as trinexapac-ethyl (TE) and chlormequat chloride (CCC). Field trials were conducted at Hyslop Experimental Farm near Corvallis, Oregon, over three crop years (2017–2019) to examine the effects of spring nitrogen (N) and PGRs on seed production characteristics in orchardgrass. Spring N treatments included 0, 112, 157, and 202 kg N ha−1 and PGR applications were timed using the BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt und Chemische Industrie) scale. Four PGR treatments included an untreated control, 210 g TE ha−1 at BBCH 32, 210 g TE ha−1 at BBCH 51, and 105 g TE ha−1 + 1500 g CCC ha−1 at BBCH 32. An interaction of spring N and PGR increased seed yields in 2 years, while spring N and PGR increased seed yield independently in the other year. The combination of TE and CCC PGRs did not increase seed yield over TE alone. Seed yield increases from spring N were due to an increase in seed number m−2, while increases in seed yield attributable to PGRs were the result of increased seed number m−2 and harvest index. This study suggests that the combination of 112 kg ha−1 spring N and 210 g ha−1 TE PGR is the best practice to maximize seed yield in orchardgrass.
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Pia Heltoft ThomsenSammendrag
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