Jian Liu


(+47) 464 22 528

Ås - Bygg O43

Oluf Thesens vei 43, 1433 Ås (Varelevering: Elizabeth Stephansens vei 23)


I am a soil and water researcher working on agricultural effects on the environment. By combining research approaches of experimentation, modeling and data synthesis, I study drivers and processes controlling nutrient losses from land to water (and air) at soil core to catchment scales and explore mitigation measures to reduce the losses both at source and during transport. I have research experience in Norway, Sweden, Canada, USA and China. While my current research activities can be found on this webpage, my past research experience included: (1) water and nutrient transport from both surface and subsurface pathways, (2) climate and management effects on nutrient losses, (3) management of soil nutrient, fertilizer, manure and biochar, including place-based phosphorus management (variable rate applications), for crop production and environmental protection, (4) effects of crop management, including cover crops and crop residues in combination with tillage, on water and nutrient cycling, (5) drainage and irrigation in paddy and horticulture systems, and (6) field and catchment phosphorus modeling. Through collaborations with other researchers, students and stakeholders in many countries, my research has also involved soil health, crop production, greenhouse gas emissions, and generally sustainable agriculture.

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Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser

Næringsstoff balanserer og brukseffektivitet for Timebekken nedbørfelt (Nutrient balances and use efficiencies for the Timebekken catchment)

Næringsbalanser påvirker i stor grad risikoen for tap av næringsstoffer fra land til vannmiljøet og bør derfor forstås bedre.

Nutrient balances significantly affect the risk of nutrient losses from land to the water environment, and therefore should be better understood.

Aktiv Sist oppdatert: 29.01.2025
Slutt: des 2025
Start: jan 2024

Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser

Tiltak mot fosfor- og nitrogenavrenning i et endret klima: konflikter og synergier (Mitigation measures for phosphorus and nitrogen under changing climate: conflicts and synergies)

Tiltak for å redusere tap av næringsstoffer er nødvendig, men de virker ikke alltid samtidig eller likt for både N og P, på grunn av forskjellene i deres agronomiske og biogeokjemiske egenskaper og dominerende transportveier.

Mitigation measures for reducing nutrient losses are pressingly needed but they do not always work simultaneously or equally for both N and P, due to the differences in their agronomic and biogeochemical characteristics and dominant transport pathways.

Aktiv Sist oppdatert: 29.01.2025
Slutt: juni 2025
Start: jan 2024
Project image

Divisjon for miljø og naturressurser

ENGAGE: Europe Nutrient Management - Guided Approaches for Greater Export reduction

ENGAGE aims to operationalise a novel vision for the future of multi-scale nutrientexport reduction and associated ecosystem services in national andtransboundary/international river basins in Europe by bringing together robuststakeholder engagement strategies with coupled state-of-the-art computationalhydrology techniques and online interactive use-tailored DS tool approaches that integrate remote sensing, socio-economic, governance, and society-change decisionelements. 

INAKTIV Sist oppdatert: 02.01.2025
Slutt: feb 2028
Start: feb 2025