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Line Nybakken YeonKyeong Lee Dag Anders Brede Melissa Magerøy Ole Christian Lind Brit Salbu Jorunn Elisabeth OlsenSammendrag
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Pablo Moreno-García Flavia Montaño-Centellas Yu Liu Evelin Y. Reyes-Mendez Rohit Raj Jha Robert P. Guralnick Ryan Folk Donald M. Waller Kris Verheyen Lander Baeten Antoine Becker-Scarpitta Imre Berki Markus Bernhardt-Römermann Jörg Brunet Hans Van Calster Markéta Chudomelová Deborah Closset Pieter De Frenne Guillaume Decocq Frank S. Gilliam John-Arvid Grytnes Radim Hédl Thilo Heinken Bogdan Jaroszewicz Martin Kopecký Jonathan Lenoir Martin Macek František Máliš Tobias Naaf Anna Orczewska Petr Petřík Kamila Reczyńska Fride Høistad Schei Wolfgang Schmidt Alina Stachurska-Swakoń Tibor Standovár Krzysztof Świerkosz Balázs Teleki Ondřej Vild Daijiang LiSammendrag
Biological nitrogen fixation is a fundamental part of ecosystem functioning. Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition and climate change may, however, limit the competitive advantage of nitrogen-fixing plants, leading to reduced relative diversity of nitrogen-fixing plants. Yet, assessments of changes of nitrogen-fixing plant long-term community diversity are rare. Here, we examine temporal trends in the diversity of nitrogen-fixing plants and their relationships with anthropogenic nitrogen deposition while accounting for changes in temperature and aridity. We used forest-floor vegetation resurveys of temperate forests in Europe and the United States spanning multiple decades. Nitrogen-fixer richness declined as nitrogen deposition increased over time but did not respond to changes in climate. Phylogenetic diversity also declined, as distinct lineages of N-fixers were lost between surveys, but the “winners” and “losers” among nitrogen-fixing lineages varied among study sites, suggesting that losses are context dependent. Anthropogenic nitrogen deposition reduces nitrogen-fixing plant diversity in ways that may strongly affect natural nitrogen fixation.
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Virve Ravolainen Ingrid Marie Garfelt Paulsen Isabell Eischeid Jennifer Sorensen Forbey Eva Fuglei Tomás Hájek Brage Bremset Hansen Leif Egil Loe Petr Macek Jesper Madsen Eeva M Soininen James David Mervyn Speed Audun Stien Hans Tømmervik Åshild Ønvik PedersenSammendrag
Herbivores play a crucial role in shaping tundra ecosystems through their effects on vegetation, nutrient cycling, and soil abiotic factors. Understanding their habitat use, co-occurrence, and overlap is therefore essential for informing ecosystem-based management and conservation. In the High Arctic, only a marginal proportion of the land area is vegetated, and climate change is impacting herbivore population sizes and their habitats. In this study, we assessed the spatial habitat overlap of a vertebrate herbivore community based on: 1) regional predictive summer habitat suitability models for the resident Svalbard reindeer (Rangifer tarandus platyrhynchus), resident Svalbard rock ptarmigan (Lagopus muta hyperborea), and the migratory pink-footed goose (Anser brachyrhynchus), and 2) presence of fecal pellets, reflecting the annual habitat use of reindeer, ptarmigan, and geese, including the pink-footed goose and barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis). Our findings revealed that only small proportions of the available land cover (~ 12516 km2; all land area excluding glaciers and freshwater) are suitable for each of the species (habitat suitability [HS] > 0.5): reindeer (22%), ptarmigan (11%), and pink-footed goose (4%). Overlapping suitable habitat [HS > 0.5] for reindeer and goose accounted for only 3% of the total vegetated area (~ 8848 km2) and was primarily found in heath and moist habitats dominated by mosses, graminoids, and herbaceous plants. The overlapping suitable habitat for reindeer and ptarmigan covered 8% of the vegetated area, predominantly in higher elevation ridges with vegetation on drier substrates. The shared habitat for ptarmigan and goose, and all three species of herbivores, was less than 1% of the vegetated area. Additionally, an assessment of fecal pellets suggested that the highest overlap in habitat use among reindeer and goose occurred in bird cliff moss tundra, followed by moss tundra and heath habitats. The small proportion of the vegetated area suitable for all three herbivores indicates a high degree of habitat differentiation. Therefore, different habitats need to be considered for the management and conservation of resident and migratory herbivore species in this High Arctic Archipelago. Moreover, our results underscore the importance of the small but productive parts of the landscape that were used by all herbivores. Goose, habitat suitability, management, ptarmigan, reindeer
Pia Heltoft Thomsen Kristian Sæther Mari Henrikke Vandsemb Anne-Helen Kalhovd Leif Skjønsby Halvor AlmSammendrag
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Astrid Solvåg Nesse Agnieszka Jasinska Ketil Stoknes Stine Göransson Aanrud Kristin Meland Risinggård Roland Kallenborn Trine Aulstad Sogn Tomasgaard Aasim Musa Mohamed AliSammendrag
The uptake dynamics of two sulfonamide antibiotics, two fluoroquinolone antibiotics, and the anticonvulsant carbamazepine during the cultivation of two species of edible mushrooms (Agaricus subrufescens and A. bisporus) was investigated. None of the antibiotics were accumulated by the mushrooms, while carbamazepine and its transformation product carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide were taken up by A. bisporus fruiting body but only in small amounts (up to 0.76 and 1.85 μg kg−1 dry weight, respectively). The sulfonamides were quickly removed from the mushroom growth substrate, while the recalcitrant fluoroquinolones and carbamazepine were only partially removed. Dissipation half-lives were generally lower for A. subrufescens than A. bisporus, but A. subrufescens was also grown at a slightly higher culture temperature. A. subrufescens also showed a lower uptake of contaminants. Comparison of maximum dietary intake with other common exposure sources showed that these mushrooms can safely be eaten although produced on a polluted substrate, with respect to the investigated compounds.
Kjersti Holt HanssenSammendrag
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Fride Høistad ScheiSammendrag
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