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During the cultivation of Ulva fenestrata in a land-based aquaculture system, the colonisation of the water tanks’ surfaces and eventually the macroalgal biomass by the biofouling diatom Fragilariopsis oceanica compromises the production process. Since germanium dioxide (GeO2) is an effective growth inhibitor of diatoms, this study aimed to understand how it affects the presence of F. oceanica and the photosynthesis and growth of U. fenestrata as a primary parameter contribution to the biomass production. A toxicological dose-response experiment showed that the diatom’s growth was inhibited at the low GeO2 concentration of 0.014 mg l−1. In contrast, the photosynthetic performances and growth rates of U. fenestrata remained unaffected under a wide GeO2 concentration range (0.022–2.235 mg l−1) in small- and large-scale experiments in 1-l glass beakers and 100-l Plexiglass water tanks, respectively. In the latter, the diatom density in the tanks was reduced by 40 %. The costs arising from the use of GeO2 can range between €2.35 and €8.35  kg−1 fresh weight of produced U. fenestrata biomass under growth conditions resulting in growth rates of 20 and 11.5 % d−1, respectively. GeO2 is an effective agent to control biofouling diatoms such as F. oceanica during the land-based biomass production of U. fenestrata.


I denne rapporten er det gjort nye kjøringer av tabell 3 – 24(kapittel 3) i NIBIO rapport 50/2021. I tillegg er det laget noen oversiktstabeller. I tabellene er det beregnet hvor mange foretak og hvor mye gjødsel som må finne nytt areal. Beregningene er basert på nye forslag til grenseverdier. For Rogaland er det beregnet for grenseverdier gjødsel på 2,7 kg P/ daa og 3 kg P/ daa. For Troms og Finnmark er det beregnet for grenser på 2,5 kg P/ da, og for landet ellers er det beregnet for grenser på 2,5 kg P/ daa og 2,3 kg P/ daa.