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Kathrin Möhrle Hugo E. Reyes-Aldana Johannes Kollmann Leonardo H. TeixeiraSammendrag
Grassland biodiversity is declining due to climatic change, land-use intensification, and establishment of invasive plant species. Excluding or suppressing invasive species is a challenge for grassland management. An example is Jacobaea aquatica, an invasive native plant in wet grasslands of Central Europe, that is causing problems to farmers by being poisonous, overabundant, and fast spreading. This study aimed at testing designed grassland communities in a greenhouse experiment, to determine key drivers of initial J. aquatica suppression, thus dismissing the use of pesticides. We used two base communities (mesic and wet grasslands) with three plant traits (plant height, leaf area, seed mass), that were constrained and diversified based on the invader traits. Native biomass, community-weighted mean trait values, and phylogenetic diversity (PD) were used as explanatory variables to understand variation in invasive biomass. The diversified traits leaf area and seed mass, PD, and native biomass significantly affected the invader. High native biomass permanently suppressed the invader, while functional traits needed time to develop effects; PD effects were significant at the beginning of the experiment but disappeared over time. Due to complexity and temporal effects, community weighted mean traits proved to be moderately successful for increasing invasion resistance of designed grassland communities.
Eva Narten HøbergSammendrag
Surkål er finsnittet kål som kokes og smaksettes med eddik og sukker, og gjerne karve. Den norske surkålen skiller seg fra andre lands fermenterte varianter ved at den syrlige smaken framkommer ved tilsetting av eddiksyre. I tillegg er den norske surkålen søt, siden det tilsettes sukker. Siden norsk surkål ikke er fermentert, har den ikke probiotiske egenskaper.
Gillian Butler Bjørn Egil Flø Flaviana Gottardo Anna Hessle Matthias Koesling Elisabet Nadeau Carsten Malisch Giorgia Riuzzi Tomasz Sakowski Anna Woodhouse Finn Walland Håvard SteinshamnSammendrag
SusCatt considered a wide range of innovations or system comparisons in the 6 countries, all aimed to improve sustainability within European cattle farming. On the whole, these involved reducing production intensity, making greater use of home-grown grass and other forage crops on farms – generally with promising results for beef and dairy production when we considered their potential impact across the 3 pillars of sustainability...
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Karin Juul Hesselsøe Trygve S. Aamlid Anne Falk Øgaard Tore Krogstad Wolfgang Prämassing Anne Friederike BorchertSammendrag
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Trygve S. Aamlid Anne Falk Øgaard Karin Juul Hesselsøe T. Krogstad M. Woods Yajun Chen K. Sintorn S Nilsson N. Dokkuma K. Donkers Wolfgang PrämassingSammendrag
STERF Research and Development Yearbook 2020
Geir Wæhler GustavsenSammendrag
This paper analyses the frequency of the consumption of table potatoes in Norway. The analysis shows that the frequency of potato consumption is higher in older cohorts than in younger, and it declines over the life cycle. This indicates that the total consumption will continue to decrease as older potato eating cohorts are replaced with younger cohorts who eat potatoes less frequently. This is bad for food security, it is bad for nutritional health and it is bad for the environment. It is argued that nutritional and environmental organizations should work together to increase the status of the potato.
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Brian D. Titus Kevin Brown Heljä-Sisko Helmisaari Elena Vanguelova Inge Stupak Alexander Evans Nicholas Clarke Claudia Guidi Viktor J. Bruckman Iveta Varnagiryte-Kabasinskiene Kestutis Armolaitis Wim de Vries Keizo Hirai Lilli Kaarakka Karen Hogg Pam ReeceSammendrag
Forest biomass harvesting guidelines help ensure the ecological sustainability of forest residue harvesting for bioenergy and bioproducts, and hence contribute to social license for a growing bioeconomy. Guidelines, typically voluntary, provide a means to achieve outcomes often required by legislation, and must address needs related to local or regional context, jurisdictional compatibility with regulations, issues of temporal and spatial scale, and incorporation of appropriate scientific information. Given this complexity, comprehensive reviews of existing guidelines can aid in development of new guidelines or revision of existing ones. We reviewed 32 guidelines covering 43 jurisdictions in the USA, Canada, Europe and East Asia to expand upon information evaluated and recommendations provided in previous guideline reviews, and compiled a searchable spreadsheet of direct quotations from documents as a foundation for our review. Guidelines were considered in the context of sustainable forest management (SFM), focusing on guideline scope and objectives, environmental sustainability concerns (soils, site productivity, biodiversity, water and carbon) and social concerns (visual aesthetics, recreation, and preservation of cultural, historical and archaeological sites). We discuss the role of guidelines within the context of other governance mechanisms such as SFM policies, trade regulations and non-state market-driven (NSMD) standards, including certification systems. The review provides a comprehensive resource for those developing guidelines, or defining sustainability standards for market access or compliance with public regulations, and/or concerned about the sustainability of forest biomass harvesting. We recommend that those developing or updating guidelines consider (i) the importance of well-defined and understood terminology, consistent where possible with guidelines in other jurisdictions or regions; (ii) guidance based on locally relevant research, and periodically updated to incorporate current knowledge and operational experience; (iii) use of indicators of sensitive soils, sites, and stands which are relevant to ecological processes and can be applied operationally; and (iv) incorporation of climate impacts, long-term soil carbon storage, and general carbon balance considerations when defining sustainable forest biomass availability. Successful implementation of guidelines depends both on the relevance of the information and on the process used to develop and communicate it; hence, appropriate stakeholders should be involved early in guideline development.