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Gunnhild SøgaardSammendrag
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Fay Madeleine Farstad Merethe Dotterud Leiren Marie Byskov Lindberg Erlend Andre T. Hermansen Jørgen Wettestad Gunnhild Søgaard Knut ØistadSammendrag
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Gunnhild SøgaardSammendrag
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River Otter (Lontra canadensis) was extirpated from Prince Edward Island (PEI) in the early 1900s as a result of habitat loss and overexploitation. Although there were isolated and sporadic occurrences in PEI coastal and inland waters pre-1975, only anecdotal reports of tracks or sightings of the species had been documented in the 21st century, until an adult male otter was captured in a beaver trap in 2016. Since then, seven additional individuals have been collected opportunistically or as by-catch of beaver trapping, including an adult female and a kit (juvenile). Camera traps have also revealed what appears to be a family group in central PEI. A growing body of evidence strongly suggests a resident River Otter population on PEI. The island is separated from the mainland by the Northumberland Strait, which has a minimum width of 13 km of salt water. River Otters have naturally recolonized PEI by dispersing across the Northumberland Strait.
Gaining the ability to fly actively was a ground-breaking moment in insect evolution, providing an unprecedented advantage over other arthropods. Nevertheless, active flight was a costly innovation, requiring the development of wings and flight muscles, the provision of sufficient energetic resources, and a complex flight control system. Although wings, flight muscles, and the energetic budget of insects have been intensively studied in the last decades, almost nothing is known regarding the flight-control devices of many crucial insect groups, especially beetles (Coleoptera). Here, we conducted a phylogenetic-informed analysis of flight-related mechanosensors in 28 species of bark beetles (Curculionidae: Scolytinae, Platypodinae), an economically and ecologically important group of insects characterized by striking differences in dispersal abilities. The results indicated that beetle flight apparatus is equipped with different functional types of mechanosensors, including strain- and flow-encoding sensilla. We found a strong effect of allometry on the number of mechanosensors, while no effect of relative wing size (a proxy of flight investment) was identified. Our study constitutes the first step to understanding the drivers and constraints of the evolution of flight-control devices in Coleoptera, including bark beetles. More research, including a quantitative neuroanatomical analysis of beetle wings, should be conducted in the future.>
Emmanuel O. Anedo Dennis Beesigamukama Benson Mochoge Nicholas K. Korir Solveig Haukeland Xavier Cheseto Sevgan Subramanian Segenet Kelemu Chrysantus M. TangaSammendrag
Potato production faces major challenges from inadequate soil fertility, and nematode infestation, yet synthetic fertilizers and nematicides are costly and harmful to the environment. This study explored the potential of chitin-fortified black soldier fly-composted organic fertilizer (BSFCOF) as a multipurpose organic fertilizer amendment for enhancing potato yield and suppressing potato cyst nematodes (PCN). The BSFCOF was applied at a rate equivalent to 150 kg N ha-1 and fortified with chitin from black soldier fly pupal exuviae at inclusion rates equivalent to 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5% chitin. Data were collected on potato growth characteristics, PCN population densities, and soil chemical properties for two growing cycles. Results showed that chitin fortified BSFCOF significantly improved potato growth parameters, chlorophyll concentration, marketable tuber yield and number of marketable tubers. The marketable tuber yield achieved using chitin-fortified BSFCOF was 70 – 362%, and 69 – 238% higher than the values achieved using unfertilized soil during the first and second growing cycles, respectively. Soil amendment with chitin-fortified BSFCOF significantly reduced the number of cysts per 200 g soil-1, number of eggs and J2 per cyst-1, eggs g-1 soil and reproduction rate by 32 – 87%, 9 – 92%, 31– 98% and 31 – 98%, respectively. The PCN suppression increased with chitin inclusion rates. There were significantly higher values for soil pH, ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, available phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and cation exchange capacity in soil amended with BSFCOF compared to unamended soil. This study demonstrates that BSFCOF fortified with 5% chitin is an effective soil enhancer with multiple benefits, including improved soil fertility, potato performance, and effective management of potato cyst nematodes.
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Xiao-Yan Ma Jin-Wei Li Qing Li Zi-Han Yan Xi Cheng Min-Rui Wang Zhibo Hamborg Lu Bao Dong Zhang Min-Ji LiSammendrag
The presence of viral diseases poses a significant challenge to the high-quality, efficient, and sustainable production of apples. Virus eradication and the use of virus-free plants are currently the most crucial method for preventing viral diseases. Among the viruses affecting apples, apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) and apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) present particular challenges in efficient eradication from apples. This study investigated the effects of exogenous salicylic acid (SA) treatment on the efficient eradication of ASGV and ACLSV from apple cultivar ‘Yanfu 8’. Shoots were excised from in vitro 4-week-old stock and cultured in shoot proliferation medium supplemented with 10 μM SA combining thermotherapy with shoot tip culture or cryotherapy for ASGV and ACLSV eradication. The results showed that including of 10 μM SA in thermotherapy significantly reduced the concentrations of ASGV and ACLSV by 33% and 14% in shoots compared to thermotherapy without SA. SA treatment also improved the shoot tips survival and regrowth after combining 2 or 4 weeks of thermotherapy followed by shoot tip culture or shoot tip cryotherapy, while maintaining the higher (75–100%) of virus eradication efficiencies. Therefore, the application of SA in combination with thermotherapy followed or not by cryotherapy proves to be a promising approach for enhancing the efficiency of virus eradication in apple.