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Some common ash trees (Fraxinus excelsior) show tolerance towards shoot dieback caused by the invasive ascomycete Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. Leaf petioles are considered to serve as a pathogen colonization route to the shoots. We compared four common ash clones with variation in disease tolerance, and included the native host, Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandshurica), as a reference. Tissue colonization, following rachis inoculation by H. fraxineus, was monitored by histochemical observations and a quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assay specific to H. fraxineus. Axial spread of the pathogen towards the petiole base occurred primarily within the phloem and parenchyma, tissues rich in starch in healthy petioles. In inoculated petioles, a high content of phenolics surrounded the hyphae, presumably a host defense response. There was a relationship between field performance and susceptibility to leaf infection in three of the four studied common ash clones, i.e., good field performance was associated with a low petiole colonization level and vice versa. Low susceptibility to leaf infection may counteract leaf-to-shoot spread of the pathogen in common ash, but the limited number of clones studied warrants caution and a larger study. The Manchurian ash clone had the highest petiole colonization level, which may suggest that this native host has evolved additional mechanisms to avoid shoot infection.


A significant challenge in medical diagnostics is the development of simple but efficient tools for the detection/quantification of several biomarkers simultaneously using non-invasive sampling techniques. In this regard, the analysis of proteins (proteomics) is essential for understanding cellular processes and biomarker discovery. However, proteins vary greatly in terms of concentration levels and chemical properties in biological materials. Further, low sample sizes of modern biological models (e.g., patient-derived cell cultures, exosomes, and organoids) remain a big analytical challenge. The present work has focused on the brain cancer glioblastoma, which is in great need of increased knowledge and non-invasive sampling techniques. In addition, human organoids, which could act as a future in vitro model for disease modeling and personalized medicine, have been investigated. We have used high-resolution mass spectrometry for protein identification, exploring a selection of miniaturized liquid chromatography formats (for separation) and sample preparation techniques. By implementing these techniques, we have been able to study exosomes, 2D/3D cell cultures, and organoids, identifying over 6300 proteins in a single run using less than 5 µg of protein. The work has provided important insight into the possibilities and challenges of several novel models. It represents a development toward deeper proteomic profiling focusing on maintaining a high protein yield and time efficiency.


VIPS is a technology platform for prognosis, monitoring and decision support for integrated pest management in crops in Norway. The service facilitates access to a Danish decision support tool, IPMwise, for the management of weeds. This tool, called VIPS-weeds in Norway, is adjusted to the Norwegian conditions for cereals. VIPS-weeds selects and adjusts the dose of herbicides according to weed species, weed density and temperature. The tool is being tested each year for local adaptations and updating. In 2021, four experiments were performed in spring wheat and barley. The experiments were designed in completely randomised blocks with three replications, and each included a control (unsprayed), a VIPS-weeds, and an adviser choice plot as well as plots for a variety of herbicides that are common in these crops. The weed species and density, development stage and possible herbicide resistance of each species in the control plots as well as crop information and temperature data were registered in VIPS-weeds three days before the normal spraying time. The suggested herbicides (set to be suggested based on the price) were applied to the VIPS-weeds plots. The effect of suggested herbicides and their dose was assessed as the reduction of weed coverage (%) in sprayed plots compared to the control plots 3-4 weeks after spraying. The average efficacy targets for the weed species (observed at least in two fields) Spergula arvensis, Viola sp., Stellaria media, Galeopsis sp., Chenopodium album, and Fumaria officinalis were predicted to be at 91, 84, 65, 83, 80, and 72% respectively, by VIPS-weeds. The results showed an average efficacy of 45, 58, 79, 80, 91 and 82% for these weeds, respectively. The VIPS-weeds solution was economically reasonable and gave similar results as adviser choice in terms of weed control and yield.