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Temperature during seed maturation can induce an epigenetic memory effect in growth phenology of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) that lasts for several years. To quantify the epigenetic modifications induced by natural climatic variation, common garden experiments with plants originating from different provenances and seed years were performed. Plants from warmer seed years showed delayed phenology with later bud flush, bud set and growth cessation. This effect was quantified by linear models of phenology traits as a function of climate indices for the origin and seed year of the plants. Significant effects of the temperature during seed production (seed year) was found for the bud set in seedlings in their first growing season and for bud flush and growth cessation in the 7th-8th growing season from seed. The models suggest that growth start and growth cessation are delayed 0.7–1.8 days per 100 additional degree days experienced by the seed during embryo development and seed maturation. Models that include factors that are known to induce epigenetic effects could be used to better predict future performance of forest reproductive material.


The genus Scapania comprises a group of leafy liverworts distributed throughout many bryophytic assemblages. While many Scapania species grow widely, some are assessed as endangered and appear to be specialists with distinct niche environments. Several are found only in alpine forest communities, inhabiting decaying logs in streams, typical of an environment that is threatened by both logging activity and changes to watercourses. Another species, S. nimbosa, has an unusual Oceanic-Montane distribution across Ireland, Scotland, Norway, China and Nepal. Since gemmae and sexual reproduction are absent the species is hypothesized to be primarily dispersed by fragmentation. In Norway S. nimbosa occupies an area of only 13 x 20 km, at altitudes between 300-980 m, and is frequently found with another more abundant asexual species, S. ornithopodioides. This makes S. nimbosa susceptible to local extinction through climate change or perhaps interspecific competition. Genomics is being increasingly used to infer demography and the evolutionary history of a species. Ascertaining levels of genetic variation can also contribute towards an effective conservation management plan. Besides, very little is known about the genomic organization and sexual determination in leafy liverworts. To generate new knowledge about the genus Scapania we sequenced the genomes of the sexual species S. nemorea (both male and female isolates), S. undulata (a single isolate), and several asexual S. ornithopodiodes and S. nimbosa isolates. Illumina paired-end (2x 300 bp) and Oxford Nanopore long reads were used to create genomic references. Initially organellar genomes were assembled, annotated and genetic variation was discovered. This revealed that variation is indeed present even for S. nimbosa and S. ornithopodioides at Norwegian sites. Next we focussed on creating a high quality nuclear reference genome for S. nemorea using the SPAdes assembler (v3.13). Qualities of each assembly and isolate were assessed with QUAST and BUSCO. While one assembly spans 202.6 Mb (10930 scaffolds; N50 of 66 Kb), other isolates of S. nemorea show larger assembled genome sizes and different Kmer distributions, consistent with the expected alternative sexual chromosome complement. We further analyse genomic synteny and diversity, but emphasize that difficulties in extracting DNA from herbarium specimens really hamper analysis.


A complete diallel cross was made among nine Betula pendula trees growing in a natural population and a trial was planted on agricultural soil at one site. This exceptional trial has provided estimates of genetic parameters that can only be estimated in complete diallels. Traits measured were height and diameter during a period of 37 years, and assessments were made of bud burst, leaf abscission and rust infection at the early ages. All traits showed genetic variation and the variance components of general combining ability (GCA) effects were dominating, with heritability estimates of 0.16 and 0.23 for height and diameter at age six years. The best-growing families could be identified at that age. At age 37 years, when the trial had been thinned twice, the offspring from the highest and lowest ranked parent for growth contributed with 19% and 6% of the total volume of the stand, respectively. The GCA effects were also highly significant for the assessment traits, but with an interaction with year for bud burst. High values of estimates of genetic correlations proved that bud burst, leaf abscission and rust infection are interrelated, and also to some extent with growth traits. Families with an early bud burst were tallest, were less affected by the rust fungus and kept their leaves later in the autumn.

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Effekter på skogøkosystemer i grensetraktene Norge-Russland-Finland av luftforurensing fra smelteverket i Nikel og briketteringsanlegget i Zapoljarnij noen få km fra grensen mot Norge har vært overvåket i de siste tiårene i ulike overvåkingsprogrammer. Norske lokaliteter for overvåking av tungmetaller i biologisk materiale og forekomst av lav på trær ble sist gang analysert i 2004. Fylkesmannen i Troms og Finnmark engasjerte i 2019 forskere fra Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA) og Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi (NIBIO) for å oppdatere kunnskapen rundt tungmetaller og forekomst av lav, slik at det ville være mulig å påvise eventuelle trender i endringer fra 2004. Fem overvåkingsflater ble analysert i 2019. Fire av disse ligger langs en tilnærmet horisontal linje fra Svanvik og vestover, mens den fjerde flata ligger i Jarfjorden nord for Nikel. Analysene viser ei langt større dekning av makrolav i 2019 enn i 2004 på alle de tre overvåkingsflatene hvor lav på bjørk overvåkes. Økninga er svært betydelig, hhv. 194 %, 287 % og 352 %. På de to flatene hvor lav på furu overvåkes, som begge ligger nær Nikel, var det i 1995 og 2004 ikke registrert noen lav på stammene. I 2019 ble det registrert noen få individer, noe som ledet til ei dekning på 1,5 %. Konsentrasjonene av kobber og nikkel i etasjemose og reinlav var i 2019 to til tre ganger høyere enn i 2004. Konsentrasjonene var høyest på overvåkingsflata nærmest Nikel. Også flata i Jarfjorden hadde i 2019 høye konsentrasjoner til tross for betydelig avstand til Nikel. Tre årganger med furunåler (dvs. fra 2017 til 2019) viste høyere konsentrasjoner med økende alder. Konsentrasjonen av bly viste omtrent det samme geografiske mønsteret som nikkel og kobber. Konsentrasjonen er imidlertid mye lavere for bly enn for de to andre tungmetallene. Overvåkinga av avsetning av svoveldioksid og tungmetaller, som rapportert årlig av Norsk institutt for luftforskning (NILU), viser en nedadgående trend for svoveldioksid og en økende trend for tungmetaller. Ei rådende vindretning fra sør om vinteren fører imidlertid til at Jarfjordenområdet får store avsetninger av forurensning vinterstid. Tungmetallanalysene fra biologisk materiale samsvarer derfor godt med NILUs overvåkingsresultater. Høye konsentrasjoner i furunåler viser at det også de siste tre årene har vært betydelig avsetning av tungmetaller. Økninga i lavdekning tolker vi som en respons til reduserte utslipp av svoveldioksid. Disse boreale treboende lavene er generelt mer sensitive til svoveldioksid enn til tungmetaller, men fortsetter akkumuleringa av tungmetaller vil det med tida kunne reversere den registrerte økende trenden for lavdekket på trær. Vi anbefaler at overvåkinga av epifyttiske lav og tungmetaller gjentas hyppigere i kommende år for å ha bedre kontroll på de biologiske responsene til endringer i forurensning.