Christian Pedersen


(+47) 974 34 123

Ås - Bygg O43

Oluf Thesens vei 43, 1433 Ås (Varelevering: Elizabeth Stephansens vei 23)


I hold a Ph.D. in ecology and I am generally interested in the factors that shape population and community dynamics. I have worked for many years in arctic and alpine areas where my focus has been herbivore-plant interactions in relation to climate change. Currently my work focus on how land use and land use change in the agricultural landscape affect biodiversity, population dynamics and community composition using birds and plants as indicators. Main responsibilities include management of and reporting from the Norwegian monitoring program for agricultural landscapes, with particular focus on the development and use of indicators of biodiversity.

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Semi-natural grasslands are amongst the most species-rich habitats in Scandinavia and elsewhere in Europe. However, the ecological values of these habitats are threatened, by intensification of agriculture in some areas and by abandonment in others. A key question is whether current measures aiming to protect this biodiversity in Norway are in fact successful. We evaluated, in the field, the condition of 55 localities of semi-natural pastures and hay meadows recorded in the Norwegian nature database, Naturbase. We found that only 20 localities (36%) were receiving the agri-environmental subsidies for which they were all eligible. All but one of the localities receiving the subsidies were in fair to good condition, compared with just 41% of the localities that did not receive subsidies. However, only four the 16 most valuable localities, those classed as nationally important, received agri-environmental subsidies. Through a questionnaire to landowners, we found that many were not aware of the biodiversity value on their properties. Of 33 respondents, 20 (61%) knew that they had these valuable ecosystems on their property, whilst 13 (39%) did not. Further, twenty respondents were not aware that they were eligible for financial support to maintain their species-rich grasslands. We conclude that to achieve long-term conservation in habitats dependent on management, it is essential to improve dialogue with landowners.