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In Norway, high levels of mycotoxins are occasionally observed in oat grain lots, and this cause problems for growers, livestock producers and the food and feed industries. Mycotoxins of primary concern are deoxynivalenol (DON) produced by Fusarium graminearum and HT2- and T2-toxins (HT2+T2) produced by Fusarium langsethiae. Although effort has been made to understand the epidemiology of F. langsethiae in oats, this is still not fully understood. In the present study, we aimed to increase our understanding of the F. langsethiae – oat interaction. Resistance to F. langsethiae was studied in three oat varieties after inoculation at early (booting, heading, flowering) or late (flowering, milk, dough) growth stages in greenhouse experiments. The oat varieties had previously shown different levels of resistance to F. graminearum: Odal, Vinger (both moderately resistant), and Belinda (susceptible). The levels of F. langsethiae DNA and HT2+T2 in harvested grain were measured, and differences in aggressiveness (measured as the level of F. langsethiae DNA in grain) between F. langsethiae isolates were observed. Substantial levels of F. langsethiae DNA and HT2+T2 were detected in grain harvested from oats that had been spray-inoculated at heading or later growth stages, suggesting that oats are susceptible to F. langsethiae from heading and onwards. Vinger had a moderate resistance to F. langsethiae/HT2+T2, whereas Odal and Belinda were relatively susceptible. We observed that late inoculations resulted in relatively higher levels of trichothecene A metabolites other than HT2+T2 (mostly glycosylated HT-2, and smaller amounts of some other metabolites) in harvested grain, which indicate that infections close to harvest may pose a further risk to food and feed safety.


Denna hemsida har skapats inom ramen för ett Formas-dokumentationsprojekt med samma namn med avsikten att dokumentera fäbodrörelsens väg att nominera fenomenet fäbodkultur som ett immateriellt kulturarv inom ramen för Unescos konvention om tryggande av det immateriella kulturarvet. Insamling av data om fäbodkulturen som immateriellt kulturarv skedde i huvudsak under perioden mellan hösten 2021 och våren 2023, men avsikten är att åtminstone fortsätta tills beslut har tagit av Unesco. Målet är att här presentera processerna och introducera en del av resultaten medan rådata från kartläggningen finns lagrad på en server hos Institutionen för stad och land vid Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet i Uppsala. I övrigt har arbetet med fäbodkulturens immateriella och biologiska kulturarv skett inom ramen för flera interreg-projekt med fokus på fäbodbruk i Sverige och Norge. Man kan läsa mer om immateriellt kulturarv, på svenska, norska och engelska.


Våren er godt i gang, og før me veit ordet av det, så er det plutselig slått att! Det har dei siste åra vore auka fokus på fôrkvalitet, og skilnad på god og dårleg fôrkvalitet. Kva er det som påverkar korleis kvaliteten av grovfôret vert , og kva verktøy har bonden for å ta dei rette avgjerdslene for å få den kvaliteten han eller ho treng til akkurat si gardsdrift? I denne podkasten snakkar me med Petter Klette som er rådgivar i Tine, og Håvard Steinshamn som er forskar i Nibio.

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Commercial fruit production in Norway is located at around latitude 60° north, demanding a careful choice of adapted cultivars. The most comprehensive collection of apple genetic resources in Norway is being kept in the Norwegian Apple Collection (NAC) at the Njøs Fruit and Berry Centre (NJØS). The collection contains around 350 accessions and was recently genotyped with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. Curated SNP data were used for the assessment of structure and diversity, pedigree confirmation, and core collection development. In the following SNP analysis, we identified several duplicates and parent-child relationships. Across the geographic regions represented, the collection was equally diverse. Different methods for analyzing population structure were applied. K-means clustering and a Bayesian modeling approach with prior assumptions of the data revealed five subpopulations associated with geographic breeding centers. The collection has a distinct genetic structure and low relatedness among the accessions; hence, two core collections with 100 accessions in each were created. These new core collections will allow breeders and researchers to use the NAC efficiently. The results from this study suggest that several of the accessions in the Norwegian Apple Collection could be of high importance for breeding purposes.