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Granbarkbillen er vårt viktigste skadedyr på gran. Selv om billene kun er på størrelse med et riskorn kan de drepe grantrær som er 100 millioner ganger større enn dem selv! Hemmeligheten bak billenes suksess er samarbeid. For det første må billene angripe i samlet flokk for å overmanne forsvaret til et friskt grantre. Billene samordner angrepene sine ved hjelp av feromoner. Dette er duftstoffer som billene produserer når de har funnet et egnet tre og som virker tiltrekkende på andre granbarkbiller. Når et tre blir utsatt for hundre- eller tusenvis av angrep på en gang klarer ikke treets forsvar lenger å stå i mot. Billene er også involvert i en annen form for samarbeid. Hver bille bærer med seg soppsporer som de smitter treet med, og soppen bidrar ytterligere til å bryte ned treets forsvar. I motsetning til billene trenger soppen inn i veden der den stanser vanntransporten fra røttene til trekrona. Dette er hovedgrunnen til at trær som blir angrepet av granbarkbillen tørker og dør mye raskere enn trær som ringbarkes ved å ødelegge barken i en ring rundt stammen.


Cone and seed insects reduce seed production in seed orchards by feeding on cones and/or seeds and thus cause a lack of seedlings for reforestation. One of the most serious pest species in conifers is the spruce cone worm, Dioryctria abietella. Since 2007, we have used pheromone traps to monitor the flight of this species in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden (and Estonia from 2009). In addition to monitoring, all countries have measured air temperatures in the vicinity of the traps. It is thus possible to correlate flight activity with temperature and temperature sums (accumulated day degrees >5°C). In Sweden cone development has also been registered throughout the monitoring period. Our results show that D. abietella has an extended flight period in Northern Europe, which lasts from late May to late September. Further research is needed to determine if late flying individuals oviposit on shoots or in cones. Increased knowledge about the flight period of D. abietella and how it coincides with temperature and cone development may help us develop better control measures against this important pest.


The interaction between conifers, ophiostomatoid fungi and bark beetles is a key factor in conifer ecosystems worldwide, since combined beetle-fungus attacks may cause massive tree mortality, huge economical losses and landscape-level ecological changes. For more than a century researchers have been arguing about who is responsible for tree mortality in bark beetle attacked trees - the beetles themselves or their associated fungi. As in many such polarized debates the best answer probably lies somewhere in between the extremes. The beetles are obviously central in tree killing, as they are actively selecting suitable host trees, short-circuiting tree defenses by boring straight into the relatively defenseless cambial area, and causing mechanical damage to the phloem. However, ophiostomatoid fungi are equally obvious contributors to tree death since nearly all tree-killing bark beetles are associated with such fungi, these fungi are able to colonize and kill healthy phloem and sapwood far beyond the beetle tunnels, and many fungi can kill healthy trees in experimental mass-inoculations. Thus, the trees are facing a beetle-fungus complex that probably acts synergistically to overwhelm tree defenses. The beetles’ mass-attack strategy is central to the success of the beetle-fungus complex, since multiple attacks deplete tree defenses and speed up tree-killing.


In order to support functional genomics research in octoploid (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) and diploid (F. vesca) strawberry, a customized Fragaria microarray chip was developed as a joint collaboration between Graminor Breeding Ltd. and NTNU. F. vesca cDNA sequences were provided by The Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics, Indiana University (an assembly of >3 million reads from GS-FLX Titanium - Roche/454 Life Sciences sequencing), and about 59,000 publicly available Fragaria EST sequences were uploaded from NCBI. In addition, ~190 Mb of preliminary draft genome sequences from F. vesca were provided by the Strawberry Genome Sequencing Consortium (courtesy to V. Shulaev). cDNAs used as templates for probe design were validated by BlastN against the F. vesca draft genome excluding cDNAs of microbial origin. Genes not represented in the cDNA collection were identified by screening F. vesca draft genome against protein sequences from Arabidopsis thaliana, Vitis vinifera, Ricinus communis and Populus trichocarpa. Exon sequences from genes not found in the cDNAs were included. In total, 43723 unique 60-mer probes were designed and the Agilent eARRAY tool was used to produce a 4x44k format microarray chip. Fragaria chip applicability and feasibility for transcriptional profiling was investigated using either abiotic (low temperature) or biotic (pathogenic fungi) stress treatment. Microarray data will be subsequently integrated with other omics data to address gene-regulatory networks and biological functions. Cold acclimation experiments were focused on short- and long-term effects in meristematic tissue, and revealed the up-regulation of ~100 cold-responsive genes (transcription factors, dehydrins, enzymes), and transcripts involved in starch breakdown and raffinose biosynthesis. Beside central metabolism, secondary metabolism was also strongly modulated as seen by changes in the expression of flavonoid biosynthesis-related genes. Time-course studies of transcriptional responses in F. vesca accessions showing contrasting resistance toward the pathogen Phytophthora cactorum are in progress, and will be presented in-depth.

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Isolates of Colletotrichum sublineolum were collected from different sorghum-producing regions of Ethiopia and divided into five groups based on their geographic origin. The growth rate of 50 isolates showed considerable variation: 1·7?5·8 mm day?1, mean 3·3 mm day?1. However, the isolates displayed little variation in colony colour and colony margin, except for isolates from the north, which were different from the others. Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis of 102 isolates revealed much greater variations among the different groups. Dice similarity coefficients ranged from 0·32 to 0·96 (mean 0·78). Cluster analysis and principal coordinate analysis revealed a differentiation of the isolates according to their geographic origin, and both methods clearly indicated a genetic separation between the southern, the eastern and the other isolates. Analysis of molecular variance (amova) indicated a high level of genetic variation both among (42%) and within (58%) the C. sublineolum sampling sites in Ethiopia. The amova also indicated a high level of genetic differentiation (FST = 0·42) and limited gene flow (Nm = 0·343). The results of this study confirmed the presence of a highly diverse pathogen, which is in agreement with the existence of diverse host genotypes and widely ranging environmental conditions in sorghum-producing regions of the country. Such diversity should be taken into account in future breeding programmes to achieve an effective and sustainable disease management strategy.


Under pynten på grantreet ligger dype hemmeligheter om betydningen av arv, miljø og vår evne til å tilpasse oss våre omgivelser. Et nypyntet juletre er et av høytidens mange vakre symboler. Nyere forskning knytter grantrærnes overlevelsesevne til det som kalles epigenetikk – selve møteplassen mellom arv og miljø. Epigenetiske effekter gir grantrær, mennesker og andre levende vesener fleksibilitet til å tilpasse seg forandringer i omgivelsene raskere enn hva klassisk genetikk tilsier.

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Insektene er blant de organismene som reagerer raskest på klimaendringer. De har kort generasjonstid, er svært mobile og utviklingshastigheten deres er direkte påvirket av temperaturen. Dette betyr at utviklingen fra egg til voksent insekt går raskere når temperaturen øker, noe som kan få store praktiske konsekvenser for skogbruket.

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The blue-stain fungus Ceratocystis resinifera colonizes wounds on living Picea spp. and other conifers in Europe and North America. Little is known regarding the pathogenicity of this fungus and consequently, four Norwegian C. resinifera isolates were inoculated on to Norway spruce (Picea abies) using two different techniques. These included single-point inoculations on young trees (two inoculations per tree on 14-year-old trees) and mass-inoculations on older trees (∼200 inoculations per tree on 34-year-old trees). In both experiments, C. resinifera induced minor symptoms that in most cases did not differ significantly from inoculation with sterile agar. The virulent blue-stain fungus C. polonica, which was inoculated for comparative purposes, induced extensive symptoms, causing 83% dead cambium circumference and 82% blue-stained sapwood, and long necrotic lesions in the phloem. The results suggest that C. resinifera is non-pathogenic or only mildly pathogenic to Norway spruce and does not present a threat to these trees.