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The objective of this study is to explore and evaluate multifunctionality of dairy farming systems.Both current and potential new farming systems are examined using a model that combines ideas from mathematical programming and multi-criteria analysis. The first step is identifying variables with importance for multifunctionality. The different combinations of these variables are then examined using an algorithm that steps through the different combinations and generates a set of farmingsystems that are compared using multi-criteria analysis. This approach makes it possible to compare different farming systems with respect to several criteria. Examples of criteria are net farm income, labour input, N loss from soil, and ecological impacts. The ecological impacts of a farming system are quantified as an index using expert opinion. Sensitivity analysis will be used to examine how the weight assigned to each criterion affects the choice of farming system. The sensitivity analysis can thus provide valuable insight into how the preferences and values of individual farmers and stakeholders influence their perception of the “optimal” farming system. The model is flexible, new aspectsof multifunctionality can easily be integrated, and the model can be scaled up from the farm to the landscape or regional level.


Formålet med dette notatet er å gje ei oversikt over utvikling i inntekt, investering og sparing i jordbrukshushald. • Kor mykje er investert i jordbruk og andre eigedelar, og korleis har dette endra seg over tid? • Kor stor del av den årlege nettoinntekta har vorte spart og korleis har dette endra seg over tid? • Korleis har investeringane vore finansierte og korleis har dette endra seg over tid? • Kor mykje er betalt i gjeldsrenter i dei enkelte åra, og korleis har dette endra seg over tid?