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Hailu Tilahun Argaw Afework Bekele Anagaw Meshesha Atickem Nils Christian Stenseth Diress Tsegaye Alemu Bezawork Afework BogaleSammendrag
Geographical distribution and diversity patterns of bird species are influenced by climate change. The Rouget's rail (Rougetius rougetii) is a ground-dwelling endemic bird species distributed in Ethiopia and Eritrea. It is a near-threatened species menaced by habitat loss, one of the main causes of population declines for bird species. The increasing effects of climate change may further threaten the species’ survival. So far, the spatial distribution of this species is not fully documented. With this study, we develop current potential suitable habitat and predict the future habitat shift of R. rougetii based on environmental data such as bioclimatic variables, population density, vegetation cover, and elevation using 10 algorithms. We evaluated the importance of environmental factors in shaping the bird's distribution and how it shifts under climate change scenarios. We used 182 records of R. rougetii from Ethiopia and nine bioclimatic, population density, vegetation cover, and elevation variables to run the 10 model algorithms. Among 10 algorithms, eight were selected for ensembling models according to their predictive abilities. The current suitable habitats for R. rougetii were predicted to cover an area of about 82,000 km2 despite being highly fragmented. The model suggested that temperature seasonality (bio4), elevation, and mean daily air temperatures of the driest quarter (bio9) contributed the most to delimiting suitable areas for this species. R. rougetii is sensitive to climate change associated with elevation, which leads shrinking distribution of suitable areas. The projected spatial and temporal pattern of habitat loss of R. rougetii suggests the importance of climate change mitigation and implementing long-term conservation and management strategies for this threatened endemic bird species.
Svein Øivind Solberg Ievina Sturite Kari Bysveen Thomas Julseth Brown Randi Berland FrøsethSammendrag
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En oppsummering av utprøvinger med halsklaver på lam fra 1990-tallet viste at klaver kan ha tapsforebyggende effekt, spesielt i områder hvor gaupe er den dominerende rovdyrarten Carlsen m.fl. 2006, Hansen & Carlsen 2006). I disse forsøkene var Os kvikk-klave for lam en av klavetypene som skilte seg positivt ut. Denne klavetypen er også prøvd ut på reinkalver som forebyggende tiltak mot ørn og gaupe, med en tydelig tapsreduserende effekt (Eilertsen 2021). Intensjonen er at klaven fysisk skal hindre dødelige bitt fra rovvilt i hals/nakkeregionen (Mysterud & Warren 1994). Bruk av halsklaver på lam er et kostnadseffektivt tiltak som enkelt kan iverksettes på stor skala i sauenæringa, men den tapsforebyggende effekten har ikke tidligere vært testet mot kongeørn. NIBIO utførte derfor et to-årig prosjekt for å teste effekten av halsklaver på lam i et kongeørneutsatt område.
Jørund JohansenSammendrag
Forskar Jørund Johansen (NIBIO) og Lene Granli i NRK P1 tar ein tur til fasiliteringsstasjonen for pollinerande insekt i Nygårdsparken i Bergen, kvar det er satt opp insektshotell, sandbed for solitære bier, humlekasser og blomsterkasser med stadeigne planter.
Arne StensvandSammendrag
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Uneven-aged forests set certain challenges for cut-to-length harvesting work. It is a challenge to cost-effectively remove larger trees while leaving a healthy understory for regrowth. The study’s aim was to evaluate productivity and costs of harvesting two-storied silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) stands by creating time consumption models for cutting, and using existing models for forwarding. Damage to the remaining understory spruce was also examined. Four different harvesting methods were used: 1) all dominant birches were cut; 2) half of them thinned and understory was preserved; compared to 3) normal thinning of birch stand without understory; and 4) clear cutting of two-storied stand. Results showed the time needed for birch cutting as 26–30% lower when the understory was not preserved. Pulpwood harvesting of small sized spruces that prevent birch cutting was expensive, especially because of forwarding of small amounts with low timber density on the strip roads. Generally, when taking the cutting and forwarding into account, the unit cost at clear cuttings was lowest, due to lesser limitations on work. It was noted that with increasing removal from 100 to 300 m3 ha–1, the relative share of initial undamaged spruces after the harvest decreased from 65 to 50% when the aim was to preserve them. During summertime harvesting, the amount of stem damage was bigger than during winter. In conclusion, two-storied stands are possible to transit to spruce stands by accepting some losses in harvesting productivity and damages on remaining trees.
Kim Viggo Paulsen Weiby Sophie Julie Krizsan Ingjerd Dønnem Liv Østrem Margrete Eknæs Håvard SteinshamnSammendrag
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Eva BrodSammendrag
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