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«Resultatkontroll for gjennomføringen av landbrukspolitikken» er en årlig utredning og publikasjon fra Budsjettnemnda for jordbruket. Resultatkontrollen belyser utviklingen i jordbruket i relasjon til de mål og retningslinjer Stortinget har trukket opp.


Skjøtselsplanen for Muddvær er revidert, med hovedfokus på Heimlandet, der tiltak er iverksatt. Innmarka på Heimlandet har vært preget av gjengroing, våndangrep og erosjon over lang tid. Tiltak fra skjøtselsplanen fra 2016 for å håndtere vånd, erosjon, gjengroing og revegetering har vært utført. Dette har hatt en positiv effekt, men det er fortsatt et stort behov for videreføring av tiltakene. Det har blitt satt ut 4 geiter på Heimlandet i 2023. Beitedyr på øya er trolig positivt for å adressere alle utfordringene på Heimlandet, men det er behov for å tilpasse beiteregimet etter utfordringene. Det anbefales å beite med flere dyr, fra tidligere på året, i et område som avgrenses til der det er størst utfordringer med mjødurt, gjengroing og vånd. Det ble avgrenset et område med kystlynghei i den sørlige delen av Heimlandet som er i tilfredsstillende stand. Skjøtsel av lokaliteten vil være positivt, og området kan brukes til beiteområde seinhøstes/vinter/tidlig vår. På utmarksøyene er feltet med sitkagran fjernet. Oppfølging med fjerning av frøplanter og busker er svært viktig. Det er ikke satt i gang annen skjøtsel i kystlyngheia. Derfor er ikke de øvrige øyene befart i detalj, og rådene for utmarksøyene derfor de samme som i tidligere plan.

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We compiled published peer-reviewed CO2, CH4, and N2O data on managed drained organic forest soils in boreal and temperate zones to revisit the current Tier 1 default emission factors (EFs) provided in the IPCC (2014) Wetlands Supplement: to see whether their uncertainty may be reduced; to evaluate possibilities for breaking the broad categories used for the IPCC EFs into more site-type-specific ones; and to inspect the potential relevance of a number of environmental variables for predicting the annual soil greenhouse gas (GHG) balances, on which the EFs are based. Despite a considerable number of publications applicable for compiling EFs being added, only modest changes were found compared to the Tier 1 default EFs. However, the more specific site type categories generated in this study showed narrower confidence intervals compared to the default categories. Overall, the highest CO2 EFs were found for temperate afforested agricultural lands and boreal forestry-drained sites with very low tree stand productivity. The highest CH4 EFs in turn prevailed in boreal nutrient-poor forests with very low tree stand productivity and temperate forests irrespective of nutrient status, while the EFs for afforested sites were low or showed a sink function. The highest N2O EFs were found for afforested agricultural lands and forestry-drained nutrient-rich sites. The occasional wide confidence intervals could be mainly explained by single or a few highly deviating estimates rather than the broadness of the categories applied. Our EFs for the novel categories were further supported by the statistical models connecting the annual soil GHG balances to site-specific soil nutrient status indicators, tree stand characteristics, and temperature-associated weather and climate variables. The results of this synthesis have important implications for EF revisions and national emission reporting, e.g. by the use of different categories for afforested sites and forestry-drained sites, and more specific site productivity categories based on timber production potential.

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Vitamin E is essential and supplementation to the diet is often needed to meet the requirements of farm animals. This is particularly relevant during long indoor periods where conserved forages must be fed, as conservation can degrade Vitamin E. However, synthetic vitamins are regarded as contentious inputs in organic agriculture. Therefore, the aim of this work was to evaluate if the standard recommendations for supplementation can be revised and adapted for organically managed dairy cows, on the basis of that the diets differ from those in conventional systems. A systematic literature review was conducted to assess the response to Vitamin E supplementation considering lactation and gestation stage and the composition of the basal diet. Most of the experiments that focused on animal health-related issues were conducted during late gestation and early lactation. In more recent studies reporting positive effects of Vitamin E supplementation on animal health and fertility, cows were fed conserved forages such as hay, haylage or maize silage, which all have low natural content of Vitamin E. In the studies reporting no or only minor positive effects of Vitamin E supplementation, cows were often fed diets based on grass or grass-clover silages, which reflects the structure of organic cattle diets. In conclusion, it was proposed that Vitamin E supplementation is not needed for mid and late lactating cows on pasture or fed a basal diet of grass-clover-silages. For dry and peripartum cows as well as for cows fed maize silage, hay or haylage, supplementation was strongly recommended