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Wiktoria Kaczmarek-Derda Zahra Bitarafan Belachew Asalf Tadesse Marit Skuterud Vennatrø Erik J. Joner Tobias Glemming Hans Kristian WestrumSammendrag
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Wiktoria Kaczmarek-DerdaSammendrag
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Valborg Kvakkestad Hilde Margrethe Helgesen Bjørn Egil Flø Siri Lie Olsen Björn Nordén Katrina Rønningen Per Kr. RørstadSammendrag
I Norge regnes flere varianter av edelløvskog som truet. På Østlandet finnes det gjengrodde jordbruks- og skoglandskap hvor skjøtselstiltak kan bidra til å gjenskape edelløvskogen. Formålet med denne artikkelen er å undersøke skogeieres erfaringer med og interesse for restaurering av edelløvskog, hva restaurering av edelløvskoger kan bety for lokalbefolkningen og hvordan lokale organisasjoner kan bidra til friluftsliv i områder med edelløvskog. Videre er formålet å gi et bilde av hvor godt dagens forvaltningssystemer og virkemiddelapparat er tilpasset restaurering av skog som er avhengig av skjøtsel for ivaretakelse av det biologiske mangfoldet. restoration, deciduous forest, policy instruments, attitudes
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Alexander Kopatz Oddmund Kleven Ilpo Kojola Jouni Aspi Anita J. Norman Göran Spong Niklas Gyllenstrand Love Dalén Ida Marie Luna Fløystad Snorre Hagen Jonas Kindberg Øystein FlagstadSammendrag
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Alexander Kopatz Oddmund Kleven Ilpo Kojola Jouni Aspi Anita J. Norman Göran Spong Niclas Gyllenstrand Love Dalén Ida Marie Luna Fløystad Snorre Hagen Jonas Kindberg Øystein FlagstadSammendrag
Knowledge about the connectivity among natural populations is essential to identify management units for effective conservation actions. Conservation-minded management has led to the recovery of large carnivore populations in northern Europe, possibly restoring connectivity between the two separated, but expanding brown bear (Ursus arctos) populations on the Scandinavian peninsula to the west and Karelia, a part of the large Eurasian population, to the east. The degree of connectivity between these populations has been poorly understood, therefore we investigated the extent of connectivity between the two populations using autosomal microsatellites and Y chromosome haplotypes in 924 male bears (the dispersing sex), sampled during a period of 12 years (2005–2017) across the transborder area where these two populations meet. Our results showed that the two populations are not genetically isolated as reported in earlier studies. We detected recent asymmetrical gene flow at a rate (individuals per generation) of 4.6–5.5 (1%) from Karelia into Scandinavia, whereas the rate was approximately 27.1–34.5 (8%) in the opposite direction. We estimated historical gene flow of effective number of migrants to be between 1.7 and 2.5 between the populations. Analyses of Y chromosome markers supported these results. Successful recovery and expansion of both populations led to the restoration of connectivity, however, it is asymmetric, possibly due to different recovery histories and population densities. By aligning monitoring between neighboring countries, we were able to better understand the biological processes across the relevant spatial scale. Brown bear Genetic structure Male gene flow Microsatellites Migration Recovery Ursus arctos Wildlife monitoring Y chromosome
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Jorunn Børve Andrea Podavkova Juliana Perminow Arne Stensvand Stine Huseby Marianne Bøthun Rune VereideSammendrag
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