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I denne rapporten er det foretatt vurdering av jordkvalitet og muligheter for lønnsom jordbruksdrift på et areal avsatt til boligformål på Nordre Gjettum i Bærum. Arealet har vesentlig større jordvariasjon enn det som fremkommer i jordsmonnskart, og bare 38 % av arealet kan udiskutabelt sies å ha svært god jordkvalitet. Dersom arealet reguleres til boligformål, er det foreslått to kompenserende tiltak for reetablering av jordbruksareal. Det ene tiltaket vil ved jordflytting kunne gi om lag 6 dekar jordbruksareal med svært god jordkvalitet. Det andre arealet, som i dag er et plantefelt av gran inne i et landskapsvernområde, vil ved tilbakeføring til jordbruk gi 7150 m2 jordbruksareal. Det er omtrent i samme størrelsesorden som netto tap av jordbruksareal ved utbyggingen, som er beregnet til 7400 m3. Det tilrås at begge areal tas med i reguleringsplanen.


There is a need for mapping of forest areas with young stands under regeneration in Norway, as a basis for conducting tending, or precommercial thinning (PCT), whenever necessary. The main objective of this article is to show the potential of multitemporal Sentinel-1 (S-1) and Sentinel-2 (S-2) data for characterization and detection of forest stands under regeneration. We identify the most powerful radar and optical features for discrimination of forest stands under regeneration versus other forest stands. A number of optical and radar features derived from multitemporal S-1 and S-2 data were used for the class separability and cross-correlation analysis. The analysis was performed on forest resource maps consisting of the forest development classes and age in two study sites from south-eastern Norway. Important features were used to train the classical random forest (RF) classification algorithm. A comparative study of performance of the algorithm was used in three cases: I) using only S-1 features, II) using only S-2 optical bands, and III) using combination of S-1 and S-2 features. RF classification results pointed to increased class discrimination when using S-1 and S-2 data in relation to S-1 or S-2 data only. The study shows that forest stands under regeneration in the height interval for PCT can be detected with a detection rate of 91% and F-1 score of 73.2% in case III as most accurate, while tree density and broadleaf fraction could be estimated with coefficient of determination ( R2 ) of about 0.70 and 0.80, respectively.

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The regulatory network of R2R3 MYB transcription factors in anthocyanin biosynthesis is not fully understood in blue-coloured berries containing delphinidin compounds. We used blue berries of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) to comprehensively characterise flavonoid-regulating R2R3 MYBs, which revealed a new type of co-regulation in anthocyanin biosynthesis between members of MYBA-, MYBPA1- and MYBPA2-subgroups. VmMYBA1, VmMYBPA1.1 and VmMYBPA2.2 expression was elevated at berry ripening and by abscisic acid treatment. Additionally, VmMYBA1 and VmMYBPA1.1 expression was strongly downregulated in a white berry mutant. Complementation and transient overexpression assays confirmed VmMYBA1 and VmMYBA2 to induce anthocyanin accumulation. Promoter activation assays showed that VmMYBA1, VmMYBPA1.1 and VmMYBPA2.2 had similar activity towards dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) and anthocyanidin synthase (ANS), but differential regulation activity for UDP-glucose flavonoid 3-O-glucosyltransferase (UFGT) and flavonoid 3′5′-hydroxylase (F3′5′H) promoters. Silencing of VmMYBPA1.1 in berries led to the downregulation of key anthocyanin and delphinidin biosynthesis genes. Functional analyses of other MYBPA regulators, and a member of novel MYBPA3 subgroup, associated them with proanthocyanidin biosynthesis and F3′5′H expression. The existence of 18 flavonoid-regulating MYBs indicated gene duplication, which may have enabled functional diversification among MYBA, MYBPA1 and MYBPA2 subgroups. Our results provide new insights into the intricate regulation of the complex anthocyanin profile found in blue-coloured berries involving regulation of both cyanidin and delphinidin branches.


En prosjektgruppe med deltagelse fra Gartnerhallen, Graminor, Njøs Frukt- og Bærsenter, NLR, NIBIO, Gartnerforbundet, Norges Bondelag og Norsk Bonde- og Småbrukarlag har utredet behovet for, organiseringen av, og innholdet i et nasjonalt system for sortsprøving i frukt og bær. Prosjektgruppen foreslår at alle sorter i frukt og bær som skal dyrkes profesjonelt i Norge skal prøves for dyrking under norske dyrkingsforhold, gjennom et kvalitetssikret nasjonalt system for sortsprøving. Det skal også vurderes om prøvingen bør inneholde en form for sertifisering, f.eks. ved at sortsprøvingssystemet sertifiserer og at sorter som har gjennomgått prøvingen får en slags godkjenning. Både norske og utenlandske sortseiere, eller representanter for utenlandske sortseiere, skal ha mulighet for å få testet sorter i systemet, og det forutsettes at alle dyrkere har tilgang til informasjon om sorter som er testet ut.