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Denne rapporten gjør rede for metoder brukt for å fremstille temakart for framskrivninger av klima i Tønsberg og Drammen for perioden 2040-2070. Kartene skal gjøres tilgjengelige i kommunenes kartportaler. Temakartene går inn i en større leveranse av temakart over arealdekkets rolle i arbeidet med klimatilpasning, samt klimagassutslipp fra arealbruk og arealbruksendringer for Tønsberg og Drammen kommune. Oppdragene er finansiert med Klimasats-ordningen til Miljødirektoratet.

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This paper provides an overview of traditional hay-making structures and the related agricultural landscapes in Europe. The information was collected using a standardised questionnaire that was completed by experts from different countries. What all countries had in common was that hay production with its corresponding structures was widespread. However, the scope and importance differed among the countries today. We found differences in type and extent, in degree of awareness, and in the cultural meaning of hay-making structures. The differences were connected with built structures, as well as with other tangible and intangible aspects of cultural heritage. The distribution of the broad variety of hay-making-related structures, especially semipermanent ones, has changed throughout history, as well as the hay-making techniques, as a result of agrarian specialisation, land reclamation, and consolidation. Today, in some countries, the relevance of hay-making was mainly connected to horse keeping and landscape management (like in Germany and Hungary), while in others (like Slovakia and Slovenia), it was still predominantly used for cattle and sheep.


Norsk institutt for bioøkonomi har i perioden 2017-2021 utført vegetasjonskartlegging på Malangshalvøya i Balsfjord kommune, Troms og Finnmark fylke. Kartlagt areal er 348 km². Kartlegginga er gjort etter instruks for kartlegging i målestokk 1:20 000 - 50 000 (VK25). Det er laget vegetasjonskart og avleda temakart for sauebeite. Denne rapporten beskriver metode for kartlegging, registrerte vegetasjonstyper og vegetasjonsfordeling i området. Det er gitt en omtale av beiteverdi og beitekapasitet, samt råd omkring skjøtsel av kulturlandskap og utnyttelse av beitet.


Vi har kartlagt arbeidskraftbehovet til grøntprodusenter i Norge gjennom intervju og gjennom en spørreundersøkelse som ble utført i mars 2022. Målsettingen har vært å undersøke hvordan arbeidskraftbehovet til grøntsektoren kan sikres. Spørreundersøkelsen ble gjennomført i etterkant av to år med innreisebegrensninger under covid19-pandemien. Konsekvenser av covid19-pandemien (2020/2021) er derfor også kartlagt i spørreundersøkelsen.

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Global warming necessitates urgent action to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Biochar, a type of carbonized biomass which can be produced from crop residues (CRs), offers a promising solution for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) when it is used to sequester photosynthetically fixed carbon that would otherwise have been returned to atmospheric CO2 through respiration or combustion. However, high-resolution spatially explicit maps of CR resources and their capacity for climate change mitigation through biochar production are currently lacking, with previous global studies relying on coarse (mostly country scale) aggregated statistics. By developing a comprehensive high spatial resolution global dataset of CR production, we show that, globally, CRs generate around 2.4 Pg C annually. If 100% of these residues were utilized, the maximum theoretical technical potential for biochar production from CRs amounts to 1.0 Pg C year−1 (3.7 Pg CO2e year−1). The permanence of biochar differs across regions, with the fraction of initial carbon that remains after 100 years ranging from 60% in warm climates to nearly 100% in cryosols. Assuming that biochar is sequestered in soils close to point of production, approximately 0.72 Pg C year−1 (2.6 Pg CO2e year−1) of the technical potential would remain sequestered after 100 years. However, when considering limitations on sustainable residue harvesting and competing livestock usage, the global biochar production potential decreases to 0.51 Pg C year−1 (1.9 Pg CO2e year−1), with 0.36 Pg C year−1 (1.3 Pg CO2e year−1) remaining sequestered after a century. Twelve countries have the technical potential to sequester over one fifth of their current emissions as biochar from CRs, with Bhutan (68%) and India (53%) having the largest ratios. The high-resolution maps of CR production and biochar sequestration potential provided here will provide valuable insights and support decision-making related to biochar production and investment in biochar production capacity.


Gjennom en periode har både antallet foretak som driver jordbruk i Norge, og jordbruksareal som holdes i drift, gått ned. Landskap der forholdene har ligget til rette for å drive jordbruk har mange steder en lang brukshistorie. Her har menneskers aktivitet satt spor, både i form av kulturhistoriske spor og i form av arter som trives nær jordbruk og bosetning. I en vurdering av hvilke areal som bør prioriteres for å bringes tilbake i jordbruksproduksjon kan også dette være viktige forhold å ta med i vurderingene.