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The performance of  26 different cherry rootstocks (‘Hexaploid Colt"," Damil",  ‘Tabel® Edabriz", ‘Gisela® (Gi) 3", ‘4", ‘5", ‘6", ‘7", ‘11", ‘Giessen (GI) 107/1", ‘148/13", ‘154/7" , ‘195/20", ‘318/17", ‘497/8", ‘523/02", ‘Weiroot (W) 10", ‘53", ‘158", ‘Maxma 14", ‘Maxma 60", ‘Maxma 97", ‘PHL-A", ‘PHL-B", ‘Piku®1"and ‘Piku® 3"), compared with ‘Colt" as a standard, for the cultivar ‘Lapins" (Prunus avium L), was assessed in a field trial in western Norway at 60° North. Trees, one-year-old whips, were planted in spring 1999; at 2.0 x 4.5 m spacing and trained to central leader as free spindle. Tree vigour, yield, fruit size, fruit quality and yield efficiency were evaluated for eight subsequent years. Tree sizes were significantly affected by the rootstocks after eight years growth. ‘Tabel®Edabriz", ‘Gi 3" and ‘Gi 4" produced the smallest and ‘Piku®3", ‘Colt"," Damil" and ‘Maxma 60" the largest trees as measured by trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA).  The most vigourus rootstock had five times larger TCSA than the dwarfest rootstocks. ‘Piku®1" was the most productive rootstock for this cultivar with highest cumulative yield followed by ‘Colt", ‘Piku®3" and ‘Gi 523/02". Average yield per tree and per year during the first seven cropping  years was 12 kg for ‘Piku®1". ‘Piku®1" and ‘Gi 5" induced early bearing.  Trees on ‘Gi 5" and ‘Gi 6"were the most yield efficient. Fruit size became significantly affected by the different rootstocks. In average for the different cropping years many of the Gi number selections, ‘Colt", ‘Damil" and ‘Piku®1"all  had a average fruit weight larger than 10 g per fruit. Fruit quality characterized by the content of soluble solids was in an average of 17.5 %. It was not influenced by crop load and did not differ much between trees on the various rootstocks. In conclusion, for high density production systems the most productive semi-vigorous rootstocks were ‘Colt"," Piku®3" and ‘Damil" and the semi-dwarf  Piku®1", ‘Gi 5" and "Gi 6". 


Rain-induced fruit cracking in sweet cherries can be a major problem. In the Pacific Northwest, due to high labor costs, when fruit cracking exceeds 25% at harvest, fruit are not picked. OSU Horticulture and Pharmacy Faculty have collaborated in producing and patenting a novel, elastic, organic biofilm, SureSeal, which significantly reduced sweet cherry fruit cracking by up to 250% in Milton Freewater, Oregon and Loftus, Norway. Formulations of SureSeal are hydrophobic and consists of a copolymer of complex carbohydrates, phospholipids and calcium. Collaborative research undertaken over three years throughout the Pacific Northwest and overseas found that two applications of 1% SureSeal applied at straw color and again ten days later, reduced fruit cracking consistently when compared to untreated control fruit. Indeed, in Norway, fruit cracking was reduced from 24.6% to 9.8% when trees were treated with SureSeal in combination with plastic ground covers and a preharvest fungicide (fenhexamid). Furthermore, all these studies throughout Oregon and Idaho, found that SureSeal resulted in significantly (P


Gulrot og kålrot med riktig kvalitet                                                                - et samarbeidsprosjekt for å styrke konkurranseevnen i norsk produksjon Smak og kvalitet av gulrot og kålrot påvirkes av flere dyrkingsmessige faktorer som gjødsling, jordtype og angrep av insekter. For å forstå forbrukerens krav til gulrot og kålrot er det nødvendig å se bruken av disse i en bredere sosial sammenheng. Prosjektet "Gulrot og kålrot med riktig kvalitet" ble startet opp i 2004 med Dr. Steinar Dragland som prosjektleder. Prosjektet er avsluttet i 2008 og publiseringer fra prosjektet vil foreligge utover i 2009. Grønnsaksnæringen, forskningen og forsøksringene har samarbeidet om dette prosjektet, for å avklare hvilke dyrkningskrav gulrot og kålrot stiller for å gi en smak etter forbrukernes ønsker.  


Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), also called European blueberry, is one of the most significant wild berries in the Nordic countries. The berries are recognized for their bioactive properties and distinctive aroma and flavor. The effects of climate on production and the quality of bilberries have been studied in a controlled experiment in a phytotrone using clonal material. In the experiment individual plants from two Northern clones and two Southern clones of bilberry have been grown at 12◦ and 18◦ C. At each temperature 3 different light treatments have been tested; 1) 24 hour (h) natural light (long day); 2) 24 h natural light with addition of red light and 3) 12 h light (short day). All plants were kept outside during flowering to ensure pollination by insects. Berries were sampled when ripe, weighed and stored at -80◦C for later analysis of carbohydrates, acids, phenols, anthocyanins and ascorbic acid. At 12◦C the two Northern clones produced the first ripe berries 5 weeks after pollination, while the two Southern clones needed an extra two weeks to ripening. This difference was most evident at the 24 hour day length treatment. At 18◦C both the Northern and Southern clones had ripe berries from 5 weeks after pollination. The results also indicate that the Northern clones produce better at long days, with and without addition of red light, compared to the Southern clones. The levels of fructose, glucose and sucrose are higher in berries developed at 12 than 18◦ C (means of all treatments and all clones). Also the level of citric acid, quinic acid, myo-inositol, gallic acid, cathecin, epigallocatechin, catechin derivates and quercetin are higher at the lowest temperature.


Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), also called European blueberry, is one of the most significant wild berries in the Nordic countries. The berries are recognized for their bioactive properties and distinctive aroma and flavour. The effects of climate on production and the quality of bilberries have been studied in a controlled experiment in a phytotrone using clonal material. In the experiment individual plants from two Northern clones and two Southern clones of bilberry have been grown at 12° and 18°C. At each temperature 2 different light treatments have been tested; 1) 24 hour (h) natural light (long day) and 2) 12 h natural light (short day). All plants were kept outside during flowering to ensure pollination by insects. Berries were sampled when ripe, weighed and stored at -80°C for later analysis


The effect of climate on production and the quality of bilberries have been studied in a controlled experiment using clonal material. In the experiment individual plants from two northern clones and two southern clones of bilberry have been grown on 12◦ and 18◦ C. At each temperature 3 different light treatments have been tested; 1) 24 hour (h) natural light (long day); 2) 24 h natural light with addition of red light and 3) 12 h light (short day). All plants were kept outside during flowering to ensure pollination by insects. Berries were sampled when ripe, weighed and stored at -80◦C for later analysis of pH, sugars, acids, total phenols, total anthocyanins and total antioxidant activity.