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Kystlynghei er en truet naturtype men det finnes ingen presise arealtall for verken utbredelse eller gjengroing av kystlynghei som fremdeles finnes. I dette prosjektet har vi derfor modellert utbredelse og gjengroing av kystlynghei i Norge. Modellene vil gi et bedre datagrunnlaget for Åpent lavland i Naturindeks for Norge. Vår utbredelsesmodell bruker miljøvariabler hentet fra arealressurskart og en digital terrengmodell og registrerte forekomster av kystlynghei for å predikere utbredelsen i områder som ikke er kartlagt. Registrerte forekomster ble hentet fra Naturbase i 2018. Kartlagt kystlynghei fra NIBIO ble brukt som et uavhengig testdatasett for å vurdere prediksjonen til utbredelsesmodellen. Den samme prosedyren ble brukt for å predikere gjengroing, med de samme miljøvariablene og forekomstene. Vi fant at det er mulig å bruke tilgjengelig kartdata til å predikere utbredelse og gjengroing av kystlynghei utenfor de registrerte områdene. Det er imidlertid potensiale for å forbedre modellen, men det vil kreve registrering av flere kystlyngheiforekomster som representerer et større areal.


Fleire og fleire, både offentlege etatar og private hageeigarar, ønsker no å bytte ut kortklipt plen med artsrike blomsterenger. Nokon grunngjev dette med at blomstereng er mindre arbeidskrevjande enn plen fordi den skal slåast berre ein gong i sesongen. Andre vil legge forholda til rette for pollinerande insekt. Uansett motiv vil ei blomstereng vere eit nyttig bidrag for å auke mangfaldet av insekt og planteartar. Pollinerande insekt er avhengige av eit stort mangfald av blomsterartar for å sikre seg mat (nektar og pollen) gjennom heile sesongen. På den andre sida er humler, bier, sommerfuglar, biller og blomsterfluer nødvendige for at blomstrande planter skal kunne formere seg.


Hyperspectral imaging has many applications. However, the high device costs and low hyperspectral image resolution are major obstacles limiting its wider application in agriculture and other fields. Hyperspectral image reconstruction from a single RGB image fully addresses these two problems. The robust HSCNN-R model with mean relative absolute error loss function and evaluated by the Mean Relative Absolute Error metric was selected through permutation tests from models with combinations of loss functions and evaluation metrics, using tomato as a case study. Hyperspectral images were subsequently reconstructed from single tomato RGB images taken by a smartphone camera. The reconstructed images were used to predict tomato quality properties such as the ratio of soluble solid content to total titratable acidity and normalized anthocyanin index. Both predicted parameters showed very good agreement with corresponding “ground truth” values and high significance in an F test. This study showed the suitability of hyperspectral image reconstruction from single RGB images for fruit quality control purposes, underpinning the potential of the technology—recovering hyperspectral properties in high resolution—for real-world, real time monitoring applications in agriculture any beyond.

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A greenhouse climate-crop yield model was adapted to include additional climate modification techniques suitable for enabling sustainable greenhouse management at high latitudes. Additions to the model were supplementary lighting, secondary heating and heat harvesting technologies. The model: 1) included the impact of different light sources on greenhouse air temperature and tomato production 2) included a secondary heating system 3) calculated the amount of harvested heat whilst lighting was used. The crop yield model was not modified but it was validated for growing tomato in a semi-closed greenhouse equipped with HPS lamps (top-lights) and LED (inter-lights) in Norway. The combined climate-yield model was validated with data from a commercial greenhouse in Norway. The results showed that the model was able to predict the air temperature with sufficient accuracy during the validation periods with Relative Root Mean Square Error <10%. Tomato yield was accurately simulated in the cases under investigation, yielding a final production difference between 0.7% and 4.3%. Lack of suitable data prevented validation of the heat harvest sub-model, but a scenario is presented calculating the maximum harvestable heat in an illuminated greenhouse. Given the cumulative energy used for heating, the total amount of heating pipe energy which could be fulfilled with the heat harvestable from the greenhouse air was around 50%. Given the overall results, the greenhouse climate(-crop yield) model modified and presented in this study is considered accurate enough to support decisions about investments at farm level and/or evaluate beforehand the possible consequences of environmental policies.


Farmers in Northern Norway frequently experience winter damaged fields caused by ice encasement. The economic consequences are severe due to loss of fodder and costs with reestablishment of swards. It is therefore important to choose the best available varieties for the local climatic and environmental conditions. We tested eight Norwegian cultivars of timothy (Phleum pratense), for tolerance to ice encasement and their regrowth capacity. Both old and new cultivars, and cultivars with good overwintering capacity and less biomass production were tested against more productive cultivars with less overwintering capacity. The experiment was a semi-field setup and plants were established in pots which were placed outside. Half of the pots were covered with ice and half were kept under snow cover. During four months, pots were brought, once per month, into a greenhouse for thawing and measurement of biomass production under normal growth conditions. The results indicate that the old winter hardy cultivar ‘Engmo’ is least affected by ice encasement but produces little biomass. The joint Nordic cultivar ‘Snorri’ produced most biomass of all the cultivars after a treatment with ice cover. In conclusion, there is a large difference between cultivars in ice encasement tolerance, and ice cover affected regrowth capacity far more than snow cover