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Wood used in outside applications is susceptible to weathering and photo degradation, which often leads to surface discoloration, loss of brightness and surface deterioration. Research has shown that acetylated wood is more resistant against brown rot, white rot and soft rot, and more dimensionally stable than untreated wood. However, acetylated wood seems still to be disfigured by surface moulds and staining fungi. Samples of acetylated Southern Yellow pine at three different treatment levels; low, intermediate and high acetyl content were exposed at two test sites, Ås (Norway) and Bogesund (Sweden) against north and south from September 2010 until March/May 2011. Considerably more precipitation was recorded in Ås in the initial potential fungal growth phase than in Bogesund. As expected, untreated wood had higher mould ratings than acetylated wood. At Ås the tendency was that samples with low acetyl content had lower mould ratings than samples with higher acetyl content. This effect was not found in Bogesund. This may be due to considerably less precipitation in Bogesund compared to Ås. At Ås samples exposed against north tended to have higher mould ratings than panels exposed against south which could be due by less direct sun causing longer time of wetness and more ideal conditions for mould growth.

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Two new species of Schistidium Bruch & Schimp., S. riparium H.H.Blom, Shevock, D.G.Long & Ochyra, and S. mucronatum H.H.Blom, Shevock, D.G.Long & Ochyra, are described and illustrated. They occur in rheophytic habitats in China, S. riparium in the southern Hengduan Mountains in Yunnan Province (Lancang Jiang and Nu Jiang catchments) and S. mucronatum from further north, on the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau of Sichuan and Qinghai Provinces (Jinsha Jiang and Huang He catchments). The affinities of the new species are discussed and on the basis of their concave and broadly canaliculate leaves with plane and erect margins, S. riparium is tentatively placed in Schistidium Bruch & Schimp. subgen. Canalicularia Ochyra, whereas S. mucronatum on account of its keeled, ovate-lanceolate leaves and the strongly curved and twisted peristome teeth resembles very much species of sect. Apocarpiformia (Kindb.) Ochyra within subgen. Apocarpa Vilh.


Digital aerial images over Vestfold county were acquired by TerraTec in summer 2007 with a Vexcel UltraCamX sensor. The flying height above-ground was approximately 2800-3000 m which resulted in images of approximately 1880x2880 m size. The images were acquired in north-south oriented flight strips with a 20% side and 60% within-strip overlap. Panchromatic image data were acquired in 20 cm ground sampling distance (GSD). Near infrared, red, green and blue image bands were acquired in 60 cm GSD but were pansharpened to a 20 cm pixel size by the data vendor. The original radiometric resolution of the images (12 bit) was resampled to 8 bit for archival storage. The plane location and orientation during image acquisition were logged using a GPS and an inertial navigation system (INS). To increase the accuracy of the external orientation, an aerial triangulation was performed based on 34 ground control points using the software Match-AT.


The aim in the analysis of sample surveys is frequently to derive estimates of sub-population characteristics. This task is denoted small area estimation (SAE). Often, the sample available for the sub-population is, however, too small to allow a reliable estimate. Frequently, auxiliary variables exist that are correlated with the variable of interest. Several estimators can make use of auxiliary information which may reduce the variance of the estimate.


Stiftelsen Det norske Skogfrøverk startet i 2007 arbeidet med et eget foredlingsprogram på fjelledelgran (Abies lasiocarpa) til produksjon av juletrær. Strategimøter ble gjennomført og planer ble utarbeidet sammen med Norsk institutt for skog og landskap og Norsk Pyntegrønt. Kongler ble sanket fra utvalgte trær og frø ble sådd. Allerede våren 2010 ble det plantet ut seks avkomforsøk og seks proveniensforsøk rundt omkring i Norge. Til sammen i forsøkene ble det plantet i underkant av 15.000 trær. Alle forsøk og planter etablerte seg meget godt med svært liten avgang etter første vekstsesong. Grunnstammer av fjelledelgran er også plantet på Braset ved Hamar. Disse skal podes opp med det beste tilgjengelige avlsmaterialet og bli en fremtidige frøplantasje. Dette for å sikre juletredyrkerne tilgang på nok frø av best mulig kvalitet. Denne forsøksserien er bare starten på et større foredlingsprogram der omfattende, og nødvendig, avkomtesting er under planlegging. Programmet blir finansiert av Landbruksdepartementet og Skogfrøverket.


Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) is an important softwood species in Northern Europe and is frequently used as material for various wood protection systems. In Europe, EN 113 is the standard basidiomycete laboratory durability test method, using mass loss as evaluation criteria. In this paper quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was used to characterize colonization by basidiomycetes in Scots pine sapwood, but also to learn more about the EN 113 test. Two different wood sample sizes were tested. For Gloeophyllum trabeum the largest sample size gave the highest mass loss, while for the smallest samples Trametes versicolor gave the highest mass loss. As expected, fungal DNA content and mass loss in Scots pine sapwood samples decayed by G. trabeum became higher with increasing incubation time of 16 weeks. More unexpectedly, the T. versicolor DNA content in Scots pine sapwood samples was highest at the start of the incubation period and declined during the incubation period, while mass loss increased during the 28 week incubation period. The fungal colonization in the side and middle of EN 113 samples was tested. Highest DNA contents of G. trabeum were measured in the sides during 16 weeks of incubation. The T. versicolor DNA content was higher or similar in the side compared to the middle of the samples until week 20. For weeks 20 and 22 the DNA content was higher in the middle than in the sides, while for the remaining incubation period (weeks 24, 26 and 28) it was quite similar. TGA was shown to be a useful and fast method for chemical characterization of brown rot decayed wood, but cannot be used for white rot decayed wood. For T. versicolor moisture and fungal DNA explained most of the variation in mass loss, while for G. trabeum moisture explained most of the variation in mass loss.


Wood exhibits a highly anisotropic mechanical behavior due to its heterogeneous microscopic structure and composition. Its microstructure is organized in a strictly hierarchical manner from a length scale of some nanometers, where the elementary constituents cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin, and extractives are found, up to a length scale of some millimeters, where growth rings composed of earlywood and latewood are observed. To resolve the microscale origin of the mechanical response of the macro-homogeneous but micro-heterogeneous material wood, micromechanical modeling techniques were applied. They allow for prediction of clear wood stiffness (Hofstetter et al. 2005,2007, Bader et al. 2010a,b) from microstructural characteristics. Fungal decay causes changes in the wood microstructure, expressed by decomposition or degradation of its components (Côté 1965, Schwarze 2007). Consequently, macroscopic mechanical properties are decreasing (see e.g. Wilcox 1978). Thus, in the same manner as for clear wood, consideration of alterations of wood in a micromechanical model allows predicting changes in the macroscopic mechanical properties. This contribution covers results from an extensive experimental program, where changes in chemophysical properties and corresponding changes in the mechanical behavior were investigated. For this purpose, pine (Pinus sylvestris) sapwood samples were measured in the reference condition, as well as degraded by brown rot (G. loeophyllum trabeum) or white rot (Trametes. versicolor). Stiffness properties of the unaffected and the degraded material were not only measured in uniaxial tension tests in the longitudinal direction, but also in the three principal material directions by means of ultrasonic testing. The experiments revealed transversal stiffness properties to be much more sensitive to degradation than longitudinal stiffness properties. This is due to the degradation of the polymer matrix between the cellulose fibers, which has a strong effect on the transversal stiffness. On the contrary, longitudinal stiffness is mainly governed by cellulose, which is more stable with respect to degradation by fungi. Consequently, transversal stiffness properties or ratios of normal stiffness tensor components may constitute suitable durability indicators. Subsequently, simple micromechanical models, as well as a multiscale micromechanical model for wood stiffness, were applied for verification of hypotheses on degradation mechanisms and model validation.