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Hovedmålsetningen til prosjektet er å redusere mengden av mykotoksiner i norsk korn. Vi ønsker blant annet å klargjøre hvordan klima og dyrkningsmessige forhold påvirker utvikling av Fusarium og mykotoksiner i havre og vårhvete. De resultatene som fremkommer i løpet av prosjektperioden vil videre brukes til å utvikle systemer for varsling ved særlig fare for Fusarium-angrep (på regionnivå, evt. gårdsnivå).


Mechanistic, multi-compartment decomposition models require that carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in plant material be distributed among pools of different degradability. For this purpose, measured concentrations of C and N in fractions obtained through stepwise chemical digestion (SCD) and values predicted from near-infrared (NIR) spectra or total plant N concentration were compared. Seventysix cash, forage, green manure and cover crop plant materials representing a wide range in biological origin and chemical quality were incubated in a sandy soil at 15 degrees C and -10 kPa water potential for 217 d. A mechanistic decomposition model was calibrated with data from soil without plant material and initialised by data on amounts of C and N in fractions obtained from SCD directly or C and N in SCD fractions as predicted from NIR spectroscopy or plant N concentration. All model parameters describing C and N flows from plant material were kept at default values as defined in previous, independent works with the same model. When results from SCD were used directly to initialise the decomposition model, C and N mineralisation dynamics were predicted well (r(2) = 0.76 and 0.70 for C mineralisation rates and accumulation of inorganic N, respectively). When a NIR calibration was used to predict the SCD data, this resulted in nearly equally good model performance (r(2) = 0.76 and 0.69 for C and N mineralisation, respectively). This was also the case when SCD data were predicted from plant material N concentration (r(2) = 0.76 and 0.69 for C and N). We conclude that the combined use of a mechanistic decomposition model and quality data from SCD is a highly adequate basis for an a priori description of the mineralisation of both C and N from common agricultural plant materials, and that both NIR spectroscopy and measurement of total N concentration offer good and cost-effective alternatives if they are calibrated with SCD data. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


En analyse foretatt på målt avrenning i jordbruksdominerte nedbørsfelt i  Norge og to Baltiske land(Estland , Latvia) viste at det er stor variasjon i avrenninsintensitet. I de fleste tilfeller er jordbruks jord drenert som blir settt som en av de viktigste årsaker. Andre årsaker er bakkeplanering, jordtyper og topografien. Variasjon i avrenningsintensitet blir betydelig redusert for større nedbørsfelt. Sammenliknet med Norge er intensiteten i to Baltiske land betydelig lavere.


A review on the most common potato-infecting viruses was given. The following viruses were described: Potato virus X, Potato virus Y, Potato virus M, Potato virus S, Potato moptop virus and Tobacco rattle virus. The way each virus is transmitted as well as strategies to prevent aphid transmission of viruses was explained

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To study physiological and biochemical effects of demethylation inhibitor (DMI) fungicides on non-target insects, larvae of the cabbage moth, Mamestra brassicae L., were exposed orally to propiconazole, (R,S)-1-[2-(2,4-diclophenyl)-4-propyl-1,3-dioolan-2-ylmetyl]-1H-1,2,4-triazole (100, 200 and 600 mg L−1) and fenpropimorph, (±)-cis-4-[3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-2-methylpropyl] 2,6-dimethylmorpholinc (10, 100, 200 and 600 mg L−1) in a semi-synthetic diet. Ten mg L−1 of fenpropimorph reduced larval weight and induced in vitro glutathione S-transferase activity. Reduced larval and pupal growth rate, reduced survival, prolonged developmental time, and altered patterns of larval survival and adult emergence were found for one or both fungicides in at least one of the concentrations tested. The results suggest, that although the use of agricultural fungicides is generally regarded as of minor ecotoxicological consequence for insects, feeding on DMI-treated crops may influence insect fitness, and may also leave them susceptible to pesticide treatments or to residues of pesticides and other pollutants in their food. Standard methods to detect such effects should be developed for use in the environmental risk assessment of these products.


I Jølster er det gjort registreringar for å talfeste verditap etter borkgnag av hjort i ung skog. Hjort gjer skade på ung gran ved å gnage bork. Dei fleste skadar kjem i samband med sterke snøfall og langvarig snødekke, og/eller lengre periodar med låg temperatur som gjer at hjorten søkjer næring der han oppheld seg og med bruk av minst mogeleg energi. Registrerte skadde tre i dei undersøkte bestanda varierte frå 25% til 62%.