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Orientering om standardene (fastsatt av DN) for de mest effektive forebyggende tiltak mot tap av sau til rovvilt.


Predicting the yield and quality of sawn timber continues to be a challenging task, influenced by several stochastic processes: Log dimension and shape under bark varies, accuracy of sawing is not perfect, etc. This work presents an annotated model based on an approach successfully applied in the industry through a couple of decades. A number of important timber yield predictors are identified, and the following models give unbiased yield estimates. Being in need of adjustment before transferring to new locations, the approach might be considered a powerful tool to analyse and improve the operation, rather than a complete model in itself. Nevertheless, the notional, purely geometric, models might be superior for analysing unfamiliar sawing patterns, even if they tend to overestimate the yield. Thus, the two methods should preferably be used in combination, rather than one replacing the other. Finally, the everyday use of such models is illustrated and a procedure for associating sawn timber with suitable logs is outlined.


Hovedmålsetningen til prosjektet er å redusere mengden av mykotoksiner i norsk korn. Vi ønsker blant annet å klargjøre hvordan klima og dyrkningsmessige forhold påvirker utvikling av Fusarium og mykotoksiner i havre og vårhvete. De resultatene som fremkommer i løpet av prosjektperioden vil videre brukes til å utvikle systemer for varsling ved særlig fare for Fusarium-angrep (på regionnivå, evt. gårdsnivå).