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Det finnes et landbruksprodukt som er sterkt etterspurt i deler av USA og Canada, men som synes å være nesten ukjent i Europa. Produktet har blitt beskrevet som ”en smakfull og næringsrik grønnsak”. Råvaretilgangen og produksjonsmulighetene for dette produktet er bedre i Norge enn i de fleste andre Vest-Europeiske land. Råvaren er bregnen strutseving som er viltvoksende i Norden, Øst-Europa, deler av Asia og et område i Øst-Canada/USA.

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Med litt trening og kunnskap kan du se effekter av drifta på jordstruktur, rotutvikling og meitemarkens arbeid i jorda. Særlig der veksten er dårlig kan et jordprofil gi informasjon om hvor problemene ligger. Det kan være spennende å grave et slikt hull i jorda, særlig sammen med andre praktikere og rådgivere. Da blir det gjerne gode diskusjoner om agronomi, drift og maskinpark.


Influence of weather conditions on sporangia production, release, viability and infection of potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) was investigated in Denmark, Norway and Finland using Burkard spore traps and exposure of trap plants in field plots. High amounts of sporangia were trapped after night with long periods with high relative humidity. Sporangia produced in one humidity period were mainly released at the first humidity drop in the morning hours, but there were also some "delayed sporangia release". Local new infections occurred mainly during the morning hours when the leaves were still wet. On many days sporangia did not survive until the afternoon and the results indicate that conditions for survival of sporangia and infection are major bottlenecks for the spread and development of the disease


Preliminary results from a Norwegian project performed 2005-2008 was presented. It includes identifying the geographical distribution and life cycle of the species in Norway, testing different methods for control in private gardens, and evaluating the nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita. Foreløpige resultater fra et norsk forskningsprosjekt 2005-2008 ble presentert. Det inkluderer utbredelse og livssyklus i Norge, utprøving av ulike bekjempingsmetoder i privathager, og evaluering av nematoden Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita.


Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are commercially available for control of soil dwelling larvae of the vine weevil (Otiorhynchus sulcatus). In Europe several products are available comprising three different species, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, H. megidis, and Steinernema kraussei. The latter species is for use at low temperatures. Results from several trials using H. megidis and S. kraussei against vine weevil in strawberry fields indicate that low temperature, soil type and possibly the application method are limiting factors that appear to reduce their efficacy. The use of EPNs against vine weevil larvae in the field will be discussed including results from cold-activity studies and application methods.


Different methods to reduce the population of Arion lusitanicus are being investigated in private gardens naturally infested with the slug. In the laboratory the effect of different mulches are also being tested. Preliminary results from the studies conducted in gardens indicate that physical removal of slugs by picking or trapping and killing is most effective. In arenas in the laboratory, slugs avoided cocoa chips mulch and alginate granules. These studies are on-going and will be completed at the end of 2008. The slug parasitic nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita has recently been isolated in Norway. It is being studied as a biological control agent of A. lusitanicus. Results so far show that young slugs (0,02 " 0,04g) are most susceptible to infection and death. It also appeared that soil based bioassays gave better and more consistent results than assays using Petri dishes with filter paper. Further studies on the host-parasitic relationship of the nematode and slug are required.