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Dispersal of alien species, plant pests and other organisms through trade with living plants and plant parts increases with globalisation. Every year a significant amount of horticultural plants for use in urban landscapes and private gardens are imported to Norway from several other European countries. The last decade the amount of such import to Norway has doubled, while the resources allocated for phytosanitary control of this goods on arrival has not had a similar development. Trees and bushes for outdoor use pose a special risk for carrying unwanted stowaways since they are mostly produced outdoors in the export country and are in addition frequently exported with a lump of soil from the production site. After arrival in Norway the plants are dispersed quickly to all parts of the country where they are sold to private and official buyers. The quick handling of this material makes it easy for an organism to stay alive and have the opportunity to establish in the new environment. A study was carried out in 2006 to aiming to find out more about this trade, particularly emphasizing on identifying species of insects and arachnids that were suspected to pass through the national control system. Mattilsynet, the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, is the National Plant Protection Organization of Norway, and perform random sampling of imported plant commodities of this type. Unfortunately, there is practically no surveillance on the introduction of species that are not on the quarantine pest list, and the standard control routines fail in detecting and rejecting plant commodities that contain non-quarantine species. In this study it was mainly searched for insects and arachnids, but snails and slugs, millipedes and other organisms were also found. The plant species sampled were mostly conifers, of which Thuja sp. and Taxus sp. were the majority. Conifers turned out to be excellent in providing shelter and hiding places for small organisms. Three sampling methods were used: 1. Shaking method, 2. Visual observation and 3. Sampling of the compost fallen off the consignments during the transport. The last method added most species to the list. In only six samples of compost investigated as much as 93 different species were identified. During a short period of sampling 1193 individuals were collected travelling as stowaways mainly from Germany, Denmark and the Netherlands. 156 species were identified and additional 26 organisms were identified to the genus level.

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Forebyggende tiltak mot salatbladskimmel bør følges hele sesongen, mens kjemiske tiltak er aktuelle når værforholdene er gunstige for infeksjon og det er fare for smitte. Det har vist seg å være svært varierende når og hvor første angrep av salatbladskimmel oppstår. Overvåk derfor feltene nøye og sett i gang tiltak allerede ved begynnende svake angrep.

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Forsøkene viste at en gangs delgjødsling til høsthvete er et meget interessant alternativ til det tradisjonelle opplegget med to ganger delgjødsling. Med dagens prisbetingelser gjelder denne konklusjonen i alle fall sorter med svak proteinkvalitet.


Berre bruke herbicid når og der det er nødvendig. Vidareutvikle økonomiske skadetersklar og operasjonalisere dei. Rotasjon med herbicid med ulike verknadsmekanismar. Ikkje meir enn to år etter kvarandre med same verknadsmekanismer uten at andre effektive tiltak kjem i tillegg. Bruk herbicid med ulike verknadsmekanismer i tankblanding eller etter kvarandre ei tid. NB! begge herbicidene må ha god verknad mot det (dei) aktuelle ugraset(a). Meir kostbar bekjempelse. Kombiner der er mogeleg med mekaniske tiltak. Ugrasharving aleine eller harving kombinert med herbicid. Vekstrotasjon som gir høve til å bruke herbicid med ulik virkemekanisme eller ikkje kjemisk tiltak. Korn-potet: svært gunstig (Sencor, Fenix, mekanis) korn-gras: svært gunstig (fenoksysyrene, populasjonsnedgang i grasåra) korn-grønsaker: begrensa (få middel å veksla mellom) korn-ertervekster: svært gunstig (Fenix, Basagran) korn-oljevekster: begrensa Inkluder der det er mogeleg ut fra erosjonshensyn, pløying og høstharving i ugrasstrategien. Kva med redusert jordarbeiding? Godt ugrasreinhold om hausten og våren Sjekk arealene regelmessig for å oppdage resistens så fort som råd og sett inn tiltak for å hinder spredning Organisert opplegg for kartlegging og påvisning av resistens??? Reingjer jordabeidingsredskaper og høstemaskiner før de blir flytta fra eit areal med resistent ugras


Different methods of straw residue management were evaluated in field trials with seed crops of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) in SE Norway during 2000-2005. Compared to straw removal, which up to now has been the most common straw management practice in seed production of the two species, straw chopping and spreading at the back of the combiner during seed harvest did not reduce seed yield in the following year when stubble height was kept at a low level (preferably less than 10 cm). However, in order for newly developed tillers to rapidly penetrate the straw layer in autumn, the chopped straw had to be spread uniformly in the field. The experiments did not provide any support for an extra input of nitrogen in autumn, either in timothy or meadow fescue, when the straw was chopped rather than removed. In both species, also burning of straw and stubble soon after seed harvest was an efficient and fast clean-up method in the field after harvest. However, due to problems with smoke emission, especially near traffic roads and populated areas, field burning is not recommended as a preferable straw management method.


Different methods of straw residue management were evaluated in field trials with seed crops of timothy (Phleum pratense L.) and meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) in SE Norway during 2000-2005. Compared to straw removal, which up to now has been the most common straw management practice in seed production of the two species, straw chopping and spreading at the back of the combiner during seed harvest did not reduce seed yield in the following year when stubble height was kept at a low level (preferably less than 10 cm). However, in order for newly developed tillers to rapidly penetrate the straw layer in autumn, the chopped straw had to be spread uniformly in the field. The experiments did not provide any support for an extra input of nitrogen in autumn, either in timothy or meadow fescue, when the straw was chopped rather than removed. In both species, also burning of straw and stubble soon after seed harvest was an efficient and fast clean-up method in the field after harvest. However, due to problems with smoke emission, especially near traffic roads and populated areas, field burning is not recommended as a preferable straw management method.