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Miljøforholdene i kulturlag i 4 jordprofiler ved St. Jørgensveita, Trondheim ble undersøkt og bevaringsforholdene karakterisert. Vurderingene er basert på laboratorieanalyser av 28 jordprøver. Det ble målt grunnleggende fysikalske og kjemiske parameter, samt redokssensitive forbindelser. Vurderingen for de prøvetatte lagene viser at bevaringsforholdene er til dels dårlige i lag med lav organisk innhold og grovere masser. Men også i tykkere lag med høyt organisk innhold var bevaringsforholdene kun middels bra. Det er knyttet noe usikkerhet til vurderingen av redoksforholdene på grunn av mulig forandring av prøvenes kjemiske egenskaper under oppbevaringen.


Miljøforholdene i kulturlag i to jordprofiler under og utenfor et hus i Storgata 27, Tønsberg ble undersøkt og bevaringsforholdene karakterisert. Vurderingene er basert på laboratorieanalyser av åtte jordprøver. Det ble målt grunnleggende fysikalske og kjemiske parameter, samt redokssensitive forbindelser. Vurderingen for de prøvetatte lagene viser at bevaringsforholdene både under og utenfor huset er dårlige eller elendige (i henhold til NIKUs bevaringsskala). Det er i særlig grad oksiderende eller nitratreduserende redoksforhold som ansees å gi gode miljøforhold for nedbrytning av organiske kulturminner. Drenering som er lagt rundt huset med tilbakefylling av pukk kan ha bidratt til at bevaringsforholdene i begge profiler er dårlige.


Despite the fact that creosote mainly consists of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), more polar compounds like phenolics, benzenes and N-, S-, O-heterocyclics dominate the groundwater downstream from creosote-contaminated sites. In this study, bioassay-directed fractionation, combined with fullscan GC-MS, identified organic toxicants in creosote-contaminated groundwater. An organic extract of creosote-contaminated groundwater was fractionised on a polar silica column using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and the toxicity of the fractions was measured by the Microtox®-bioassay. PAHs, which comprise up to 85% of pure creosote, accounted for only about 13% of total toxicity in the creosote-contaminated groundwater, while methylated benzenes, phenolics and N-heterocyclics accounted for ca. 80% of the measured toxicity. The fraction containing alkylated quinolines was the most toxic single fraction, accounting for 26% of the total measured toxicity. The results imply that focus on PAHs may underestimate risks associated with creosote-contaminated groundwater, and that environmental risk assessment should focus to a higher degree on substituted PAHs and phenolics because they are more toxic than the unsubstituted ones. Additionally, benzenes and N-heterocyclics (e.g. alkylated quinolines) should be assessed.


An old mine spoil at a 19th century mining site with considerable residues of uranium (400-800 mg U kg-1) was investigated with respect to U concentrations in soil and plants, and tolerance to U in the soil microbial community, in order to describe the bioavailability of U. Measurements of soil fractions representing water soluble U, easily exchangeable U and U bound to humified organic matter showed that all fractions contained elevated concentrations of U. Plant U concentrations were only ten times higher at the mine spoil site compared to the reference site (3 mg U kg-1 vs. 0.3 mg U kg-1), while the most easily available soil fractions contained 0.18-0.86 mg U kg-1 soil at the mine spoil. An ecotoxicity bioassay using incorporation of [3H]thymidine into the indigenous microbial communities of the two soils in the presence of increasing U concentrations showed that micro-organisms at the mining site were sensitive to U, but also that they had acquired a substantial tolerance towards U (EC50 of UO2-citrate was approx. 120 µM as compared to 30 µM in the reference soil). In the assay, more than 40% of the microbial activity was maintained in the presence of 1mM UO2-citrate, vs. 3% in the reference soil. We conclude that U-enriched mining waste can contain sufficiently elevated concentrations of bioavailable U to affect indigenous micro-organisms, and that bioavailable U imposes a selection pressure that favours the development of a highly uranium tolerant microbial community, while plant uptake of U remains low.


Many areas of algae technology have developed over the last decades, and there is an established market for products derived from algae, dominated by health food and aquaculture. In addition, the interest for active biomolecules from algae is increasing rapidly. The need for CO2 management, in particular capture and storage is currently an important technological, economical and global political issue and will continue to be so until alternative energy sources and energy carriers diminish the need for fossil fuels. This review summarizes in an integrated manner different technologies for use of algae, demonstrating the possibility of combining different areas of algae technology to capture CO2 and using the obtained algal biomass for various industrial applications thus bringing added value to the capturing and storage processes. Furthermore, we emphasize the use of algae in a novel biological process which produces H2 directly from solar energy in contrast to the conventional CO2 neutral biological methods. This biological process is a part of the proposed integrated CO2 management scheme.


Den foreliggende utredningen skal være en del av kunnskapsgrunnlaget for Regjeringens utarbeiding av en egen bioenergistrategi. Utredningens hovedmålsetting er å kartlegge mulighetene for å etablere og videreutvikle velfungerende omsetningssystemer for bioenergi med bakgrunn i kartlegging og drøfting av ressurstilgang på biobrensler i Norge, herunder omfanget av import og eksport, kostnader ved å øke tilgangen på biomasse til energiformål, dagens bruk av bioenergi, miljøkonsekvenser av økt bruk av bioenergi, konkurranse med bruk av biomasse til andre forhold, rammebetingelser som påvirker produksjon og forbruk og mulige næringsmessige konsekvenser.