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Strategier og tiltak for bioenegiforskning i Bioforsk er diskutert på grunnlag av en handlingsplan som ble utarbeidet i 2006. Visjonen til Bioforsk er at instituttet skal være allment kjent som Norges ledende kunnskapsleverandør for produksjon og uttak av bioenergi fra jordbruket og nær utmark, biogass produksjon fra organisk avfall, energivekster og husdyrgjødsel og bruk av restprodukter fra produksjon og bruk av bioenergi.


Om Bioforsk Nord og om FoU-programmet i Arktisk landbruk og naturbruk


Stikkordsmessig presentasjon av prosjekter ved Bioforsk Nord og i Matprogrammet som er relevante for reindrifta


Informasjon om ansatte, prosjekter og planer ved Bioforsk Økologisk. Orientering om økologiske produkter: etterspørsel, tilgjenegelighet og litt om kvalitet.


The increasing problems caused by Rumex (especially R. obtusifolius L., R. crispus L., and R. longifolius DC.) infestation to organic agriculture in Great Britain, Norway and Switzerland are discussed. Here, inadequate, costly or time-consuming non-chemical control options for Rumex are one of the major barriers for farmers converting to organic production. Potential biological control agents for Rumex in Europe are discussed. We conclude that the chrysomelid beetle Gastrophysa viridula Degeer and the rust fungus Uromyces rumicis (Schum.) Wint. remain the most promising of the researched indigenous species, and that G. viridula can be combined with non-chemical control methods. However, there is a need for biocontrol agents that target Rumex roots; several sesiid moth species are present in Europe which feed upon these, and we suggest that one, Pyropteron chrysidiformis (Esper), has good potential for Rumex biocontrol and merits further study within Europe.


The large arionid slug Arion lusitanicus is a serious pest in northern Europe including many parts of Norway. In Norway it is mainly a pest in home gardens but in recent years it has also spread to horticultural and vegetable crops such as strawberry and lettuce. The use of the slug parasitic nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita against A. lusitanicus is being investigated in an ongoing research project that was initiated in 2005. A survey was conducted to examine the natural occurrence of the slug parasitic nematode P. hermaphrodita. The result of the survey was positive which led to registration of the product Nemaslug in 2005. Several experiments have been conducted to study the effect of both the commercial product Nemaslug and Norwegian isolated P. hermaphrodita on A. lusitanicus slugs. Laboratory and controlled pot experiments confirm that young stages of the slug (0.02 - 0.04g) are most susceptible to infection and death. It also appears that soil based bioassays give more consistent results than assays using Petri dishes with filter paper. Further work on the infection process of nematodes in A. lusitanicus slugs as well as the practical aspects of nematode use in gardens and the field are being addressed.


Results from 3 trials with use of Amblyseius swirskii to control thrips (Thrips tabaci) and whiteflies (Trialeurodes vaporariorum) in cucumber grown with artificila light in experimental and commercial greenhouses were presented.