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Et feltforsøk med 10 bringebærsorter ble etablert ved NIBIO Apelsvoll våren 2019, og planteutvikling og avling ble registrert i 2021, 2022 og 2024. Det ble også gjort vurderinger av smakskvalitet og fasthet hos bæra. Her presenteres resultatene med et spesielt fokus på sortsegenskaper for økologisk dyrking.


Ålegras (Zostera marina) er en blomstrende undervannsplante som danner store enger på bunnen mange steder langs norskekysten. Ålegras spiller en nøkkelrolle i akvatiske økosystemer langs kysten, og mange arter er helt avhengig av habitatet ålegraset tilbyr. Dessverre er mange ålegraspopulasjoner i kraftig tilbakegang i Norge og verden forøvrig, og derfor pågår flere restaureringsprosjekter. Det er da viktig å bruke plantemateriale fra friske ålegrasenger. I den forbindelse ble NIBIO bedt om å kontrollere ålegrasenger i Oslofjorden for skadegjørere innen artsgruppen oomyceter fordi det nylig er gjort funn av disse flere steder i Norge. I utgangspunktet gjaldt dette to ålegrasenger, men da de første engene ikke var friske, ble ytterligere fire enger undersøkt for skadegjørere, samt bunnsedimentet på to plasser der ålegraset etter planen skal transplanteres til. Denne rapporten inneholder resultatene fra disse undersøkelsene, samt tidligere funn i Norge og våre anbefalinger.


Europe’s Earth Observation programme for climate and environmental monitoring, Copernicus, provides ready-made thematic layers in the form of High-Resolution Layers (HRL). Examples include Water and Wetness, Small woody features, Grassland and Imperviousness. These datasets are freely available and comparable across Europe, but are they of high enough quality to be useful in national monitoring? In a collaborative project between Norway and Poland, we tested the accuracy and usefulness of these products for environmental monitoring, either alone or in combination with national data. We identified several challenges, ranging from errors in the data, difficulties finding information needed in the verification work, issues related to definitions and thresholds and the time-lag before data are available. However, the work also highlighted gaps and weaknesses in the national geographic datasets. We conclude that there is a clear need for the CLMS products. We advise caution in using the products until they have been improved but see that they have great potential for future use in environmental monitoring.

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This paper reports on a study investigating the viability and senescence of plum ovules when exposed to different constant temperatures over two years. The research was conducted on the primary and secondary ovules of four plum cultivars: ‘Mallard’, ‘Edda’, ‘Jubileum’, and ‘Reeves’. The results show that the first indication of ovule viability loss was callose accumulation, which was detected using the fluorescent dye aniline blue. All cultivars had viable ovules, in different percentages, at 8 °C on the twelfth day after anthesis. However, at higher temperatures, distinct patterns emerged, indicating the adaptability of each cultivar at certain temperatures. The first indication of callose accumulation became visible at the chalazal pole. After anthesis, the ovule’s ability to remain viable gradually reduced, followed by callose deposition throughout the ovary. The cultivars ‘Edda’ and ‘Reeves’, from 6 days after anthesis onward, in both years, showed the highest percentage of nonviable ovules. In contrast, the ‘Jubileum’ cultivar demonstrated the highest percentage of viable ovules. The loss of viability of secondary ovules followed a similar pattern to that of the primary ovules in all cultivars. This research provides valuable insights into embryological processes, which can help in the following breeding programs, and to cultivate plum cultivars in Western Norway’s climate conditions.


The boreal, alpine, and arctic heaths and forests are dominated by dwarf-shrubs along with their symbionts, ericoid mycorrhizal fungi. Dwarf-shrubs are sensitive to climate change and are already affected in large-scale diebacks. It remains to explore how their mycorrhizal symbionts mitigate damages, since little is known about these plant-fungal interactions. Ericoid mycorrhizal fungi are known to aid the host plant with nutrient uptake, but little research exists on their dealings with drought, suggesting a major knowledge gap. A better overview of belowground ericoid fungi at different drought levels might help predict future climate-change induced damage. In our study we aim to find out if and how drought affects ericoid mycorrhizal fungal communities, and pinpoint key species related to drought mitigation.