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En stor andel av jordbruksarealet i Norge ligger nær byer og tettsteder. Nær 83 % av befolkningen bor i tettsteder, og denne andelen øker årlig. Fra dette perspektivet kan nærheten være positiv, om man tenker på avstand fra jord til bord. Men har jordbruksarealenes nærhet til tettsteder også betydning i forhold til om disse arealene er i drift eller ikke?

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Biodiversity is declining globally in response to multiple human stressors, including climate forcing. Nonetheless, local diversity trends are inconsistent in some taxa, obscuring contributions of local processes to global patterns. Arctic tundra diversity, including plants, fungi, and lichens, declined during a 15-year experiment that combined warming with exclusion of large herbivores known to influence tundra vegetation composition. Tundra diversity declined regardless of experimental treatment, as background growing season temperatures rose with sea ice loss. However, diversity declined slower with large herbivores than without them. This difference was associated with an increase in effective diversity of large herbivores as formerly abundant caribou declined and muskoxen increased. Efforts that promote herbivore diversity, such as rewilding, may help mitigate impacts of warming on tundra diversity.


LegacyNet is a voluntary network of 32 international sites, established to investigate the yield benefits of multispecies grassland leys and their legacy effects on a follow-on crop. Relatively few experiments have investigated the impact of manipulating species diversity in grassland leys within crop rotations, and fewer still have accounted for variability across environments and soil types. A common experiment is being conducted at all 32 LegacyNet sites, with 52 grassland plots of systematically varied combinations of six forage species from three functional groups (two grasses, two legumes and two herbs) being sown at each site. The plots are measured and harvested for a period of at least 18 months. After this time, grassland plots are terminated, and a follow-on crop established on each plot (retaining the same plot structure). Measurements taken during the grassland and follow-on crop stages include dry matter yield, forage quality, botanical composition, and legacy effects. In this paper, we introduce the LegacyNet international experiment, its design, and overall aims and objectives.

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This chapter gathers information about the current legal requirements related to the emission of ammonia from animal housing in 24 out of the 27 EU countries and in 7 non-EU countries. Overall, the chapter shows that most of the included countries have established substantial procedures to limit ammonia emission and practically no procedures to limit greenhouse gas emission. The review can also be seen as an introduction to the substantial initiatives and decisions taken by the EU in relation to ammonia emission from animal housing, and as a notification on the absence of corresponding initiatives and decisions in relation to greenhouse gases. An EU directive on industrial emissions from 2010 and an implementation decision from 2017 are the main general instruments to reduce ammonia emission from animal housing in the EU. These treaties put limits to ammonia emissions from installations with more than 2000 places for fattening pigs, with more than 750 places for sows, and with more than 40,000 places for poultry. As an example, the upper general limit for fattening pigs is 2.6 kg ammonia per animal place per year. This chapter indicates that the important animal producing countries in the EU as well as United Kingdom have implemented the EU requirements and that a few countries including the Flemish part of Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Slovakia, and Spain have introduced even stricter requirements.