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Helse- og miljørisiko ved bruk av bakterien Psychrobacter sp. i plantevernmiddelet Nemaslug® Helserisikoen for mennesker ved bruk av Nemaslug® anses som lav, men man kan ikke utelukke risiko for svært infeksjonsutsatte pasientgrupper. Det er ingen bevis for helseproblemer som oppstår ved inntak av matvarer behandlet med Nemaslug®. Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø (VKM) har, på oppdrag fra Mattilsynet, utført en risikovurdering av bakterien Psychrobacter sp. som inngår i plantevernmiddelet Nemaslug®. Plantevernmiddelet Nemaslug®, som er godkjent for bruk i Norge siden 2005, inneholder nematoden Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita. Nematoden bærer en symbiotisk bakterie som fungerer som den aktive biokontrollorganismen ved å produsere giftstoffer som dreper snegler ved infeksjon. Bakgrunnen for oppdraget er at det ble avdekket at bakterien i Nemaslug® ikke er Moraxella osloensis, som den tidligere godkjenningen er basert på. Den er i stedet blitt identifisert som en art i bakterieslekten Psychrobacter, mest sannsynlig Psychrobacter faecalis, alternativt Psychrobacter pulmonis. Denne vurderingen skal danne grunnlag for Mattilsynets beslutning om hvorvidt Nemaslug® skal beholde sin godkjenning for bruk i Norge eller ei. Resultater Det er begrenset informasjon om helsefarene ved Psychrobacter sp. hos mennesker. Kunnskap om antibiotikaresistens og patogenisitet i slekten Psychrobacter er i stor grad mangelfull. Det er lite informasjon om forekomsten av Psychrobacter sp. i Norge. Potensialet for spredning og etablering av Psychrobacter sp. i miljøet under norske forhold vurderes som lavt. Risikoen Nemaslug® utgjør for ikke-målorganismer, spesielt bløtdyr, er usikker og krever videre forskning. Videre taksonomisk analyse og fullstendig genomsekvensering er nødvendig for å bekrefte artstilhørigheten til bakterien i Nemaslug®. Konklusjoner Selv om informasjonen om helsefarene knyttet til Psychrobacter sp. hos mennesker er begrenset, betraktes den generelt som et lavrisikopatogen. Helserisikoen for mennesker ved bruk av Nemaslug® anses derfor som lav, men risiko for pasientgrupper som er svært mottakelige for infeksjoner kan ikke utelukkes. Det er ingen bevis for helseproblemer som oppstår ved inntak av matvarer behandlet med Nemaslug®. Metode VKM har hentet data og informasjon fra søkeren via Mattilsynet og VKMs forrige rapport om Nemaslug®. Et grundig litteratursøk ble gjennomført for å innhente ytterligere relevant informasjon. ​Vurderingen er godkjent av VKMs faggruppe for plantehelse.

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Background Pollinators are under threat from a variety of environmental drivers, including habitat loss and fragmentation, pesticides, climate change, and invasive species. Despite being domesticated animals, honey bees (Apis mellifera) share many traits with invasive species and several studies have suggested that beekeeping might pose a threat to wild bees and other pollinators. In Norway, the history of beekeeping dates to at least the 18th century, yet little is known about the consequences of this agricultural practice on biodiversity, especially on wild pollinators. The Norwegian Environment Agency therefore asked VKM to provide a brief summary of the available literature on the impact of honey bee keeping on wild pollinating insects and assess whether keeping of honey bees might pose a risk to wild pollinators in Norway. VKM was also asked to specifically assess the impact of stocking rates and placement of honey bee hives in relation to important wild pollinator habitats and vulnerable populations of wild pollinators (e.g. threatened species). Finally, VKM was asked to identify and assess possible risk-reducing measures related to any risk identified. Methods To provide a brief review of the literature on how keeping of honey bees affect wild pollinators, VKM conducted a rapid review, using the "updates of systematic reviews" approach. This approach aimed to update and supplement the two existing systematic reviews on the topic. Following established search protocols, the literature review thus focused on the effects of managed honey bees (Apis mellifera) on wild pollinators, specifically addressing three key areas: (i) competition for floral and nesting resources, (ii) transmission of pathogens and parasites, and (iii) indirect effects via changes in plant communities. Based on the hazards identified in the literature review and one additional hazard identified by experts in the project group, VKM conducted a risk assessment that included hazard identification, hazard characterization, likelihood of impact, and risk characterization for each of the hazards identified, focusing on the Norwegian context. Additionally, for each identified hazard, VKM estimated the confidence levels for each step in the risk assessment. Finally, VKM identified potential risk mitigating measures and assessed their effectiveness. This was done by conducting a literature search to identify potential risk reducing measures and assessing the identified mitigating measures their effectiveness, certainty of effectiveness, and potential harms using the approach developed by Conservation Evidence (see www.conservationevidence.com). Results/Conclusions Status of knowledge The literature review performed by VKM identified 45 recent studies that were not included in the two previous systematic reviews on the topic. The new studies did not provide results that altered the conclusions of the previous reviews. A brief summary of the review is presented below. Competition for floral resources. Managed honey bees can compete with wild pollinators for shared floral resources and this competition can have clear, measurable, negative effects on wild pollinators. Spillover of pathogens and parasites. Managed honey bees can potentially spread bacterial, viral, and fungal pathogens to wild pollinators. The extent to which these pathogens cause disease in wild pollinators is, however, unknown for most wild pollinators. Several parasitic mites can infest hives of managed honey bees, but none of these have been shown to infest wild pollinators found in Norway. One common honey bee pest, the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida), has been found to also infect nests of wild bees. This species is not currently found in Norway. ............................

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Background: The Norwegian Environment Agency (Miljødirektoratet) and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) tasked the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment (Vitenskapskomiteen for mat og miljø, VKM) to provide a scientific opinion identifying which growing media associated with import of live plants pose the greatest risk of introducing non-native species to Norway. VKM was also asked to assess how effective various risk-reducing measures are to prevent such introductions. In this report, we focus on the introduction of plant pests. Trade in plants for planting is a large and complex international business where live plants are grown in some areas and shipped to other areas where they are intended to be planted or replanted. Traded plants are usually shipped with associated growing media. Long-lived plants, like trees and bushes, may be imported to the EU (e.g., from Asia) and traded through different countries for several years of on-growth before being shipped to Norway. Long production cycles, partly in outdoor nurseries, suggest that the import of live plants with soil or other growing media into Norway comes with a high probability of introducing plant pests. Such pests could cause severe harm to Norwegian plant health and impact both agriculture and natural ecosystems. In this scientific opinion, we describe the most used growing media and assess the risks associated with these. We further evaluate what types of plants and which exporting countries are considered to pose the highest risks for introducing plant pests. Finally, we describe different risk reduction options and assess the effectiveness of current Norwegian regulations as a tool to reduce risks. Altogether, this assessment provides a comprehensive overview of the potential risks involved in importing soil and other growing media associated with plants for planting and of possible strategies for mitigating these risks. Key findings: Growing media constituents: The most used organic growing media constituents are peat, wood fiber, and compost, but a great array of other constituents is also used. In this report, we have focused on organic constituents, as these are frequently colonized by living organisms when sourced and may support pest species by acting as a food source or as a sheltering environment that provides water, oxygen, and other crucial factors for pest survival. Growing media as a plant pest carrier: Even though most growing media constituents initially are sterile or free from any plant pests, the processes of mixing, potting, plant cultivation, transport, and storage can easily allow contamination by and propagation of pests underway from a primary source to a customer in Norway. Many organisms can colonize and survive in growing media under conditions primarily designed to keep plants alive. Growing media thus poses a risk of introducing plant pests to Norway when such media are imported together with live plants. Identified pest species: Organisms that can arrive with the import of live plants and associated growing media will include organisms that are not plant pests, known plant pests, regulated pests, and species that may be problematic even though they are not currently listed as quarantine pests. By screening two international databases (CABI, 2022; EPPO, 2024b) and performing a structured literature search, we identified a total of 651 pest species, most of which are not present in Norway, that may be associated with plants imported from Europe with soil or other growing media (154 species from CABI, 87 from EPPO, and 410 from the literature search). Due to time limitations, only 89 species were assessed for their association with soil and growing media. This evaluation included 20 species from CABI, 24 from EPPO, and 45 from the literature search, as detailed in Appendix 5. Climate suitability analyses were carried out .........

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Denne studien, finansiert av Miljødirektoratet gjennom en tildeling til Haldenvassdraget vannområde, utforsker potensialet for å omdanne jordbruksarealer til flommark for å håndtere flom- og overvann. Fokus ligger på mindre produktive jordbruksarealer nær elver, som er egnet for flomdemping med minst effekt på produktivitet. Forskningen har som mål å utvikle en metodologi for å vurdere de økonomiske og hydrologiske konsekvensene av omgjøring til flommark. Studien er en tverrfaglig vurdering og har som mål å fremme bærekraftige arealforvaltningspraksiser som balanserer flomresiliens med jordbrukets behov. Denne metodologien kan deles opp i tre faser; identifisering av potensielt oversvømmet areal, kartlegging av historiske hendelser, og vurdering av kostnad og effekt. Metoden ble testet i fire pilotområder; nedbørsfelt i vannområdene Haldenvassdraget (Hafsteinelva), Glomma Sør (Hæra), Morsa (Hobøl) og Øyeren (Åa). Studien har identifisert areal som har potensial for omgjøring til flommark i de fire vannområder; 331 km² med en maksimal økningi vannivå av 1 m, 503 km² ved 2 m. Analysen i pilotområdene viser også at flomutsatt skog- og utmarksareal er tre ganger større i prosjektområdet, og at ca. 2,5 % av det flomutsatte jordbruksarealet er egnet for omgjøring. Fra et hydrologisk perspektiv er flomdemping i utmark, med sine naturlige egenskaper som høy infiltrasjonshastighet og større overflateruhet, potensielt mer effektivt. LIkevel understrekes det at flom er et romlig problem, og at planlegging og projisering bør ta utgangspunkt i lokale forhold. Tiltakene for flomdemping må balanseres med både økonomiske og miljømessige hensyn for å finne bærekraftige løsninger. Studien fremmer mulighetene som offentlig tilgjengelige data for å danne et kvantitativt kunnskapsgrunnlag som kan støtte helhetlig arealforvaltning. Studien anbefaler en landskapsorientert tilnærming til omgjøring, hvor både jordbruks- og utmarksarealer vurderes i en helhetlig kontekst.


In Norway, grazing is a natural part of a sustainable use of rangeland, where coexistence with protected carnivores is a challenge. The twofold objective of Norwegian carnivore policy and management is that both grazing industries and predators must be considered and preserved at a sustainable level. This is pursued through area differentiation (i.e., zonation), with separate areas where predatory game and grazing animals respectively have priority. A consequence of this management regime is area challenges and marginal zone problems, which arise in the border areas between carnivore-priority and grazing-priority areas, where the occurrence of grazing animals and predators coincides. Especially in the border zone areas, there are therefore often conflicts between the two goals in large carnivore conservation policy and management. Commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food (LMD), the Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO) has examined how the area-differentiated management regime that Norway practices affects the loss of sheep and reindeer. This has been done by studying spatial-temporal and seasonal variation and development in carcass finds of sheep and reindeer both inside and outside the predatory priority areas and adjacent marginal zones in Norway.