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Jorunn BørveSammendrag
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Leptosol er jordsmonn som er svært grunnt eller som har et svært høyt innhold av grus eller stein. På slik jord er det ofte begrenset hvilke planter som kan dyrkes.
Jan Peter George Mari Rusanen Egbert Beuker Leena Yrjänä Volkmar Timmermann Nenad Potočić Sakari Välimäki Heino KonradSammendrag
Ash dieback (ADB) has been threatening populations of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior & F. angustifolia) for more than three decades. Although much knowledge has been gathered in the recent past, practical conservation measures have been mostly implemented at local scale. Since range contraction in both ash species is likely to be exacerbated already in the near future by westward expansion of the emerald ash borer and climate change, systematic conservation frameworks need to be developed to avoid long-term population-genetic consequences and depletion of genomic diversity. In this article, we address the advantages and obstacles of conservation approaches aiming to conserve genetic diversity in situ or ex situ during tree pandemics. We are reviewing 47 studies which were published on ash dieback to unravel three important dimensions of ongoing conservation approaches or perceived conservation problems: i) conservation philosophy (i.e. natural selection, resistance breeding or genetic conservation), ii) the spatial scale (ecosystem, country, continent), and iii) the integration of genetic safety margins in conservation planning. Although nearly equal proportions of the reviewed studies mention breeding or active conservation as possible long-term solutions, only 17 % consider that additional threats exist which may further reduce genetic diversity in both ash species. We also identify and discuss several knowledge gaps and limitations which may have limited the initiation of conservation projects at national and international level so far. Finally, we demonstrate that there is not much time left for filling these gaps, because European-wide forest health monitoring data indicates a significant decline of ash populations in the last 5 years.
Johannes RahlfSammendrag
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Eva Narten HøbergSammendrag
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Narta ElshaniSammendrag
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Sissel Torre Ian Thomas Behnke Byrnes Ole Christian Lind Nina Elisabeth Nagy YeonKyeong LeeSammendrag
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