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Lysforurensing har blitt et økende problem mange steder i verden – med uheldige konsekvenser for naturen. De siste årene har internasjonal forskning vist at kunstig belysning kan bidra til nedgang i insektbestander. I et forskningssamarbeid mellom NIBIO, Statens vegvesen og Universitet i Sørøst-Norge undersøkes det hvordan vegbelysning påvirker flyvende insekter.


Driftsgranskingane er eit forvaltningsoppdrag som NIBIO utfører for Landbruks- og matdepartementet. Den årlege undersøkinga viser status og utvikling for økonomien i landbruket og får fram verknadene av politikk og rammevilkår. Ho er såleis eit viktig verktøy for forvaltninga. Analysar av granskingsmaterialet gir dessutan grunnlag for rådgiving, forsking og undervisning.


I rapporten beskrives hvordan arealbruksendringene ved etablering av bakkemonterte solkraftverk påvirker opptak og utslipp av klimagasser. Det redegjøres også for hvordan ulike grader av skygge påvirker produksjonen av gras i ulike regioner i Norge. I tillegg beskrives driftstekniske utfordringer ved samproduksjon av strøm og jordbruksvekster. Rapporten belyser også hvilke konsekvenser fire planlagte solkraftverk kan få på opptak og utslipp av klimagasser fra arealbrukssektoren.

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Climate change is and will continue to alter plant responses to their environment. This is especially prominent concerning the adaptive tracking in reproductive phenology. For wind pollinated plants, this will substantially influence their pollen seasonality, yet there are gaps in knowledge about how environmental variation influences pollen seasonality. To investigate this, we monitored daily atmospheric pollen concentrations of seven pollen types from ecologically, economically and allergenically important plants (alder, hazel, willow, birch, pine, grass and mugwort) in twelve Norwegian locations spanning the entire country for up to 28 years. Six daily meteorological variables (maximum temperature, precipitation, wind speed, relative humidity, solar radiation and atmospheric pressure) was obtained from the MET Nordic dataset with full data cover. The pollen seasonality was then modelled using four spatial, three temporal and the six meteorological variables in a generalized linear model approach with a negative binomial distribution to investigate how each variable group thematically and individually contribute to variation in pollen seasonality. We found that the full models explained the most variation, ranging from R2 = 20.3 % to 59.5 %. The models were also highly accurate, being able to predict 54.5 % to 99.1 % of daily pollen concentrations to within 20.1 pollen grains/m3. Overall, the temporal variables were able to explain more variation than spatial and meteorological variables for most pollen types. Month, altitude and maximum temperature were the most important single variables for each category. The importance of each variable could be traced back to their individual effects of reproductive phenology, plant metabolism, species distributions and pollen release processes. We further emphasise the importance of source maps and atmospheric regional transport models in further model improvements. By understanding the relevance of environmental variation to pollen seasonality we can make better predictions regarding the consequences of climate change on plant populations.


Climate change is already reducing carbon sequestration in Central European forests dramatically through extensive droughts and bark beetle outbreaks. Further warming may threaten the enormous carbon reservoirs in the boreal forests in northern Europe unless disturbance risks can be reduced by adaptive forest management. The European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) is a major natural disturbance agent in spruce-dominated forests and can overwhelm the defences of healthy trees through pheromone-coordinated mass-attacks. We used an extensive dataset of bark beetle trap counts to quantify how climatic and management-related factors influence bark beetle population sizes in boreal forests. Trap data were collected during a period without outbreaks and can thus identify mechanisms that drive populations towards outbreak thresholds. The most significant predictors of bark beetle population size were the volume of mature spruce, the extent of newly exposed clearcut edges, temperature and soil moisture. For clearcut edge, temperature and soil moisture, a 3-year time lag produced the best model fit. We demonstrate how a model incorporating the most significant predictors, with a time lag, can be a useful management tool by allowing spatial prediction of future beetle population sizes. Synthesis and Applications: Some of the population drivers identified here, i,e., spruce volume and clearcut edges, can be targeted by adaptive management measures to reduce the risk of future bark beetle outbreaks. Implementing such measures may help preserve future carbon sequestration of European boreal forests.


Rapporten er utarbeidet på oppdrag for Miljødirektoratet. Den gir en oversikt over kunnskapsgrunnlag for mulige tiltak for å redusere utslipp av klimagasser fra drenert organisk jordbruksjord i Norge, både ved restaurering og ved fortsatt jordbruksdrift. Vurdering av egnete arealer for tiltak, muligheter for bokføring i det nasjonale klimagassregnskapet, positive og negative effekter av tiltakene inngår også.