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NordAqua is a multidisciplinary Nordic Center of Excellence funded by NordForsk Bioeconomy program (2017–2022). The research center promotes Blue Bioeconomy and endeavours to reform the use of natural resources in a environmentally sustainable way. In this short communication, we summarize particular outcomes of the consortium. The key research progress of NordAqua includes (1) improving of photosynthetisis, (2) developing novel photosynthetic cell factories that function in a “solar-driven direct CO2 capture to target bioproducts” mode, (3) promoting the diversity of Nordic cyanobacteria and algae as an abundant and resilient alternative for less sustainable forest biomass and for innovative production of biochemicals, and (4) improving the bio-based wastewater purification and nutrient recycling technologies to provide new tools for integrative circular economy platforms.


I denne rapporten drøftes matsikkerhet og forsyningsberedskap i en norsk sammenheng. Matsikker-heten i Norge er avhengig av kontinuerlig produksjon av mat, ivaretakelse av produksjonsgrunnlaget og velfungerende internasjonale markeder. Det har de senere år blitt stadig tydeligere at vi står overfor både nye og økte trusler mot verdens matsystemer, blant annet som følge av klimaendringer. Det kan utfordre beredskapen knyttet til matforsyningen i Norge. Rapporten presenterer forslag til tiltaksprioriteringer og strategier for forbedret matsikkerhet og forsyningsberedskap.


Foredraget satte fokus på den norske og svenske seterkulturen, hvilke likheter som finnes og hva som er forskjellig. Seterbruk/fäbodbruk ble definert og diskutert. Den historiske utbredelsen til seterbruket i Norge og Sverige ble presentert, sammen med de forskjellige seterbrukstypene og aktiviteter som var knyttet til seterbruket. Videre ble det satt fokus på den immaterielle kulturarven knyttet til seterbruket, og hvem som forvalter seterkulturen i dag. Foredraget var et innspill til arbeidet med å få nominert seterkulturen i Norge og Sverige til Unescos liste for immateriell kulturarv.

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The frequency and severity of outbreaks by pestiferous insects is increasing globally, likely as a result of human-mediated introductions of non-native organisms. However, it is not always apparent whether an outbreak is the result of a recent introduction of an evolutionarily naïve population, or of recent disturbance acting on an existing population that arrived previously during natural range expansion. Here we use approximate Bayesian computation to infer the colonization history of a pestiferous insect, the winter moth, Operophtera brumata L. (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), which has caused widespread defoliation in northern Fennoscandia. We generated genotypes using a suite of 24 microsatellite loci and find that populations of winter moth in northern Europe can be assigned to five genetically distinct clusters that correspond with 1) Iceland, 2) the British Isles, 3) Central Europe and southern Fennoscandia, 4) Eastern Europe, and 5) northern Fennoscandia. We find that the northern Fennoscandia winter moth cluster is most closely related to a population presently found in the British Isles, and that these populations likely diverged around 2,900 years ago. This result suggests that current outbreaks are not the result of a recent introduction, but rather that recent climate or habitat disturbance is acting on existing populations that may have arrived to northern Fennoscandia via pre-Roman traders from the British Isles, and/or by natural dispersal across the North Sea likely using the Orkney Islands of northern Scotland as a stepping-stone before dispersing up the Norwegian coast. approximate bayesian computation, Quaternary climatic oscillations, Lepidoptera, population genetics