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Yilai Lou Liangshan Feng Wen Xing Ning Hu Elke Noellemeyer Edith Le Cadre Kazunori Minamikawa Pardon Muchaonyerwa Mohamed A. E. AbdelRahman Erika Flavia Machado Pinheiro Wim de Vries Jian Liu Scott Chang Jizhong Zhou Zhanxiang Sun Weiping Hao Xurong MeiSammendrag
Agriculture, broadly defined to include crop and livestock production, forestry, aquaculture and fishery, represents a key source or sink of greenhouse gas emissions. It is also a vulnerable sector under climate change. The term climate-smart agriculture has been widely used since its inception in 2010, but no clear and unified understanding of its scientific meaning exists. Here, we systematically analyzed the relationship between agriculture and climate change and interpreted the scientific definition of climate-smart agriculture. We believe that climate smart agriculture represents a modern production approach to coordinatively promote food security, climate mitigation benefits and agricultural adaptation to climate change towards the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, due to the worsening global climate change situation, we expounded on the urgency and major challenges in promoting climate-smart agriculture.
Adam Kristensson Paul Miller Holger Lange Thomas Holst Jaana Bäck Pontus Roldin Natascha Kljun Anne Klosterhalfen Anders Ahlström Thomas A. Pugh Liesbet Vranken Mark Rounsevell Svein Solberg James AtkinsonSammendrag
Forests are a key plank of European policies to mitigate and adapt to climate change and to promote biodiversity. These policies are starting to become more nuanced with respect to the account of their impacts on carbon storage, considering the effect of long-lived wood products and value of conserving old-growth forests, along with indirect land-use change impacts. However, a CO2-focused perspective means that many processes are still omitted for the quantification of the true extent of climate effects. Emissions of the greenhouse gases nitrous oxide and methane, short-lived climate forcers and effects from albedo changes and heat fluxes are also relevant. These processes are interconnected and influence the climate mitigation of forests in a complex way and need to be considered. The CLImate Mitigation and Bioeconomy pathways for sustainable FORESTry (CLIMB-FOREST) Horizon Europe project that runs until 2027 uses a holistic approach to estimate the climate impacts of various management alternatives. The foundation of CLIMB-FOREST is the use of European-wide empirical data, as well as an advanced coupled vegetation and earth-system modelling framework that includes biodiversity indicators and the interaction of forestry stakeholders in a global trade system. This framework is used to model management, forest tree species and climate on short- to long-term in Europe. We present first results of the climate effects and ecosystem functioning for a range of management alternatives in boreal, temperate, and Mediterranean forests. For example, introducing broadleaved trees in a coniferous forest promotes resilience and increased cooling from higher solar light scattering and latent heat flux of broadleaved trees. On the other hand, higher evapotranspiration might lead to an accelerated soil moisture depletion and reduced monoterpene emissions. The latter would have a warming effect because terpenes produce atmospheric particles, which are effective cooling agents through their involvement in cloud formation. Consequently, understanding these complex climate effects is key for appropriate climate-smart-forestry policies and approaches. The main outcomes and impacts of CLIMB-FOREST are to suggest alternative pathways for the forest sector to mitigate climate change in entire Europe, create attitude change in the policymaking process and influence foresters to adopt to new forest management strategies.
1. Climate change is already reducing carbon sequestration in Central European forests dramatically through extensive droughts and bark beetle outbreaks. Further warming may threaten the enormous carbon reservoirs in the boreal forests in northern Europe unless disturbance risks can be reduced by adaptive forest management. The European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) is a major natural disturbance agent in spruce-dominated forests and can overwhelm the defences of healthy trees through pheromone-coordinated mass-attacks. 2. We used an extensive dataset of bark beetle trap counts to quantify how climatic and management-related factors influence bark beetle population sizes in boreal forests. Trap data were collected during a period without outbreaks and can thus identify mechanisms that drive populations towards outbreak thresholds. 3. The most significant predictors of bark beetle population size were the volume of mature spruce, the extent of newly exposed clearcut edges, temperature and soil moisture. For clearcut edge, temperature and soil moisture, a 3-year time lag produced the best model fit. We demonstrate how a model incorporating the most significant predictors, with a time lag, can be a useful management tool by allowing spatial prediction of future beetle population sizes. 4. Synthesis and Applications: Some of the population drivers identified here, i,e., spruce volume and clearcut edges, can be targeted by adaptive management measures to reduce the risk of future bark beetle outbreaks. Implementing such measures may help preserve future carbon sequestration of European boreal forests.
Markus A. K. Sydenham Yoko L. Dupont Anders Nielsen Jens M. Olesen Henning Bang Madsen Astrid Brekke Skrindo Claus Rasmussen Megan Sara Nowell Zander Venter Stein Joar Hegland Anders Gunnar Helle Daniel Ingvar Jeuderan Skoog Marianne Strand Torvanger Kaj-Andreas Hanevik Sven Emil Hinderaker Thorstein Paulsen Katrine Eldegard Trond Reitan Graciela Monica RuschSammendrag
Climate change, landscape homogenization, and the decline of beneficial insects threaten pollination services to wild plants and crops. Understanding how pollination potential (i.e. the capacity of ecosystems to support pollination of plants) is affected by climate change and landscape homogenization is fundamental for our ability to predict how such anthropogenic stressors affect plant biodiversity. Models of pollinator potential are improved when based on pairwise plant–pollinator interactions and pollinator's plant preferences. However, whether the sum of predicted pairwise interactions with a plant within a habitat (a proxy for pollination potential) relates to pollen deposition on flowering plants has not yet been investigated. We sampled plant–bee interactions in 68 Scandinavian plant communities in landscapes of varying land-cover heterogeneity along a latitudinal temperature gradient of 4–8°C, and estimated pollen deposition as the number of pollen grains on flowers of the bee-pollinated plants Lotus corniculatus and Vicia cracca. We show that plant–bee interactions, and the pollination potential for these bee-pollinated plants increase with landscape diversity, annual mean temperature, and plant abundance, and decrease with distances to sand-dominated soils. Furthermore, the pollen deposition in flowers increased with the predicted pollination potential, which was driven by landscape diversity and plant abundance. Our study illustrates that the pollination potential, and thus pollen deposition, for wild plants can be mapped based on spatial models of plant–bee interactions that incorporate pollinator-specific plant preferences. Maps of pollination potential can be used to guide conservation and restoration planning.
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Anders Keim Wulff-Vester Mariette Andersson May Bente Brurberg Per Hofvander Muath K Alsheikh Wendy Harwood Trine Hvoslef-EideSammendrag
Potato is an important part of the traditional Norwegian diet, and the crop faces several challenges with respect to pests and diseases, as well as the increasingly challenging changes in climate. Genome editing may provide tools to improve the resilience of Norwegian potato cultivars to new climate challenges. We have altered the skin colour of two potato cultivars, ‘Desirée’ and ‘Nansen’ from red to yellow, as a proof-of-concept for the use of CRISPR/Cas9 in a Norwegian cultivar. Our method has involved the use of protoplasts and we have grown the regenerants for three successive clonal tuber generations to evaluate the stability of the edited plants over time and under varying temperature conditions in contained rooms in a greenhouse. We found that the protoplast method is well suited to achieving CRISPR/Cas9 applications. The results show that the yellow skin is consistent over the three generations of tuber propagation. We found some suspected somaclonal variation in the protoplast regenerants. Some of the variation which we observed under high temperatures (up to nearly 40ºC) during the second growth cycle, disappeared when cultivated under lower temperatures in the third cultivation cycle.
Marian Malte Weigel Therese With Berge Jukka Salonen Timo Lötjönen Bärbel Gerowitt Lars Olav BrandsæterSammendrag
Controlling creeping perennial weeds is challenging throughout all farming systems. The present study distinguished and explored three different methods to control them non-chemically: disturbance with inversion, disturbance without inversion, and competition. Focusing on Cirsium arvense, Elymus repens, and Sonchus arvensis, we conducted a field study (2019–2021) at three northern European sites in Germany, Finland, and Norway. We investigated the effects of the control methods ploughing (inversion disturbance), root cutting (non-inversion disturbance), and cover crops (competition) alone. Root cutting was conducted using a prototype machine developed by “Kverneland”. Eight treatments were tested in factorial designs adapted for each site. Control methods were applied solely and combined. Response variables after treatments were aboveground weed biomass and grain yield of spring cereals. The control method of ploughing was most effective in reducing weed biomass compared to root cutting or cover crops. However, compared to the untreated control, a pronounced additive effect of root cutting and cover crops occurred, reducing weed biomass (−57.5%) similar to ploughing (−66%). Pooled over sites, the response was species-specific, with each species showing a distinct reaction to both control methods. C. arvense was most susceptible to root cutting, followed by E. repens, while S. arvensis showed no susceptibility. Crop yield losses were prevented compared to untreated plots by ploughing (+60.57%) and root cutting (+30%), but not by cover crops. We conclude that the combination of non-inversion disturbance and competition is a promising strategy to reduce the reliance on herbicides or inversion tillage in the management of perennial weeds.
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Context In high-latitude regions, variable weather conditions during the growing season and in winter cause considerable variation in forage grass productivity. Tools for predicting grassland status and yield, such as field measurements, satellite image analysis and process-based simulation models, can be combined in decision support for grassland management. Here, we calibrated and validated the BASic GRAssland (BASGRA) model against dry matter and Leaf area index data from temporary grasslands in northern Norway. Objective The objective of this study was to compare the performance of model versions calibrated against i) only region-specific ground data, ii) both region-specific ground and Sentinel-2 satellite data and, iii) field trial data from other regions. Methods Ground and satellite sensed data including biomass dry matter, leaf area index, and autumn and spring ground cover from 2020 to 2022 were acquired from 13 non-permanent grassland fields at four locations. These data were input to BASGRA calibrations together with soil and daily weather data, and information about cutting and nitrogen fertilizer application regimes. The effect of the winter season was taken into account in simulations by initiating the simulations either in autumn or in early spring. Results Within datasets, initiating the model in spring resulted in higher dry matter prediction accuracy (normalised RMSE 22.3–54.0 %) than initiating the model in autumn (normalised RMSE 41.1–93.4 %). Regional specific calibrations resulted in more accurate biomass predictions than calibrations from other regions while using satellite sensing data in addition to ground data resulted in only minor changes in biomass prediction accuracy. Conclusion All regional calibrations against data from northern Norway changed model parameter values and improved dry matter prediction accuracy compared with the reference calibration parameter values. Including satellite-sensed data in addition to ground data in calibrations did not further increase prediction accuracy compared with using only ground data. Implications Our findings show that regional data from farmers’ fields can substantially improve the performance of the BASGRA model compared to using controlled field trial data from other regions. This emphasises the need to account for regional diversity in non-permanent grassland when estimating grassland production potential and stress impact across geographic regions. Further use of satellite data in grassland model calibrations would probably benefit from more detailed assessments of the effect of grass growth characteristics and light and cloud conditions on estimates of grassland leaf area index and biomass from remote sensing.
Monica Sanden Johanna Eva Bodin Nur Duale Kristian Prydz Anne-Marthe Ganes Jevnaker Volha Shapaval Ville Erling Sipinen Tage ThorstensenSammendrag
The Norwegian Committee for Food and Environment (VKM) has performed a preliminary assessment of an application for authorization for the genetically modified maize event DP202216 in the EAA. The scope of the application includes all uses of maize DP202216 and sub-combinations independently of their origin equivalent to the uses of any other maize grain and forage. The assessment was performed in connection with EFSAs (European Food Safety Authorities) public hearing of application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-159, on request from the Norwegian Food Safety Authority and the Norwegian Environment Agency. The assessment of maize DP202216 is based on information provided by the applicant in the application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-159, and relevant peer-reviewed scientific literature. Maize DP202216 has the potential to enhanced grain yield, and provides tolerance to glufosinate-ammonium herbicides. Authorisation process for genetically modified organisms Through the EEA Agreement, the EU Directive 2001/18/EC on deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms is implemented in Norwegian law. Norway is therefore affiliated with the GMO authorisation process in the EU. In the EU, both GMOs and derived products are regulated by the Directive and Regulation 1829/2003/EC. The Regulation concerns genetically modified food and feed and is currently not a part of the EEA Agreement. In preparation for a legal implementation of the Regulation in Norwegian law, Norway follows the EU proceedings for GMO applications. When a company seeks approval of a genetically modified organism, the application is submitted to the national competent authority of an EU Member State, which forwards the application to EFSA. EFSA then submits the application for a public hearing across all EEA countries. VKM conducts its own review of the application and sends its comments to EFSA. EFSA then completes their scientific opinion based on information from the applicant, comments from EEA member countries and independent literature. The scientific opinion is then issued to the European Commission. VKM submitted their comments on application EFSA-GMO-NL-2019-159 to EFSA before the deadline January 3, 2020.