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Urban agriculture is often considered a tool to increase the economic, social and environmental sustainability of cities and city food systems. However, sustainability is difficult to measure, resulting in debate about how sustainable urban agriculture truly is. There is therefore a lack of incentive to promote urban agriculture or protect existing initiatives that are threatened by development pressure on urban land. Monitoring the sustainability impact of urban agriculture could provide evidence and enable politicians and decision makers to make informed decisions about whether and where to prioritise different forms of urban agriculture above competing interests. We used case examples from five European cities to identify the challenges involved in monitoring urban agriculture, from selecting indicators and gathering data, to using the results. We found large differences in approach in terms of what topics to monitor and who was responsible, who gathered the data and when, what data was recorded and how they were stored, and how findings were disseminated or published. Based on these experiences, we recommend stronger involvement of existing interest groups and educational institutions in monitoring urban agriculture, and promotion of convenient tools for data collection by citizen science and for long-term data storage.

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The timing of migration is fundamental for species exploiting seasonally variable environments. For ungulates, earlier spring migration is expected with earlier vegetation green-up. However, other drivers, such as access to agricultural farmland and variation in local conditions, are also known to affect migration. We investigated the timing of spring migration for 96 male and 201 female red deer (Cervus elaphus) using a long-term dataset (2005–2020). Overall, the timing of migration was mainly characterized by large individual variability between and within years (95% range 6 April to 18 June). The spring migration timing was, as expected, later with colder winter and spring conditions (North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) winter and April indices) and later peak vegetation green-up (NDVI), with a five-day delay in green-up causing a migration delay of 1.2 days. Timing was also influenced by local conditions in summer and winter home ranges. Red deer with greater access to farmland and a more variable topography (hence variable plant phenology) in winter delayed migration. Similarly, individuals with higher-elevation summer ranges (with delayed onset of plant growth) also delayed migration. Our analyses highlight that the timing of red deer migration is determined by multiple drivers affecting foraging conditions in the landscape, indicative of considerable phenotypic plasticity.


Green roofs provide vital functions within the urban ecosystem, from supporting biodiversity, to sustainable climate-positive ESS provisioning. However, how plant communities should best be designed to reach these objectives, and how specific green roof systems vary in their capacity to support these functions is not well understood. Here we compiled data on plant traits and plant–insect interaction networks of a regional calcareous grassland species pool to explore how designed plant communities could be optimised to contribute to ecological functionality for predefined green roof solutions. Five distinct systems with practical functionality and physical constraints were designed, plant communities modelled using object-based optimization algorithms and evaluated using five ecological functionality metrics (incl. phylogenetic and structural diversity). Our system plant communities supported a range of plant–insect interactions on green roofs, but not all species were equally beneficial, resulting in wide-ranging essentiality and redundancy in ecological processes. Floral traits were not predictive of pollinator preferences, but phylogeny was observed to govern the preferences. Large differences in ecological functionality can be expected between green roofs depending on system design and the extent of the plant community composition. Multifunctionality covariance diverged between systems, suggesting that ecological functionality is not inherently universal but dependent on structural limitations and species pool interactions. We conclude that informed system design has a potential to simultaneously support ecosystem services and urban biodiversity conservation by optimising green roof plant communities to provide landscape resources for pollinating insects and herbivores.

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Plant secondary metabolites (PSMs) may improve gastrointestinal health by exerting immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory and/or antiparasitic effects. Bark extracts from coniferous tree species have previously been shown to reduce the burden of a range of parasite species in the gastrointestinal tract, with condensed tannins as the potential active compounds. In the present study, the impact of an acetone extract of pine bark (Pinus sylvestris) on the resistance, performance and tolerance of genetically diverse mice (Mus musculus) was assessed. Mice able to clear an infection quickly (fast responders, BALB/c) or slowly (slow responders, C57BL/6) were infected orally with 200 infective third-stage larvae (L3) of the parasitic nematode Heligmosomoides bakeri or remained uninfected (dosed with water only). Each infection group of mice was gavaged for 3 consecutive days from day 19 post-infection with either bark extract or dimethyl sulphoxide (5%) as vehicle control. Oral administration of pine bark extract did not have an impact on any of the measured parasitological parameter. It did, however, have a positive impact on the performance of infected, slow-responder mice, through an increase in body weight (BW) and carcase weight and reduced feed intake by BW ratio. Importantly, bark extract administration had a negative impact on the fast responders, by reducing their ability to mediate the impact of parasitism through reducing their performance and tolerance. The results indicate that the impact of PSMs on parasitized hosts is affected by host's genetic susceptibility, with susceptible hosts benefiting more from bark extract administration compared to resistant ones.


RoadSens is a platform designed to expedite the digitalization process of forest roads, a cornerstone of efficient forest operations and management. We incorporate stereo-vision spatial mapping and deep-learning image segmentation to extract, measure, and analyze various geometric features of the roads. The features are precisely georeferenced by fusing post-processing results of an integrated global navigation satellite system (GNSS) module and odometric localization data obtained from the stereo camera. The first version of RoadSens, RSv1, provides measurements of longitudinal slope, horizontal/vertical radius of curvature and various cross-sectional parameters, e.g., visible road width, centerline/midpoint positions, left and right sidefall slopes, and the depth and distance of visible ditches from the road’s edges. The potential of RSv1 is demonstrated and validated through its application to two road segments in southern Norway. The results highlight a promising performance. The trained image segmentation model detects the road surface with the precision and recall values of 96.8 and 81.9 , respectively. The measurements of visible road width indicate sub-decimeter level inter-consistency and 0.38 m median accuracy. The cross-section profiles over the road surface show 0.87 correlation and 9.8 cm root mean squared error (RMSE) against ground truth. The RSv1’s georeferenced road midpoints exhibit an overall accuracy of 21.6 cm in horizontal direction. The GNSS height measurements, which are used to derive longitudinal slope and vertical curvature exhibit an average error of 5.7 cm compared to ground truth. The study also identifies and discusses the limitations and issues of RSv1, which provide useful insights into the challenges in future versions.


In 2024, spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) catches decreased in all counties except Telemark, Sør-Trøndelag, and Nordland. The highest catches this year were observed in Telemark and Buskerud. In Telemark, the catches are the highest recorded since the major spruce bark beetle outbreak that started in the mid-1970s. In Buskerud, while catches have declined compared to last year, they remain historically high. In Oppland, the catches have decreased markedly from the record-breaking year of 2023 but remain at moderately high levels. Across Southern Norway, this year’s catches are slightly above the 46-year average. The relatively high catches in Buskerud and Oppland are likely a delayed response to the storm damage in November 2021, as municipalities heavily affected by the storm report especially high catches. Additionally, field reports in 2024 indicate attacks on standing trees in areas with much windfall after the 2021 storm. Many of these damage reports likely pertain to trees attacked by beetles in 2023 or earlier but that are only now showing visible symptoms. The 2024 bark beetle season was characterized by extremely dry and warm weather in May, followed by a very wet summer with normal to slightly below-average temperatures. The warm May weather coincides with the beetles' primary flight period, favoring beetle dispersal and egg-laying. Additionally, the dry conditions in May may have stressed spruce trees, reducing their resistance to beetle attacks. The wet weather later in the summer likely benefited the trees while being sub-optimal for the beetles. Overall, the weather conditions during the 2024 season were probably relatively favorable for the beetles. A temperature-based development model estimate that, by September 17, the spruce bark beetle could have completed two generations near the Oslofjord, along the southern coastline, and in low-lying inland valleys. However, these model results do not necessarily mean that the beetles completed two generations in 2024 but indicate that conditions were warm enough to make it possible.


Det er usikkerhet knyttet til fremtidig melkeproduksjon i Norge, både produksjonsvolum, geografisk fordeling, og hvilken struktur, lønnsomhet og robusthet som vil karakterisere næringen. En positiv økonomisk utvikling i melkeproduksjonen, kombinert med målrettede støtteordninger for små og mellomstore melkebruk, kan stimulere til økte investeringer også på gårder med mindre enn 30 kyr. Dette kan bidra til å opprettholde dagens produksjonsvolum, og potensielt gi en økning. Hvis lønnsomheten i melkeproduksjonen svekkes, kan det bli utfordrende å opprettholde dagens produksjonsvolum. En akselerert strukturendring i næringen kan resultere i at produksjonen konsentreres i regioner med høy dyretetthet og på gårdsbruk med større kapasitet.

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The gluten-viscoelastic properties are essential for breadmaking quality and are affected by both genotypes and environments, such as weather conditions. However, it is still not clear how weather conditions cause variation in gluten quality and at which stage of the grain filling they are critical. The aim of the study was to explore the relationship between weather parameters during grain filling and the viscoelastic properties of gluten. The gluten of spring wheat varieties grown over 17 seasons, resulting in a total of 70 different environments, was analyzed with the Kieffer extensibility rig. The variation in viscoelastic properties of gluten was mainly explained by environment, followed by genotype, while the genotype*environment interaction was small. The results also indicated that the periods around heading and physical maturity were the most critical when weather conditions affected the gluten quality. Our results also revealed that factors other than weather conditions are responsible for the variation in gluten quality.