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Objective: Precision livestock farming technologies show great promise for the management of extensive, arid rangelands, but more practical knowledge is needed to allow ranchers to determine potential applications and limitations for adoption. We tested a long-range wide area network (LoRa-WAN) precision livestock system over 3 mo (April–June 2020) in a ranch in southwest New Mexico, USA. The system monitors cattle position and movements, precipitation, and water trough water levels at pasture and ranch scales, in real time. Materials and Methods: Here we describe the components of the system and share what we have learned from our preliminary experiences. This system included a solar-power LoRa-WAN receiving station with the corresponding gateway, radio frequency antenna (824–894 MHz), and Wi-Fi bridge for data transmission into the Internet. The testbed network for testing LoRa-WAN sensors included 43 GPS-trackers deployed on lactating beef cows and 2 environmental sensors used to monitor precipitation regimens and trough water levels, respectively. Results and Discussion: The system collected data consistently for the trough levels and precipitation, whereas data from the cow GPS-trackers was highly heterogeneous. On average, 46 ± 4% of daily data packets logged by GPS-trackers were successfully transmitted through the LoRa-WAN system, exceeding 80% of successful transmission in several cases. This report documents the necessary infrastructure, performance, and maintenance of system components, which could be of significant information value to ranchers and researchers with a desire to deploy similar monitoring systems. Implications and Applications: This Technical Note documents the implemetation of a LoRa-WAN monitoring system at the ranch scale for a 3-mo period. The system has allowed the ranch manager and assisting staff to efficiently manage cattle inventories and promptly address animal welfare concerns. However, further research is required to assess the scalability of this system across commercial operating cattle ranches in the Southwest United States, thereby unlocking its potential for broader adoption and effect.