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In Northern Europe, future changes in land-use and weather patterns are expected to result in increased precipitation and temperature this may cause an increase in plant disease and insect pests. In addition, predicted population increase will change the production demands and in turn alter agricultural practices such as crop types and with that the use pattern of pesticides. Considering these variabilities and magnitudes of pesticide exposure to the aquatic environment still needs to be accounted for better in current probabilistic risk assessment. In order to improve ecological risk assessment, this study explores an alternative approach to probabilistic risk assessment using a Bayesian Network, as these can serve as meta-models that link selected input and output variables from other models and information sources. The developed model integrates variability in both exposure and effects in the calculation of risk estimate. We focus on environmental risk of pesticides in two Norwegian case study region representatives of northern Europe. Using pesticide fate and transport models (e.g. WISPE), environmental factors such as soil and site parameters together with chemical properties and climate scenarios (current and predicted) are linked to the exposure of a pesticide in the selected study area. In the long term, the use of tools based on Bayesian Network models will allow for a more refined assessment and targeted management of ecological risks by industry and policy makers.


Occasionally, high mycotoxin levels are observed in Norwegian oat grain lots. The development of oat varieties with improved resistance to Fusarium and mycotoxins is therefore highly valued in order to increase the share of high quality grain into the food and feed industry. The Norwegian project “SafeOats” (2016-2020) aimed to develop resistance-screening methods to facilitate the phase-out of Fusarium-susceptible oat germplasm, as well as to give new insight into the biology of Fusarium langsethiae and HT2+T2 accumulation in oats. In naturally infested as well as in inoculated field trials, the relative ranking of oat varieties according to Fusarium graminearum/DON content did not resemble the ranking according to F. langsethiae/HT2+T2 content. One variety regarded as moderate resistant to Fusarium according to studies of DON content, was susceptible to F. langsethiae and thus at high risk for HT2+T2 contamination. Screening of resistance to F. langsethiae/HT2-T2 should therefore be routinely applied in breeding programs in addition to the already established screening of resistance to F. graminearum/DON. The incidence of F. langsethiae in a selection of oat seed lots used for commercial sowing showed a similar ranking of varieties as in the field trials. On average, the fungus was observed on 5% of the kernels in 168 seed lots tested during 2016-2018. No indication of transmission of F. langsethiae from germinating seed to seedling was found in a study with germination of naturally infected seeds. We investigated whether removing of small kernels by size sorting could be a method to reduce the content of mycotoxins in oat grain. For several of the mycotoxins including HT2+T2, the concentrations were considerably higher in the small kernel fraction compared to unsorted grain. Our results demonstrate that the level of mycotoxins in unprocessed oat grain can be reduced by removing small kernels. The results from SafeOats will benefit consumers nationally and internationally by providing tools to increase the share of high quality grain into the food and feed industry. The project was financed by The Agriculture and Food Industry Research Funds /Research Council of Norway with support from the industry partners Graminor, Lantmännen, Felleskjøpet Agri, Felleskjøpet Rogaland & Agder, Fiskå Mølle Moss, Norgesmøllene, Strand Unikorn/Norgesfôr and Kimen Seed Laboratory.


Denne studien ble utført på oppdrag fra Miljødirektoratet for å kartlegge antibiotikaresistens i terrestriske miljø basert på ulik eksponering av resistensdrivere. Hensikten var å få en mer helhetlig forståelse av miljøets rolle i utvikling og spredning av antibiotikaresistens. Totalt 644 prøver fra jord, rødkløver, snegler, mus/spissmus og meitemark ble samlet inn fra ulike miljøer i løpet av 2019-20 og analysert for forekomst av antibiotikaresistens, samt potensielle drivere som antibiotika, pesticider og tungmetaller i jord.