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Pesticides in Norwegian streams and rivers have been monitored since 1995 through JOVA - the Norwegian Agricultural Environmental Monitoring Program. During these years the regulatory authorities have implemented measures to minimize the risk for pesticides entering the water bodies. Streams and rivers in selected agricultural drainage basins in intensively cropped areas have been sampled (volume proportional mixed samples and/or point samples) through the period withoutsoil frost and analysed for pesticide residues. Trend analyses of the monitoring data have been done to establish whether there have been reductions in the retrieval of pesticides. The indicators used include: (1) Frequency of pesticides detection, (2) Sum concentration of all individual pesticides in each sample, (3) Environmental risk by weighing the concentration of each pesticide against the environmental maximum residue limits (MRL). Monitoring results and trend analyses for the time period 1995-2010 will be presented at the conference. Preliminary interpretations of the results indicate that developments in streams and rivers show both positive and negative trends regarding the different parameters studied. Through the monitoring period there have been shifts in the trends in some of the drainage basins, from an initial positive trend to a slightly negative trend. None of the study areas do however show an increase in pesticide loads to rivers and streams, which is good considering the increase in number of pesticides analysed for and the reduction in detection levels. In total, the monitoring results indicate reduced pesticide loads, but variations in climatic conditions govern the use and retrieval of pesticides.


Forsøksresultatene som presenteres i denne rapporten er biologisk godkjenningsprøving av skadedyrmidler utført på oppdrag fra Mattilsynet i 2011. Inkludert i rapporten er også forsøk eller egne forsøksledd som grupperes som biologisk utviklingsprøving. Utviklingsprøvingen er finansiert av Bioforsk, importører/ tilvirkere av plantevernmidler, produsentgrupper eller av Landbruks- og matdepartementet (LMD). Utprøving i småkulturer finansiert over Handlingsplanen via Norsk Landbruksrådgiving (NLR) er også inkludert her.



The gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS) deconvolution reporting software (DRS) from Agilent Technologies has been evaluated for its ability as a screening tool to detect a large number ofpesticides in incurred and fortified samples extracted with acetone/dichloromethane/light petroleum(Mini-Luke method). The detection of pesticides is based on fixed retention times using retention timelocking (RTL) and full scan mass spectral comparison with a partly customer built automated massspectral deconvolution and identification system (AMDIS) database. The GC-MS was equipped with a programmable temperature vaporising (PTV) injector system which enables more sample to be injected.In a blind study of 52 real samples a total number of 158 incurred pesticides were found. In addition to the 85 pesticides found by manual interpretation of GC-NPD/ECD chromatograms, the DRS revealed 73 morepesticides (+46%). The DRS system also shows its potential to discover pesticides which are normally notsearched for (EPN in long beans from Thailand). A spiking experiment was performed to blank matricesof apple, orange and lettuce with 177 different pesticides at concentration levels 0.02 and 0.1 mg/kg. The samples were analysed on GC-MS full scan and the AMDIS match factor was used as a mass spectralquality criterion. The threshold level of the AMDIS match factor was set at 20 to eliminate most of thefalse positives. AMDIS match factors from 20 up to 69 are regarded only as indication of a positive hit andmust be followed by manual interpretation. Pesticides giving AMDIS match factors at ≥70 are regarded as identified. To simplify and decrease the large amount of data generated at each concentration level,the AMDIS match factors ≥20 was averaged (mean AMF) for each pesticide including the commodities and their replicates. Among 177 different pesticides spiked at 0.02 and 0.1 mg/kg level, the percentage of mean AMF values ≥70 were 23% and 80%, respectively. For 531 individual detections of pesticides (177pesticides×3 replicates) giving AMDIS match factor 20 in apple, orange and lettuce, the detection rates at 0.02 mg/kg were 71%, 63% and 72%, respectively. For the 0.1 mg/kg level the detection rates were 89%,85% and 89%, respectively. In real samples some manual interpretation must be performed in addition. However, screening by GC-MS/DRS is about 5-10 times faster compared to screening with GC-NPD/ECDbecause the time used for manual interpretation is much shorter and there is no need for re-injection on GC-MS for the identification of suspect peaks found on GC-NPD/ECD.


The LC-MS/MS multi-method was initially set up by Agilent Technologies and further developed in our laboratory by introducing programmed injection and dynamic MRM (dMRM).The instrument used is an Agilent 6410B with a 1200 LC and MassHunter software. The method covers 180 compounds with two MRM transitions for each, which gives acceptable identification of the pesticides in one run. QuEChERS extraction is used for sample preparation, and the same extract is directly analysed on both GC-MS and LC-MS/MS. The method is applied on all samples in the Norwegian monitoring programme for pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables; about 1500 samples per year. Direct injection of the acetonitrile extract gave insufficient retention and peak-splitting for the polar pesticides due to the high solvent strength. To avoid the time consuming process of either dilution of the sample extract or changing the sample solvent before injection, programmed injection was tested. Different techniques and parameters for programmed injection were tested and the results compared to samples with various solvent compositions. The best result was obtained using programmed injection by mixing the sample with water in proportion 1 to 10 online. Using the MS/MS with dMRM gives several advantages compared to MRM with compounds in time segments. In dMRM each compound has its own time window, and the time windows can overlap. This makes it easier to set up the method, to add new compounds and to administrate the routine analyses. The MS works more efficiently by measuring only a narrow time window for each compound. This makes it easier to increase the number of measuring points per peak if necessary, and to expand the scope of the method. More than 20 new compounds in the EU coordinated programme 2010 were recently added to the method. Flagging of results outside predetermined limits and custom-made reports make processing and interpretation of data easy, fast and reliable. Results from control samples and validation can easily be transferred to Excel for further calculation using script reporting template.


In the project "Groundwater and Dependent Ecosystems: New Scientific and Technological Basis for Assessing Climate Change and Land-use Impacts on Groundwater (GENESIS)" coordinated by Bioforsk, the objective is to integrate new methods, concepts and tools for the revision of the Ground Water Directive and better management of groundwater resources. By case studies in different climatic regions various land use pressures are studied.To identify threatens to groundwater pollution MACRO_GV has been used simulating the movement of pesticides used in potatoes and cereals. The simulation set-up and output from the tool was similar to the FOCUS groundwater scenarios. The different soil-types of the area have large differences in risks of leaching to groundwater for the different pesticides. Risk reduction is possible with userfriendlyknowledge about soil and hot spots.