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Robert BarneveldSammendrag
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Tobias Karl David Weber Lutz Weihermüller Attila Nemes Michel Bechtold Aurore Degré Efstathios Diamantopoulos Simone Fatichi Vilim Filipović Surya Gupta Tobias L. Hohenbrink Daniel R. Hirmas Conrad Jackisch Quirijn de Jong van Lier John Koestel Peter Lehmann Toby R. Marthews Budiman Minasny Holger Pagel Martine van der Ploeg Shahab Aldin Shojaeezadeh Simon Fiil Svane Brigitta Szabó Harry Vereecken Anne Verhoef Michael Young Yijian Zeng Yonggen Zhang Sara BonettiSammendrag
Hydro-pedotransfer functions (PTFs) relate easy-to-measure and readily available soil information to soil hydraulic properties (SHPs) for applications in a wide range of process-based and empirical models, thereby enabling the assessment of soil hydraulic effects on hydrological, biogeochemical, and ecological processes. At least more than 4 decades of research have been invested to derive such relationships. However, while models, methods, data storage capacity, and computational efficiency have advanced, there are fundamental concerns related to the scope and adequacy of current PTFs, particularly when applied to parameterise models used at the field scale and beyond. Most of the PTF development process has focused on refining and advancing the regression methods, while fundamental aspects have remained largely unconsidered. Most soil systems are not represented in PTFs, which have been built mostly for agricultural soils in temperate climates. Thus, existing PTFs largely ignore how parent material, vegetation, land use, and climate affect processes that shape SHPs. The PTFs used to parameterise the Richards–Richardson equation are mostly limited to predicting parameters of the van Genuchten–Mualem soil hydraulic functions, despite sufficient evidence demonstrating their shortcomings. Another fundamental issue relates to the diverging scales of derivation and application, whereby PTFs are derived based on laboratory measurements while often being applied at the field to regional scales. Scaling, modulation, and constraining strategies exist to alleviate some of these shortcomings in the mismatch between scales. These aspects are addressed here in a joint effort by the members of the International Soil Modelling Consortium (ISMC) Pedotransfer Functions Working Group with the aim of systematising PTF research and providing a roadmap guiding both PTF development and use. We close with a 10-point catalogue for funders and researchers to guide review processes and research.
Waldemar Perdoch Andreas Treu Bartłomiej Mazela Jerzy Majka Łukasz Czajkowski Wiesław OlekSammendrag
The effects of various cellulose treatments on the hydrophobic properties and sorption behavior with respect to liquid water uptake and water vapor sorption were examined within the study. Different hydrophobic agents based on silicon compounds were applied to improve the properties of cellulose-based sheets. The 1H,1H,2H,2H perfluorooctyltriethoxysilane treatment increased hydrophobicity significantly, while N-octyltriethoxysilane and inorganic sodium silicate solution treatments only slightly affected the properties. Silicone-cellulose interaction varied, influencing the fiber saturation and moisture content of the material. The swelling differences between untreated and treated cellulose and, consequently, the uncovering of new active sorption sites during a swelling process and the increase in the content of bound water were confirmed by the T2 relaxation times analysis. The GDW sorption model estimated maximum water content but lacked activation dynamics. The blocking phenomenon of active sorption sites together with silicone improved hydrophobicity had different mechanisms for applied agents. The 1H,1H,2H,2H perfluorooctyltriethoxysilane additionally cross-linked silane structure and restricted cellulose swelling.
Vahe Atoyan Simon Mikalsen Thomas Georges A Bawin Laura Elina Jaakola Anna AvetisyanSammendrag
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Muhammad Awais Michael Altgen Lone Ross Thomas Kringlebotn Thiis Arnkell Petersen Ingunn BurudSammendrag
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Trygve S. Aamlid Geir Kjølberg Knudsen Paula Izabella Lawicka Trond Olav Pettersen Tonje Vitsø Victoria Stornes Moen Kristine SundsdalSammendrag
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