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Currently global seaweed industries are facing issue with availability of raw material for processing of carrageenan due to low growth of current planting material. Use of biostimulants in seaweed cultivation is recently paid more attention due to their proven biostimulatory effect, of which, Ascophyllum marine plant extract powder (AMPEP) is a well proven biostimulant to improve the growth and quality of Kappaphycus alvarezii biomass. Hence, 500 kg of AMPEP was purchased and studied its impact on the commercial farming of K. alvarezii from April 2018 to January 2022 in India. Vegetative propagule of K. alvarezii were dipped in an AMPEP with concentration range of: 0.025, 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25 % for 30, 60, 90 and 120 min. Before out-planting on rafts in shallow coastal water and found that K. alvarezii responded well to a 0.1 % solution with dipping time of 60 min. The percentage of average daily growth rate (ADGR%) of AMPEP-treated plant in a 45 d grow out period was 3.50 ± 0.50 % vs a control of 1.75 ± 0.25 % for the summer and pre-monsoon months (p < 0.05) but no statistically significant differences between the treated and control plants were found during the rainy and winter seasons. Treated plants were found with low incidence of epiphytes, and disease as compared to control plants. The general appearance and health of treated Kappaphycus was good with significant differences in the yield and quality of semi-refined carrageenan (SRC) and dry weed quality (p < 0.05). The cost of AMPEP for producing of additional 1 kg of dry Kappaphycus was 0.066USD. Results of the present study is very encouraging and AMPEP can be used for the production of K. alvarezii biomass for industrial and biorefinery processing as it has been witnessed that there was 16.66 % increase in biomass production in 2021in India.

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Landscape ecology is repeatedly described as an applied science that can help reduce the negative effects of land-use and land-use changes on biodiversity. However, the extent to which landscape ecology is in fact contributing to planning and design processes is questioned. The aim of this paper is to investigate if and how landscape ecology can be integrated in a planning and design process, and to uncover possible problems that, e.g., landscape architects and planners, may face in such processes. Our conclusion, based on a case study from Asker municipality, Norway, is that such a landscape ecological approach has a lot to offer. However, it is difficult to exploit the potential fully for different reasons, e.g., biodiversity information tends to be specialized, and not easily used by planners and designers, and landscape ecological principles need an adaptation process to be applicable in a real-world situation. We conclude that for the situation to improve, landscape ecologists need to ease this process. In addition, we recommend collaboration across disciplinary boundaries, preferably with a common design concept as a foundation.


Høsten/vinteren 2022-2023 ble det utført et forsøk på NIBIO Landvik med ulike metoder for utvasking av frø fra bær av svartsurbær (Aronia melanocarpa), samt hvordan disse behandlingene påvirker frøets spireevne. Metodene var lett vasking (fjerning av plantesaft og mindre plantedeler) og grundig vasking (fjerning av plantesaft og det meste av fruktkjøttet), enten for hånd eller ved hjelp av en industrielt tilpassa vaskemaskin. Tidsstudier, utregnet som arbeidstid (minutter) pr kg med friske bær, viste at den totale tida til utvasking og rensing av frø av svartsurbær ble omtrent halvert når det ble vasket med maskin sammenlignet med vasking for hånd, uansett hvor nøye/grundig vaskingen ble utført. Mest effektivt var det å maskinvaske ut frøet i en grundig prosess hvor plantesaft og mesteparten av fruktkjøttet ble fjernet før frørensing (6,5 minutter pr kg bær). Under vaskeprosessen, både ved bruk av vaskemaskin og for hånd, ble det vasket ut mer frø (flotert bort sammen med fruktkjøttet) når det ble vasket grundig enn ved mer lettvint vasking. Ved maskinvasking utgjorde denne forskjellen 1 g frø pr kg bær (8%). Frøet som var igjen etter den grundige vaskingen var imidlertid tyngre og spirte bedre enn frøet som var lettere vasket. I middel for to ulike stratifiseringstider (90 og 120 dager), var spireevnen hos frø som var lett og grundig maskinvaska henholdsvis 65 og 77%. Selv om spirehastigheten (opptelling etter 7 dager) var raskere hos frø som var stratifisert i 120 dager, var det ikke nødvendig med mer enn 90 dagers stratifisering for å oppnå maksimal spireevne. I middel for 4 ulike vaskemetoder var spireevnen etter opptelling etter 35 dager 66-67 % uansett om stratifiseringslengden var 90 eller 120 dager. Ut fra en helhetsvurdering anses en forholdsvis grundig maskinvasking, med fjerning av plantesaft og mye av fruktkjøttet, som den mest effektive metoden ved utvasking av frø av svartsurbær. Noe frø vil gå tapt i en slik grundige renseprosess, men det tapte frøet er lett og har dårlig spireevne.

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The COVID-19 pandemic, surprised many through its impact on the food systems, resulting in collapses in the food production value chains and in the integrated pest disease management sector with fatal outcomes in many places. However, the impact of COVID-19 and the digital experience perspective on Integrating Pest Management (IPM) is still yet to be understood. In Africa, the impact was devastating, mostly for the vulnerable smallholder farm households, who were rendered unable to access markets to purchase inputs and sell their produce during the lockdown period. By using a holistic approach the paper reviews different Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), digitalization, and how this enhanced the capacity of smallholder farmers resilient, and inform their smart-IPM practices in order to improve food systems' amidst climate change during and in the post-COVID-19 period. Different digital modalities were adopted to ensure continuous food production, access to inputs and finances, and selling surplus production among others. This was largely possible by using ICTs to deliver these needed services digitally. The study shares contributions and capacity perspectives of ICTs for empowering smallholder farmers to boost the resilience of their food systems based on COVID-19 successful experiences. Thus digital solutions must be embraced in the delivery of extension service on pest management and good agronomic practices, money transfers for purchasing inputs, receiving payment for sold farm produce, and markets information exchange. These are key avenues through which digital solutions strategically supported smallholder-based food systems through the pandemic.

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Pandora neoaphidis is a common entomopathogenic fungus on Sitobion avenae, which is an important aphid pest on cereals in Europe. Pandora neoaphidis is known to cause epizootics (i.e. an unusually high prevalence of infected hosts) and the rapid collapse of aphid populations. We developed a weather-driven mechanistic model of the winter wheat-S. avenae-P. neoaphidis system to simulate the dynamics from spring to harvest. Aphid immigration was fixed at a rate that would lead to a pest outbreak, if not controlled by the fungus. We estimated the biocontrol efficacy by running pair-wise simulations, one with and one without the fungus. Uncertainty in model parameters and variation in weather was included, resulting in a range of simulation outcomes, and a global sensitivity analysis was performed. We identified two key understudied parameters that require more extensive experimental data collection to better assess the fungus biocontrol, namely the fungus transmission efficiency and the decay of cadaver, which defines the time window for possible disease transmission. The parameters with the largest influence on the improvement in yield were the weather, the lethal time of exposed aphids, the fungus transmission efficiency, and the humidity threshold for fungus development, while the fungus inoculum in the chosen range (between 10 and 70% of immigrant aphids carrying the fungus) was less influential. The model suggests that epizootics occurring early, around Zadoks growth stage (GS) 61, would lead to successful biocontrol, while later epizootics (GS 73) were a necessary but insufficient condition for success. These model predictions were based on the prevalence of cadavers only, not of exposed (i.e. infected but yet non-symptomatic) aphids, which in practice would be costly to monitor. The model suggests that practical Integrated Pest Management could thus benefit from including the cadavers prevalence in a monitoring program. We argue for further research to experimentally estimate these cadaver thresholds.

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Pandora neoaphidis is a common entomopathogenic fungus on Sitobion avenae, which is an important aphid pest on cereals in Europe. Pandora neoaphidis is known to cause epizootics (i.e. an unusually high prevalence of infected hosts) and the rapid collapse of aphid populations. We developed a weather-driven mechanistic model of the winter wheat-S. avenae-P. neoaphidis system to simulate the dynamics from spring to harvest. Aphid immigration was fixed at a rate that would lead to a pest outbreak, if not controlled by the fungus. We estimated the biocontrol efficacy by running pair-wise simulations, one with and one without the fungus. Uncertainty in model parameters and variation in weather was included, resulting in a range of simulation outcomes, and a global sensitivity analysis was performed. We identified two key understudied parameters that require more extensive experimental data collection to better assess the fungus biocontrol, namely the fungus transmission efficiency and the decay of cadaver, which defines the time window for possible disease transmission. The parameters with the largest influence on the improvement in yield were the weather, the lethal time of exposed aphids, the fungus transmission efficiency, and the humidity threshold for fungus development, while the fungus inoculum in the chosen range (between 10 and 70% of immigrant aphids carrying the fungus) was less influential. The model suggests that epizootics occurring early, around Zadoks growth stage (GS) 61, would lead to successful biocontrol, while later epizootics (GS 73) were a necessary but insufficient condition for success. These model predictions were based on the prevalence of cadavers only, not of exposed (i.e. infected but yet non-symptomatic) aphids, which in practice would be costly to monitor. The model suggests that practical Integrated Pest Management could thus benefit from including the cadavers prevalence in a monitoring program. We argue for further research to experimentally estimate these cadaver thresholds.