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I Sør-Norge er elgbestanden og antall felte elger sterkt redusert de siste 20-30 årene, samtidig som vekt og rekruttering fortsatt går ned. Men hvorfor har hjorten samtidig blitt vanligere i elgområdene, uten tilsvarende nedgang i vekt og rekruttering?

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The effects of various cellulose treatments on the hydrophobic properties and sorption behavior with respect to liquid water uptake and water vapor sorption were examined within the study. Different hydrophobic agents based on silicon compounds were applied to improve the properties of cellulose-based sheets. The 1H,1H,2H,2H perfluorooctyltriethoxysilane treatment increased hydrophobicity significantly, while N-octyltriethoxysilane and inorganic sodium silicate solution treatments only slightly affected the properties. Silicone-cellulose interaction varied, influencing the fiber saturation and moisture content of the material. The swelling differences between untreated and treated cellulose and, consequently, the uncovering of new active sorption sites during a swelling process and the increase in the content of bound water were confirmed by the T2 relaxation times analysis. The GDW sorption model estimated maximum water content but lacked activation dynamics. The blocking phenomenon of active sorption sites together with silicone improved hydrophobicity had different mechanisms for applied agents. The 1H,1H,2H,2H perfluorooctyltriethoxysilane additionally cross-linked silane structure and restricted cellulose swelling.