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Mammalian herbivores generally influence soil properties of pastures significantly. However, rather little is known about impacts of Arctic Ungulates. The aim of this investigation was to identify possible changes in chemical soil properties due to different reindeer management systems on Finnmarksvidda: a) year-around used pastures in Finland, and b) winter pastures in Norway. Both managing systems are permanently separated by a fence, which was established during the 1950`ies. Iron podzol was the dominant soil type at both sides and fruticose lichen dominated dwarf shrub tundra was the typical vegetation type. However, lichen, plant and humus cover could vary greatly within the landscape. It was supposed that these differences were due to differences in grazing intensity. Based on a literature survey and field observations we therefore distinguished between the following four succession/ degradation stages I) thick (> 4 cm) lichen cover; II) grazed/ thin lichen cover (< 4 cm), but good plant cover; III) fruticose lichen cover almost absent, reduced plant cover and patches with exposed humus; IV) lichen, plant and humus cover almost absent, patches with bare mineral soil. According to this classification a 3 km2 large area along the boarder fence between Finland and Norway was mapped via a grid of sampling points. To compare soil chemical properties between the different succession/ degradation stages and different management systems, corresponding soil samples were taken from O, E and B-horizons at both side of the fence. Soil chemical parameters determined were pH, soil organic carbon (org.-C), Kjeldahl-N, C/N, cation exchange capacity (CEC), base saturation, and total and plant available P, Ca, Mg, K. During the presentation first results are presented with emphasis on potential impacts of reindeers on tundra ecosystems in general, and differences in pasture management in particular.


Fleire forsøk vart gjennomført for å sjå på ein mogleg effekt av to forsvarsaktivatorar (acibenzolar-S-methyl og kitosan) på motstandsevne mot rotstokkròte og raud marg i jordbær. Begge stoffa hadde god effekt mot rotstokkròte hjå to ulike jordbærsortar, og effekten auka når tida mellom behandling og smitting vart utvida frå 2 til 20 dagar. Det var ingen skilnad mellom behandlingane når konsentrasjonen av acibenzolar-S-methyl vart auka frå 10 til 1000 µg a.i./plante. For kitosan var effekten best i dei lågaste konsentrasjonane.cibenzolar-S-methyl og soppmiddelet Aliette. Berre acibenzolar-S-methyl hadde effekt mot raud marg (Phytophthora fragariae var. fragariae), og verknaden var der framleis når plantene vart smitta 40 dagar etter behandling. For begge sjukdomane var effekten av elicitorane samanlikneleg med effekten av fungicidet Aliette.


Two putative elicitors (Bion and chitosan) showed effect against crown rot (Phytophthora cactorum (Leb. & Cohn) Schroet) in strawberry in preliminary experiments, and were tested further to investigate the effect of different concentrations, the possible duration of the resistance response and to compare the effect with that of fungicide treatment (phosetyl-Al). The experiments took place in either a greenhouse or a growth chamber. The effect of both Bion and chitosan was enhanced when the time between treatment and inoculation was prolonged from 2 to 20 days. Bion showed increasing effect when the concentration was raised from 50 to 1000 mg per plant, while chitosan seemed to have a negative effect when the concentration exceeded 250 mg per plant. There were no significant differences in disease score between phosetyl-Al (0.3 % solution), Bion (100 µg/plant) and chitosan (100 µg/plant) treatments when applied 15 or 5 days before inoculation. The effect of Bion and chitosan was also tested against red stele (P. fragariae Hickman var. fragariae) in strawberry in a growth chamber. Both compounds were applied in 2 concentrations (50 or 250 µg/plant) at 4 different times (either 5, 10, 20 or 40 days before inoculation), and phosetyl-Al (0.3 %) was included as a control. Chitosan had no effect at all, while phosetyl-Al and all treatments with Bion reduced the severity of the disease significantly. There was no significant difference between the effect of 250 µg Bion and phosetyl-Al when both compounds were applied at the same time.


Artikkelen gjev ei oversikt over nyare litteratur som omhandlar kva innverknad miljø og driftsformer på avling og kvalitet hjå søtkirsebær. Hovudvekt er lagt på temperatur, nærings- og vassforsyning, bruk av bioregulatorar og grunnstamme og formingsmåtar.


Selv om forebyggende insektsprøyting ofte betraktes som ugronomisk og lite miljøvennlig, vil det som regel være en god forsikring å blande inn en liten dose pyretroid, f.eks. 10-20 ml Fastac pr daa, ved vekstregulering av annet års og eldre grasfrøeng. I engkvein og rødsvingel bør slik innblanding være obligatorisk.


Artikkelen gjev eit innblikk i dei inntrykka ei gruppe produsentar frå Sogn og Fjordane fekk i samband med vitjing hjå ein dansk pæreprodusent og nordisk frukt og bærkonferanse på Fyn. I Danmark har dei klart å fått til ein oppsving i pæreproduksjonen, og dette er tufta på ei spesialisering ved dyrking av sorten Clara Frijs. Artikkelen summerer opp dyrking, varehandsaming og marknadsføring.