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Høsten 2003 ble det satt i gang en ny forsøksserie i timoteifrøeng med tanke på å undersøke behovet for høstgjødsling i etableringsåret, og for å se nærmere på hvordan ulik gjødslingspraksis om høsten virker inn på optimal gjødslingsstrategi om våren i første engår. De foreløpige resultatene fra det første forsøksåret tyder på at gjenlegg av timotei i mange tilfeller kan ha behov for nitrogen om høsten.


Overvintringsskader i eng ser ut til å være et tiltakende problem i deler av landet. Slike vinterskader kan være forårsaket av ustabilt snødekke, lave temperaturer, isdekke og patogener. Etter overvintringsskader er det viktig å få grasmarka raskt i produksjon for å få tilstrekkelig med grovfor. Tradisjonell fornying med pløying er kostbart og tidkrevende. Direktesåing kan derfor være et interessant alternativ, men både praktiske erfaringer og forskning har vist at direktesåing kan være vanskelig å lykkes med. Bakgrunnen for denne undersøkelsen var derfor å belyse om ulike typer vinterskader kan medføre at veksthemmende stoffer blir tilført jorden, og om dette kan forklare de variable erfaringene med direktsåing om våren etter vinterskade. Forsøk med vannektstraksjon av jord etter ulike typer simulert vinterskade og testing av ekstraktene i ulike typer bioassay, ble gjennomført i vekstrom og i laboratorium. Patogener (snømugg) drepte ikke graset (hundegras og engkvein) i vår undersøkelse, og det ble heller ikke påvist noe veksthemmende virking av ekstrakter fra denne behandlingen. Selv om både isdekke og lave temperaturer drepte de to grasartene, ble veksthemming utelukkende funnet av vannekstrakter etter isdekkebehandling. Denne undersøkelsen viste at det kan være veksthemmende stoff i jorda, spesielt smørsyre, etter isdekke, og at dette kan forårsake dårlig etablering av direktesådd grasmark. I slike tilfeller kan det være aktuelt å utsette såing av graset kanskje 1-2 uker, men dette kan ha den ulempen at det blir for lite spirefukt i jorda.


A method was created for quantitative and qualitative analyses of different PBDE´s in various matrixes. A mixture of PBDE congeners was used to make calibration curves, and acetone and cyclohexane was used as solvents for the extraction. Analyses were performed using a GC-MS sector instrument. The method was tested on sediments from the Netherlands. Recovery tests were carried out on soil from Kroer in Ås.


Land use and seasonal freezing is assumed to influence the transport of water and particles through the soil. The aim of this study was to identify, measure and interpret changes in soil pedality that could influence the transport of water and particles through the soil profile. The morphological, physical and chemical properties of three soils on a plateau in the Vansemb area, south eastern Norway, were compared. The soils have 60 to 90 cm thick silty sediments deposited above a marine clay substratum. One site had always been under natural forest vegetation. The second site had been afforested with spruce for 40 years after centuries of cattle grazing without ploughing. The third site had been under cultivation for about 70 years. Because of winter freezing, the upper horizons display a platy pedality created by the growth of ice segregation blades. This is followed by a desiccation structuration with vertical shrinking fissures lining a prismatic pedality in deeper horizons. As frost penetrates deeper in soils under crop and grassland, the platy structures are deeper in these sites and overlap with the vertical fissure system. As a result of tillage operations, the horizons below the plough layer became denser. This decrease in porosity is to some degree counterbalanced by the active ice segregation and the earthworm activity. Tillage operations are also responsible for the filling of the vertical fissure system with particles from the horizons above. The shift to crop or grassland increased bioturbation, mainly by earthworm populations. This activity remained at least partly preserved, even after 40 years of afforestation. Burrowing animals were absent from the mineral horizons of the forest soil. Comparative studies, as this one, ascertain the orientation of soil evolution; and thus provide essential information for soil management with minimal degradation and particle transport.


Elements of the quality concept of meteorological and biological quantitative data sets are presented. Several examples of implementation of a documentation system of parameters in a web-based application for administration of meteorological and biological data sets are discussed. Both series derived from model calculations as well as historical series coming from measuring systems and monitoring systems are presented, but at the moment only pure meteorological series are implemented. The system is containing three levels, and the proposed system for using certain sets of attributes is derived from the concept of quality of data first presented. Automated procedures for the control of measured meteorological data sets from a meteorological station network are shortly presented. The idea of regarding such control procedures not primarily as control of the parameter values, but as control of the equipment for making the measurements, is discussed. A system for storage of the data in the different time series is discussed, and this system is also compared to another system. Finally the future use of data series stored in a similar way is discussed.


The joint network of tree crown condition monitoring under the EU and ICP Forests operates at two levels, a systematic extensive approach (Level I) based on a 16 km x 16 km trans-national grid of sample plots (>6000 plots) and an intensive approach (Level II) on more than 800 plots across continental Europe. Three ongoing projects embrace the different levels of monitoring, the above mentioned Level I and Level II systems, and the National Forest Inventories (NFIs). All of the three projects are based on a stand structure approach that assumes an increased potential for species diversity with increasing complexity of stand structure. An intensive test-phase of forest biodiversity assessment at more than 100 Level II plots, known as ForestBIOTA is underway during 2005. This project aims to test standardized methods of forest biodiversity assessment in the field and examine the relationship between stand structure, forest deadwood, ground vegetation and epiphytic lichens. A forest classification of the plots is also included. A separate approach, known as BioSoil (due to its combination with a detailed chemical inventory of the soils) is a demonstration project which aims to record indicators of forest biodiversity at the extensive Level I plots. Practical measures of stand structure, including records of tree species, lists of vascular plant species, and simple measures of forest deadwood are included for field assessment during 2006. A pan-European forest type classification elaborating on the EUNIS system and including the Natura 2000 habitat types is proposed. These initiatives are linked to a third project, COMON, operating at the level of the National Forest Inventories aiming to test the same core variables at national levels.