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I denne rapporten presenteres resultater fra validering av VIPS-Ugras i vårkorn og biologisk veiledningsprøving av ugrasmidler mot ugras i potet på friland, til nedvisning av potetris, mot ugras i gulrot og rotpersille (ulike strategier), og mot ugras i kålrot og rødbete (enkle screeningforsøk).


Det er utført forsøk med soppmidler i bygg, løk, gulrot og eple. I bygg er det testet ulike varslingsmodeller i VIPS mot byggbrunflekk. I gulrot er det utført forsøk mot gropflekk og ulike lager- og bladflekksjukdommer både i felt og på lager. I eple er det gjort forsøk for å finne nye midler mot lagersjukdommer.

Til dokument


Mapping and quantification of forest biomass change are key for forest management and for forests’ contribution to the global carbon budget. We explored the potential of covering this with repeated acquisitions with TanDEM-X. We used an eight-year period in a Tanzanian miombo woodland as a test case, having repeated TanDEM-X elevation data for this period and repeated field inventory data. We also investigated the use of GEDI space–LiDAR footprint AGB estimates as an alternative to field inventory. The map of TanDEM-X elevation change appeared to be an accurate representation of the geography of forest biomass change. The relationship between TanDEM-X phase height and above-ground biomass (AGB) could be represented as a straight line passing through the origin, and this relationship was the same at both the beginning and end of the period. We obtained a similar relationship when we replaced field plot data with the GEDI data. In conclusion, temporal change in miombo woodland biomass is closely related to change in InSAR elevation, and this enabled both an accurate mapping and quantification wall to wall within 5–10% error margins. The combination of TanDEM-X and GEDI may have a near-global potential for estimation of temporal change in forest biomass.