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This article aims to increase the knowledge of the roles and functions of public health institutes (PHIs) by exploring and comparing the Scandinavian PHIs, their roots, and developments over time. The research questions are the following: What was the history behind these public institutions? How have they changed over time? Have they followed divergent or parallel paths of change? How, if at all, have they been influenced by public sector reforms? Comparing the three Scandinavian countries based on an institutionalist approach, the article seeks to increase the understanding of the role of PHIs in governing public health. The article is based on documents from parliaments and governments from the public health institutes, supplemented by institution narratives and relevant public health and public administration literature. The Scandinavian PHIs have common roots from the early 1900s, have followed different routes, and have different institutional characteristics and different roles as public health institutions. However, after more than 100 years, the Scandinavian PHIs belong to the international PHI organization. They are responsible for knowledge dissemination, surveillance, and preparedness for the handling of epidemics and pandemics. The article argues for more comparative research on institutions related to public health authorities, such as the PHIs.

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The eastern African mountains include the ranges in the contiguous Ethiopian highlands and the solitary mountains in East/Central Africa. We describe the unique features of these mountains, the vegetation belts, and the status and biogeography of the flora and fauna. We present selected case studies on (1) giant rosette plants, the intriguing landmarks of these mountains; (2) a single mountain range endemic, the charismatic Walia Ibex Capra walie; (3) wild Arabica Coffee Coffea arabica; (4) genetic diversity of alpine plant populations, which typically is extremely low and of serious concern; and (5) services these mountains provide and challenges they face, by showcasing Mount Marsabit and the Eastern Arc Mountains. We describe how climate change, land-use change, and anthropogenic impact are affecting the biodiversity and ecosystem services of the mountains and the prevailing risks and opportunities.