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Fluvisol kjennetegnes av at det er ungt, selvdrenert jordsmonn som er dannet i materiale avsatt i elver og bekker. Innenfor gruppa er det stor variasjon i jordegenskapene.


3Q-programmet har overvåket kontinuitet og endringer i arealbruk, kulturminner, biologisk mangfold og tilgjengelighet i jordbrukets kulturlandskap siden 1998. Siden 2019 har NIBIO abonnert på Norsk Monitor (NM), en omfattende, sosiokulturell studie av det norske samfunnet som blir gjennomført annethvert år. Vi presenterer første resultater fra to NIBIO-spesifikke NM-spørsmål om folks oppfatning av henholdsvis jordbrukslandskapet i sin bostedskommune og jordbrukslandskapets funksjoner, og fra et tredje spørsmål om landskapsrelaterte miljøproblemer. Siden den europeiske landskapskonvensjonen inkluderer folks oppfatning i sin omforente definisjon av landskapsbegrepet, foreslår vi å integrere NM-resultater i 3Q-landskapsovervåkingen fremover, og koble resultatene til andre data fra programmet. The 3Q program has monitored continuity and changes

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Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens [L.], Diptera: Stratiomyidae) larvae (BSFL) production from food waste is gaining interest. Food waste, a heterogeneous mix of agro-food and catering leftovers serves as a challenging feedstock for BSF growth due to its varying nutrient composition. BSF, are classified as polyphagous insects with a digestive system featuring midgut for digestion and nutrient absorption. The conversion of food waste by BSFL is heavily influenced by Enterococcus, Klebsiella, Morganella, Providencia, and Scrofimicrobium, which play a vital role in substrate utilization. These microbes determine growth patterns, longevity, oviposition, and egg hatchability, which are intricately tied to the sugar and protein content of their dietary substrates. Pre-treatment techniques including hydrothermal treatment, ionization, pulse electric field discharge, and microbial treatment showed better efficiency in improving the wet waste biomass surface area and waste recovery ratio. In terms of environmental sustainability, a life cycle assessment (LCA) of food waste to BSF conversion facility yields a low global warming potential (GWP) score of 17.36 kg CO2 per ton of functional unit with a significant environmental impact during pre-treatment of food waste at a mass-rearing of BSFL. Therefore, this review emphasizes the digestive system, and gut microbiota of BSFL, with food waste-nutrient utilization by the BSFL. Environmentally promising steps involved in the valorization of food waste resources were evaluated in detail. This review also covers the international regulations involved in food waste fed BSFL, and techno-economic assessment to optimize its valuable nutrients for the new economy in waste management with less environmental footprint.

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Background Neck pain remains a persistent challenge in modern society and is frequently encountered across a wide range of occupations, particularly those involving repetitive and monotonous tasks. It might be expected that patterns of trapezius muscle activity at work, characterized by few breaks and prolonged periods of sustained muscle activity, are linked to neck pain. However, previous cross-sectional studies have generally failed to establish a definitive association. While some longitudinal studies have suggested that extended periods of heightened muscle activity could be a risk factor for neck pain, these findings often relied on limited participant numbers or specific professional groups. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between trapezius muscle activity and neck pain by pooling data from seven Scandinavian research institutes encompassing a diverse range of occupational backgrounds. Methods Electromyographic (EMG) data for the upper trapezius muscle, collected during working hours, were coupled with questionnaire responses pertaining to neck pain, individual characteristics, and potential confounding variables for a total of 731 subjects. Additionally, longitudinal data from 258 subjects were available. The various EMG datasets were consolidated into a standardized format, and efforts were made to harmonize inquiries about neck pain. Regression analyses, adjusting for sex and height, were conducted to explore the associations between muscle activity variables and neck pain. An exposure index was devised to quantify the cumulative neck load experienced during working hours and to differentiate between various occupational categories. Results The cross-sectional data displayed a distinct pattern characterized by positive associations for brief periods of sustained muscle activity (SUMA) and negative associations for prolonged SUMA-periods and neck pain. The longitudinal data exhibited a contrasting trend, although it was not as pronounced as the cross-sectional findings. When employing the exposure index, notable differences in cumulative muscle load emerged among occupational groups, and positive associations with longitudinal neck pain were identified. Discussion The results suggest that individuals with neck pain experience higher cumulative workloads and extended periods of muscle activity over the long term. In the short term, they appear to compensate by taking frequent short breaks, resulting in a lower cumulative workload. Regardless of their occupation, it is crucial to distribute work breaks throughout the workday to ensure that the cumulative load remains manageable.