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Waqas Muhammad Qazi Simon Ballance Katerina Kousoulaki Anne Kjersti Uhlen Dorinde Mechtilde Meike Kleinegris Kari Skjånes Anne RiederSammendrag
Cell wall disrupted and dried Microchloropsis gaditana (Mg), Tetraselmis chui (Tc) and Chlorella vulgaris (Cv) microalgae biomasses, with or without ethanol pre‐treatment, were added to wheat bread at a wheat flour substitution level of 12%, to enrich bread protein by 30%. Baking performance, protein quality and basic sensory properties were assessed. Compared to wheat, Mg, Tc and Cv contain higher amounts of essential amino acids and their incorporation markedly improved protein quality in the bread (DIAAS 57–66 vs 46%). The incorporation of microalgae reduced dough strength and bread volume and increased crumb firmness. This was most pronounced for Cv and Tc but could be improved by ethanol treatment. Mg gave adequate dough strength, bread volume and crumb structure without ethanol treatment. To obtain bread of acceptable smell, appearance, and colour, ethanol treatment was necessary also for Mg as it markedly reduced the unpleasant smell and intense colour of all algae breads. Ethanol treatment reduced the relative content of lysine, but no other essential amino acids. However, it also had a negative impact on in vitro protein digestibility. Our results show that Mg had the largest potential for protein fortification of bread, but further work is needed to optimize pre‐processing and assess consumer acceptance.
Håvard SteinshamnSammendrag
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Darius KviklysSammendrag
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Tor LunnanSammendrag
Ulike timoteisortar er prøvde i rettleiingsprøving hovudsakleg i Sør-Noreg på i alt 32 forsøksfelt. For tida (2020) er tre timoteisortar, ‘Grindstad’, ‘Lidar’ og ‘Liljeros’, marknadsførte i Sør-Noreg. ‘Grindstad’ er ein gammal sort, men står seg framleis godt sjølv om konkurransen frå nyare sortar blir stadig hardare. I denne granskinga gav ‘Liljeros’ større avling enn ‘Grindstad’ i høgareliggjande strøk. I lågareliggjande strøk gav ‘Liljeros’ i middel 11 FEm meir enn ‘Grindstad’ pr. daa, men denne forskjellen var ikkje statistisk signifikant. ‘Liljeros’ stod godt også samanlikna med ‘Lidar’ i høgareliggjande strøk. Andre prøvde norske sortar, ‘Lynne’, ‘Leidang’ og ‘Lerke’, utmerka seg ikkje i forhold til marknadssortane. Dei svenske sortane ‘SW Switch’ og ‘SW Ragnar’ nådde heller ikkje opp til dei norske marknadssortane...
Eva Narten HøbergSammendrag
Puspas er en gryterett med spesiell tilhørighet til Bergen. Retten blir ofte omtalt som bergensernes utvidede variant av fårikål. I tillegg til fårekjøtt og kål, inneholder retten gulrot, kålrot og gjerne andre grønnsaker. Hel pepper blir gjerne brukt i retten, på samme måte som vi kjenner fra fårikål.
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Henrik Forsberg MathiesenSammendrag
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Aurita Butkeviciute Mindaugas Liaudanskas Darius Kviklys Dalia Gelvonauskiene Valdimaras JanulisSammendrag
The interest in old cultivars of apple trees, their fruit and processed products is growing worldwide. Studies on the qualitative and quantitative composition of biological compounds are important for the evaluation of the quality and nutritional properties of apple fruit. A variation in the qualitative and quantitative composition of triterpenic compounds was found in the fruit of apple cultivars included in the collection of National Plant Genetic Resources. A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis showed that the fruit of the cultivar ‘Birutės pepinas’ had the highest total amount (5.17 ± 0.86 mg g-1) of triterpenic compounds. Higher total amounts of triterpenic compounds were also found in the fruit of apple cultivars ‘Tabokinė’ and ‘Panemunės baltasis’ (3.72 ± 0.57 and 4.25 ± 0.17 mg g-1, respectively). By the quantitative composition, triterpenic compounds in apple fruit were ranked in the following order: ursolic acid > oleanolic acid > corosolic acid > betulinic acid. The old apple cultivars ‘Birutės pepinas’, ‘Panemunės baltasis’ and ‘Tabokinė’ included in the collection of National Plant Genetic Resources have a potential for cultivation in industrial orchards and for the use of their apples, and processed apple products as natural functional foods rich in triterpenic compounds and adapted for medical purposes, including the prevention of various diseases. Key words: apple, old cultivars, triterpenic compounds.
Hannah Emma Emilie Strømsrud Haga Anne B. Nilsen Heidrun Asgeirsdatter Ullerud Anders BrynSammendrag
Aim Many thematic land cover maps, such as maps of vegetation types, are based on field inventories. Studies show inconsistencies among field workers in such maps, explained by inter-observer variation in classification and/or spatial delineation of polygons. In this study, we have tested a new method to assess the accuracy of these two components independently. Location Four study sites dominated by different ecosystems in southeast Norway. Methods We have used a vegetation-based land cover classification system adapted to a map scale of 1:5,000. First, a consensus map, a map that can be considered an approximation of a flawless map, was established. Secondly, the consensus map was adapted to test the accuracy of classification and polygon delineation independently. We used 10 field workers to generate a consensus map, and 14 new field workers (in pairs) to test the accuracy (n = 7). Results The results show that the accuracy of polygon delineation is lower than that of land cover classification. This is in contrast with previous studies, but previous research designs have not enabled a separation of the two accuracy components. Conclusion We recommend strengthening the training and harmonization of field workers in general, and increasing the emphasis on polygon delineation.